I have crushed bugs. Not for science. No need for class or placement. What makes better? What is broken? Right and wrong, left and leaving. existence. In the palm of your hand. Waiting and waiting. To cross territory uncharted. Clawing at the what if! Clawing and waiting To be squished.
You are sand. You find a way into everything. Everything I touch. Everything I eat. Everything I see. Everything is sand. Keep your hands. Worry about your own glass. I'll be doing the same. Waiting to be more like you.
The kids chemically induced Reduced to ego threnody.
Amidst chaos he possessed influence. Would disregard coincidence And curse at the omnipotent. Known as lonely pessimist Could laugh at their own ignorance. Pops was drunk. Waved goodbye to any kind of innocence. Patronized Sympathized Irrelevant Sunk below the sediment. If humans could be celibate This death would have ended it Instead of only him.
There is sickness. Subtle insecurity in the tallest tree. Pride in roots that try and wont break free. Stabbed propped up shadows behind the kindest smile trying the hardest. Men leaving nothing in death but souls. Cliche communications speaking in color. Gray paths never make sense. Never. And death is but not without life. There is sickness. Curving straight lines trying to make a point.