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Oct 2012 · 1.3k
I'm Sorry
A friendship older than our wisdom is what we share
ever since before I knew how to love, you've always been there.
And I to you, no matter the location nor the hands on the clock
Our memories are stored in a box, I am a key and you are the lock.
I maybe not be able to open you the first few times, but eventually I do
because we both know these struggles aren't greater than me and you.
I am small on the inside, with the self confidence of a rock, and a fragile heart
But together we are large, and I can get through anything that wouldn't tear us apart.
After hearing and feeling all that was said today, it made our friendship a non sequitur.
what kind of friend feels hatred for the other even for one second, or even feel bitter?
Well, the answer is not us, which is why this day is so hard for me to fathom
you didn't deserve a thing that I said and this argument should have never happened.
I'm back to myself by myself, alone, hurt, regretful, and so very small
Though we may not be as close as we used to, the anguish is still extremely tall
Even before today, I felt like a bother to your life, over dramatic I know
but I can't control my thoughts, which results in my bliss being low
You mean the world and the universe to me, and I meant nothing of what I said
anger got the best of me, because harsh words sink my heart before they get to my head
I hope we can be those little girls again, wondering how cool we'd be when we grow up together,
except now we can use real cell phones, and share that same friendship, just me and you forever.
Why do you keep bringing me down?
When it is I who have always kept you up when your knees gave out and for one second you forgot how to stand, but I never cared if it was a half of a second I would be there to help you walk it off, or most of the time talk it off because when people have feelings built inside their chest it makes it so much harder for them to breathe, but when they have a friend or even just an ear to spill their thoughts into, they feel as if they have the right to be on this Earth.
Why do you keep bringing me down?
When it is I who takes all of you **** and sticks around in hopes that maybe one day you'll change, maybe one day you'll realize that I could be the only person who will love you unconditionally but I feel you...
I feel you using my ribcage as a ladder to climb to my heart to eventually break it
and I know everyone always wants to get to the top, but does that really mean leaving the ones you "love" at the bottom?
Why do you keep bringing me down?
When it was I who took the anger and hurt you gave me and filtered it into a love that burns so bright not even the sun is considered its competition
because Ive always wanted something more than a lonely Saturday night with thoughts of who I could be loving or who I could be wasting my time on.
Why do you keep bringing me down?
When it was I who told you to never give up, and to chase your dreams even if you trip over reality
get back up and run faster than you were before. Because not everyday is a guaranteed open door.
Just think of the life you could have if you never gave up on anything. I told you this, and yet you still gave up on me
Why do you keep bringing me down?
When I'm already hammered into the ground.
Sep 2012 · 717
Oh how lovely she is with her bright sunshine,
even with rain she still sparks a smile of mine.
From her green grass to her thick crust
is great beauty that causes inevitable lust.
I want to explore every detail of her existence
but theres so much to discover, one would need assistance.
Yet, I do not skip outside to admire everyday that she breathes
and I do not look up at the blue sky and at the tall trees.
Instead, I sit inside, doors closed along with the blinds,
because it is hard for me to sit back and unwind.
People that you give a home destroy you,
and it leaves me hopeless, not knowing what to do.
So I close my eyes away from where you show,
but being away from you leaves me with woe.
You deserve so much, yet I give you nothing to be.
But earth, my beautiful earth, please forgive me,
because our time together is long, but not forever.
So today I will stop listening to the harsh sounds of your inhabiters,
and I will open my ears to the sweet sounds of your many voices
Soothe me with your light so I can be one of your positive noises.
I not only want to be a part of you, but I want to be the best part too
so that when our time is through, I won't regret one moment that I spent with you.
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Gossip Game
I know all that I speak, but none of what I hear,
so help me to speak words of certainty without fear.
I'm tired of hearing mice squeak unwanted sounds
but I cannot escape it, for they are in all of the towns.
They crawl around humans and corrupt humble lives.
And when I see them, my heartbeat barley survives.
But there are some humans who take that mouse and shoo it out
which leaves the mouse confused as to why the human didn't shout.
Oh Lord teach me to not entertain the gossip that occurs around me
because a serpent will come to eat these mice, and that's darkness I never want to see.
Aug 2012 · 1.8k
Soft Hearted
Sweet sweet sorrows, you know me far too well,
a smile is a story that I forgot how to tell.
"Just brush it off young girl", they say
"this silly frown will not stay"
Is this supposed to comfort me?
well, it doesn't seem to be.
Because something won't matter in a year,
doesn't mean that it isn't now here.
I can't fathom how people can just let go,
release grip on something they want to know.
My sensitive heart can't withstand much
it clings onto to everything that I touch.
It's so endearing, this ***** of mine,
how can one hurt so bad yet look so fine?
If I could wipe away my tears forever I would not
because I would rather an intricate sphere than a dot.
Everything that has hurt me ever so much
has taught me a lesson on what not to touch.
So when I wipe my eyes and prepare for a new day,
I bring with me my untold smile, and until sleep it will stay.
Aug 2012 · 1.7k
Questionable Questions
Who are you truly, behind closed doors?
Do you respect all that is theirs and yours?
Do you smile at yourself like you do on the streets?
Or is that just a cover for your sorrowful heartbeats?
Are you reluctant to doing all that you scorn others for?
Or are you just a ***** hypocrite and nothing more?
Do you truly care about the answers to these questions?
Or are you just nosey without a spine or suggestions?
So many questions but too little answers,
the verdict will **** us all like cancers.
Aug 2012 · 2.4k
Truthful Savior
A liar does not experience one but two lies,
a lie in anothers ear and a lie in their own eyes.
How can they look in the mirror with such pride
when their life is some kind of fictional ride.
What mother is proud to admit their child is a liar,
one who only knows truth behind a lie by desire.
Believe all what you see and none of what you hear
this is what I do, due to all my internal fear.
Of being made a fool by someone who fooled me
into thinking I need to be worry free.
I have a high wall set up for everyone around me now
but for the ones who deserve to get over, will they, how?
This is the tricky part about this world of uncertainty
You'll never know who deserves a life in harmony.
You must fall to learn the pain of hitting the ground,
nothings ever promised unless it is a lesson that you've found.
The only thing that can be true and certain
is your own mind, feelings, behind your smiling curtain.
So take this as a life lesson, and carry it to your grave,
the only one we can count on is the only one who can save.
Jul 2012 · 534
Dear You
If I could ever want anything more, I would take it for my own
forgetting permission, forgetting what feelings have been shown.
I'd rather have nothing else if it meant having you for good.
But I hate feeling like this, unlike a teenage girl should.
What makes this ever worse is the mental picture in my mind,
of you and me sharing a kiss, and other gestures, so kind.
I know that I am unsure if you want me as I want you,
but I know that I could give you a smile, never a feeling of blue.
I know that I would give you everything that you could ever desire
I can show you a different kind of love that burns like fire.
Yet, I am so naive to this feeling, and this care for another
but I know I am ready to share this, so I no longer have to wonder.
I do not want to share this with just anyone,
only you, because it's my heart that you have won.
Jul 2012 · 543
Rough Around the Edges
I am a shell,
rough on the outside
as everyone can tell.
But I hide so much,
on the inside are things
that only I can touch.
The things are so beautiful
these things inside
but I make this inscrutable.
Because I am afraid,
ever so frightened
that my life will never be made
I have to reveal these things
deep inside of me
as if they were new kings
an angel with wings
or a mute that sings.
I am ready to take on life
to the best of my ability
regardless the strife.
but a push would be nice.
Jul 2012 · 708
Rash Feelings
There are no hands on the clock of love
it all seems true when push comes to shove.
Those who know this kind of feeling
understand its rare meaning.
Keep your eyes open to the fact of the matter
though it feels so right, it may not last forever.
But never lose that hope and those dreams,
because you may give up before you know what it means.
Keep a wall up and don't make yourself seem vulnerable,
though you may want to fall fast because it's so wonderful.
But open your heart to the idea of fully loving another,
because if it slips away you may spend hours in wonder.
Keep your standards high and your chin even higher,
settling for less is never something that one would desire.
But realize the greatest of things come in odd packages,
because the one wrapped in gold know how to do damages.
Most of all:
Keep yourself up and ready to feel appalled,
but know that the catch is always better than the fall.
Jul 2012 · 599
Call Me
Call me, if I am in the middle of the greatest slumber,
for I will never let you rain without my thunder.
Call me, if you feel lost and not at home,
for I will reassure you that you are not alone.
Call me, if you are bored and in need entertainment
for I have a couch, snacks, and movies we can rent.
Call me, if you receive your first heart break
for I will show you love that will never be fake.
Call me, if you would just like to smile,
I love making others laugh longer than a mile.
And darling, call me, if you ever need a friend,
for I will be there forever, till the end.
Jul 2012 · 579
An Older Boy
It is, that one moment.
when you realize that you want it.
Like a kid who feasts his eyes on a new toy,
or a teenage girl who falls in love with an older boy.
Their eyes stare into something they think they need
and they want it all to themselves, showing greed.
The mother of that child wants to give her son a smile
but she wants to show him true happiness for a while.
The kind of happiness that her naive boy cannot physically feel,
but he is reluctant to learning, for he wants something real.
Like that teenage girl, she wants to give and receive true love,
but she wants to know from whom will this love come from.
The older guy has a way with words, and an ever so charming grin
he knows that if he tells her meaningless statements that he will win.
This girl will fall for any trick to find out what this word love means
so she gave him her everything because they were in love, so it seemed.
On the bright side, the young boy got his toy that he "needed" so badly,
but this naive boy never did learn how to be truly happy.
So he grew up thinking everything was a game, and girls were toys,
and that teenage girl fell in love, with him, and didn't care about the other boys.
This girl had to learn the hard way, that not everyone who says I love you will stay,
he left her, with broken promises, a broken heart, and went away...away....away.

At least she had the ability to love someone, not something
She will one day find a man, not a boy, who will give her everything.
Jun 2012 · 583
Wise Words
Oh shout, never whisper your thoughts
only loud voices get their point across.
Practice all that you believe and preach
or all your worth will be ****** as blood to a leech.
Believe that you are, not just one of many,
but one of few outdoing others plenty.
Reach out to those who have less than you,
one good deed can pull many smiles through.
Stay true to yourself, and realize that one simple dream
can evolve into something greater than the world has ever seen.
Jun 2012 · 637
I Will Meet You Again
What I would do to have you wandering  this unfair earth again,
or better yet, what I would do to see you safe, through the gates of heaven.
I cannot begin to explain the countless breezy nights consisting of me waiting
patiently waiting for a sign that you are safe or simply you stating
that you are in the hands of another,
so I no longer have to wonder
where I'll meet you again.
You must be in heaven.
Jun 2012 · 402
Lonely Night
Tonight, it is me and a glass of wine
though you may think otherwise, I feel fine.
Tonight, it is me and the dark sky,
I love the night, and the stars are why.
Tonight, it is me and my own mind,
it continues to seek what it cannot find.
Tonight, it is me alone, without you,
knowing what to say, but not knowing what to do.
Jun 2012 · 733
One in a Million
Life wouldn't be worth living alone
but only one person serves as my back bone.
She's a bright sunshine hidden in shades of grey,
she makes a hopeless heart feel the need to stay.
She's the muscles to my smile, the beat to my heart
without her my life, my world would fall apart.
She makes a sad ****** expression seem almost impossible,
with her warm embrace that gets me through every obstacle.
She has eyes that resemble a clear summer night
the feeling so warm, and the view so bright.
We would cover our eyes from the world and it's destruction
simply to stare into the horizon of an empty ocean.
We've shared stories, laughs, and too many tears,
but now we share memories that can last us years.
So Jade, being the stone of wisdom and prosperity,
whenever you feel alone, remember you're a part of me.
I wouldn't rather a person other than beautiful you,
to call my best friend and expience all we've been through.
So take my word when I so sincerely say
I will be your best friend, forever and today.
Jun 2012 · 1.7k
Second Best
From when I was young till the present,
everything I did was always placed second.
But back then, it didn't matter much to me
because I knew what I now cannot see
I knew that my best should be enough,
even though accepting that can be tough.
Now I come second to a girl of great beauty,
she's something that I could never be.
She is oblivious to my existence,
which makes it easier for resistance
to pursue a love that isn't rightfully mine.
Why did I feel as if I was on cloud nine,
while being the girl called a home wrecker,
he made me feel as if she did not matter.
Now the verdict has been discussed and it's in
she is victorious and me, I did not win.
I feel surprised, but at home as well
love was never a story that I could tell
I hope to one day be deserving of first place
in someones heart, for them to feel my face,
and acknowledge the fact that they love me
only me, and thoughts of another could not be.
Jun 2012 · 2.2k
Thanks to No One.
When I feel unappreciated,
my heart feels unaided.
I give everything to everyone,
and I get everything from no one.
I do not expect money for a gift
but at least give my hopes a lift,
to my dream of this world being fair,
because my reality has learned not to care.
So thanks to no one for being as kind as me,
and no thanks to everyone who could not be.
Jun 2012 · 567
Setting Love Free
The days when I had happiness now seem so far away;
you said you’d never leave me but you left my heart astray.
The eyes with sparkles that you had once admired,
now have turned from hope, dull and uninspired.
Though losing love is a struggle, greatest beyond measure,
your happiness has always been my one true treasure.
I’ll miss the strength I felt buried in your chest,
I’ll miss everything that we shared, so different from the rest.
But when you truly love someone, it’s then you’ll see,
their smile is worth setting true love free.
Jun 2012 · 507
Patient Love
Everyone wonders where to find love,
they'll look left, right, below, and above.
But what they don't seem to understand,
is that love must be given to them by hand.
The greatest of things come unexpected,
to those who are not impatiently infected.
So try closing your eyes, and opening your heart,
then you and your lover can't be too far apart.
My tears shed are absorbed in my bed,
due to thoughts of you, lingering, in my head.
I know you did not want to leave us behind,
but no one on earth has control of when it's their time.
I wish I could hear your voice once more,
I hope I make you smile like I did once before.
Before you accepted death's hand in eternity,
before I could tell you all that you mean to me.
I keep with me so many memories that we have made,
some that will stay in my heart and never fade.
Pictures capture a present moment that soon becomes the past,
but what makes every photo beautiful is that it makes that time last.
The camera beheld your beauty, greatest beyond measure,
but now it can never snap another photo of us together.
Not because I'll never see you again,
but because there are no cameras nor photos in heaven.
May 2012 · 1.4k
Unfathomable Happiness
The creases in my fingerprint give me originality,
originality made from those who created me.
Without a tree, there would be no fruit,
and there would be no tree if there were no root.
They all give each other purpose and reason,
like my family who gives me something to believe in.
Many find joy in ripping the fruit from its home,
leaving the rest of its growth feeling incomplete and quite alone.
But what it soon comes to realize is that this is life,
you hope for a plate and you get a knife.
One day the rest of the tree will be a main factor
to something much greater that truly matters.
It's only then that it will understand
why He took the fruit with his hand.
He has a plan for us all,
and like ripe fruit, he will never let us fall.

— The End —