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camren raymond Feb 2013
Meandering roads
Lead me away from you
At least once more
Ubiquitous places
Commonality of everywhere
Welcome blur of everything at 90 miles per hour
camren raymond Jul 2010
my own eyes have asked payment
the sight of you
what it does to me
this sense of urgent anxiety
thinking of it as...hurry
get it over with
turn and walk away
my heart does not beat
at your beauty
it awaits stunned for
first glimpse of the day reaction
smile and hello
it beats again
camren raymond Jun 2010
all i remember
cold sunless days
could you be
my absentee sun?
seeing life through
a pane of forever-
rained on glass
rotate past my worries
bring only
brightly lit daydreams
to this encroaching overcast.
camren raymond Jun 2010
the intrigue of youth
the unknowing anxiety
the first time
how things can change
first in my mind
i perceive a difference
taking hold
a new type of pain
not dull not stinging
holding on by doubt
placed by fear
so unexpectedly it led me here
a forgotten world of uncertainty
instilled in me by the first time
i saw your incredibly silver/gray eyes.
camren raymond Jun 2010
What can you say
when you have thrown
it all away?
what can you do
when everyone is
1000 miles away?
today is only one
singular moment.
wasted seconds
spent on...sure you
are alive but pushing
then pulling.
just once i thought
i knew what it could
mean to be you.
somehow that greater
meaning was washed
away by the look in your
eyes, so haunting a stare
send me home to there.
all that matters what
makes sense what is
remembered how could
you forget but i never
thought of that either
you or me how can i
believe that i am right
when everything seems
so much like a lost fight
camren raymond Jun 2010
here it stands
everyone knows
sees it everyday
all over the world
it stands tall
it's stance is wide
the biggest
the best reminder
created for one
reason only
a singular monument
to a just cause
no one can forget this
they see it with sleeping eyes
open your eyes
the first thing you see
it has stood forever
the oldest persons
first memory
mentioned in every book
ever written
the presence of it
polluting your every
no one ever imagined
it would be forgotten
not for what it is
not for not being
because no one
remembers what
it was built for.

— The End —