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1.1k · Jul 2013
Cara Jul 2013
at 1:06 am
because the one i love
is not being himself
and acting odd

at 1:07 am
because the one i love
did not say
i hope your dreams
are as beautiful as you

at 1:08 am
because i sometimes fear
that i am not enough
for the one i love
778 · Jun 2013
without you
Cara Jun 2013
each night
i go to bed alone
but talking to you
makes me feel less lonely

and when i get sleepy
and you say goodnight
i put the phone down
and i am overcome with fear.
647 · Mar 2016
Cara Mar 2016
3:30 am, I hear a cry,
My sisters had a bad dream.
I can't help but wonder why.

Yes, it was a nightmare
But not of the dream sort,
This one was reality,
Though I wish it were not.

Another young life taken away,
The sadness fills my heart,
Such a waste of someone's life,
A family torn apart.

4:47 we sit together,
Looking at the light
Of a house that's lost a son, a brother
On this awful night.

The town once more faces tragedy,
But it's strength will never cease,
We'll stick together to get through it all,
Jordan, rest in peace.
603 · Jun 2013
when i grow up
Cara Jun 2013
when i grow up
i do not want to live in a big house
i do not want to be rich
i do not want to be famous

when i grow up
i want nothing more
than to be happy
and with the one i love
483 · Jun 2013
to love
Cara Jun 2013
to love
to love someone
with all your heart
is an extraordinary thing,
to give them everything
and expect nothing
but their love in return.

but to love
to love someone
who does not love you in return

is far more extraordinary.

— The End —