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Cammie Smith Jan 2013
We are alone in my room after our tenth date. I like you, you like me no longer will we have to wait. You asked me “Am I ready” I shake my head yes. I pray this won't be my biggest regret. He takes my hand and kisses my lips. I am surprised he did not miss. We lay back on the bed and look each other in the eye. I can read his soul and his is looking into mine. He starts to kiss me on my neck and then I let out a huge sigh. He climbs on top of me. I can feel his chest on top of mine. He takes my hands and pins them above my head and starts to kiss me passionately. My body starts to warm up his does to. He put his had up my shirt my mind starts to scream out for more. He stops out passionate kiss to take off his shirt. His  body is so perfect I almost thought I would fall apart. He starts to pull my pants down. I start to feel a beautiful feeling down below. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out that golden rubber. He slides it on in a record amount time. He looks at me again deeply in my eyes and leans down and whispers in my ear, “you are absolutely beautiful” a tiny smile develops on my face. He enters inside and a lighting bolt of pleasure enters my body. In and out the love,pleasure and passion builds up with every stroke as we become one. The pleasure builds up in my body more and more until together out body bursts into a millions of pieces in the room. His body falls down next to mine and we both look each other and smile. That was a very memorable first time
Cammie Smith Jan 2013
I look back on the memories I didn't know I had

At times I smile though the pain Even though it hurts so bad

I know you smile down at me with every step I take

I know you are still with me when I make dumb mistakes

I was little when you left me,i never really understood why

I knew you were going to a better place with that man in the sky

Sometimes I sit and wonder how it would be if you were still with us on earth

I know up there you are with out any pain,down here you would feel much worse

With that I know heaven is a peacefull place,because I know when I get there the first thing

I'll see is your smileing face.
Cammie Smith May 2014
Unsightly is a word that the dictionary defines disgraceful or unpleasant to look at or in other words just plan ugly. When the one you love calls part of you unsightly. It can leave the deepest cut in your heart. I never really noticed the moles until he pointed them out. Now that's all I see when I look in the mirror, that's all I see when I take a shower. I even start to count them as time goes on...1..2...3..4..The more I count the louder I hear the word unsightly with every number I repeat it in my head 10...11..12... WHY WOULD THE MAN I LOVE call me a cleaned up word of ugly? I thought he was suppose to see every single part of me as beautiful from the tips of my un pedicured toes to the top of my un combed hair. And with a smile he was suppose to say you are so beautiful. "I didn't mean it like that" he says. "I thought you wanted to get them removed" he would utter. Every time he would try to back peddle on the word he spoke to me the knife would dig deeper. NO you want me to get them removed because they make you uncomfortable. You wanted me to get them removed because you hated to look at them. But don't worry about it anymore. This face, these eyes, this body, my smile, this skin, these moles. Is something you no longer have to feel uncomfortable looking at. I will find someone that will love every single blemish on my body and more then you ever did. But you did leave me thinking how could I love someone who's heart was so unsightly.

— The End —