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I stood there on the hill,
Staring out at you.
Knowing you were there,
But knowing you didnt see
me, didnt know what you
put me through.

The sun began to set,
casting golden light out across
The land. You swept her into
Your arms, Her long blond hair
swirling around your arms.
You were oblivious to my love.
Oblivious to my heartbreak.
How could you?
I felt myself began to fade,
My life becoming worthless.
The winter wind swept the willows
Off their leafless branches,
Because these crying trees
are bare until springtime.

Asdarkness crept slowly,
The old Dog bayed,
Crying out to all ,
All with whom he played.

Night fell, turning the
Sky to sinister sorrow.
With twinkling stars,
bright against the dark velvet sky.

The icy wind bit at the
Canines body, tearing his
Thin skin from his bony flesh.
Whimpering, whimpering in his
Slumber, dreaming of warmth
That cannot be, flames, Fire.
I melted, gazing deeply into his eyes,
I knew it was a love that cannot be.
You don’t know how much it hurts,
When you flirt with her.

You sat in front of me
And I could see your curl of hair,
But although you are my love,
You yearn for someone else.

I can see the way you look at her,
I can because that’s how I look
At you. My knees crumble,
I smile unwillingly, When your

Why can’t I be the one
You look at and love.
I am the one that would love you back.
The more you ignore me,
The more my heart breaks.
Why can’t you see, my love for you?
It feels so obvious. Why is it so hard?
I sit here and I see you smile,
My whole world brightens up.
You are my whole world and
Your emotions are mine.
When you cry, I crumble.
When you're happy,
I celebrate.
When you're mad, I'm angry.
But yet I know, your heart belongs to another.
Someone who is not me.
 Sep 2013 Candy Floss Fairy
She goes about her day to day and does her duties to perfection,
She cries alone and works her way through fears and self rejection.
No one knows this angel is carrying around such grief,
If they only saw a glimpse of things they'd sigh in disbelief.
She seems to be so perfect not one single flaw,
Everyone looks at her with envy If they only knew it all.
Her heart aches with loneliness and her tears disguised with pride,
Why does she care what they think its becoming too much for her to hide.
She sits at home and pours her heart out to a man that doesn't really care,
He never hears a word she says he looks right through her as if she's not really there.
She is running out of friends to confide in and family's gone astray,
Alone and broken hearted, she slits her wrists and slowly fades away.
This poem isn't by me. I just read it on the internet. I saw that it said 'By anonymous', and I thought that Hello Poetry was really popular so people needed to see how amazing this poem is. <3

— The End —