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Camille Dec 2024
oder besser siebtgespalten?
das Leiden jedes spüren
und doch nichts machen können
in die eine richtung gezogen
in die andere gestreckt
das zwischenmenschliche fühlen
und doch niemanden gerecht werden
sich selbst am wenigsten
stark sein für andere
stark sein wollen oder stark sein müssen?
ich will jedem ein Stückchen Leid abnehmen
doch bin ich wie gelähmt
kann niemanden helfen

so viel steckt in der luft
doch wie bringt man es aus der luft?
eigenständig kann ich nicht für alle zuständig sein

die last fällt auf mich
allen eine last abzunehmen
doch warum eigentlich?
eine eingebildete last

ich fühle viel
doch kann wenig machen
ich versuche viel
doch schaffe weniger
Camille Jan 2023
it holds so much power
i want to live
live in a high-energy city
the thought of it wires me up
finally something filling me up with excitement
i want to live
live fully
the world is open for me
it‘s waiting for me and my power
so protect my energy
and fill it up with more
because energy is power
living is power
i am power
Camille Nov 2022
When you can’t anymore
When you feel like it’s the end of the world
Turn to love
It‘s the only way
Accept help
Going through it alone won‘t do it
Turn to the people who have always been there
Trust me, i have tried
Nothing else will save me
Love is the only way
Open up
Camille Nov 2022
today i’m seeing pink skies
yesterday i saw a rainbow
perfect timing
i am so grateful for the universe & its signs
comforting me & showing me that i’m on the right path and i’m not alone
that i am on a journey

the journey is mine
and i am strong enough to continue
Camille Nov 2022
I love that I am strong
Or call it resilient
And I love that I know I can get through anything
As long as I have myself
I love that I can build trust in myself
Even though sometime I fail
But that is part of the process
And the process is all I need to trust.
This is my journey -
And I am strong enough for it.
Camille Oct 2022
normally the only time i write poetry
is when i‘m going through ****
feeling like ****
acting ******
breaking to pieces, drowning, a storm inside of me
i am a poet when inspiration strikes
i don’t control the art i make,
the art controls me, so to say

so i just wanted to say
keep being poets and letting it out
until you can be non-poets again
Camille Sep 2022
my heart feels heavy again
weighing me down & stopping me in my flow.
i hadn’t realized it had gotten better
it felt like there was suddenly a ladder to climb up from my dark hole i had fallen in,
and now i’m so grateful for the time in between.
was it because of the summer?
was is the fact i finally confided in someone?
after that improvement came the excitement for something new.
a new period of experiences, challenges and growth.
but where has that gone now?
i am now suddenly back in my old headspace - the ladder has disappeared again.
all alone in my dark hole.
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