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Caleb Cross Feb 2016
Please don't cry
Tears rolling down your face
It's on you I rely
fears coming at you
Leaving you alone in a dark place
How much I love you I cannot deny
The memories I have with you I'll never erase
I want more
Give me more
Bad timing
So what
It's not the end
I can see things with you later, around the bend
When we both can depend
On Who we are
What we are
Who we want
What we want
I'm not getting my hopes up
But I can't help and think
After a year or three
I'll take you out for a drink,
You wouldn't  have to kiss me,
Just give me a wink
I'd say yes before I could blink
I want you so bad
let me wipe those sad tears from your eyes
I'll have patience when you're mad
Rub your back when you're sad
I'll cherish the highs
Reflect when we're low
Break through societies lies
With you I will continue to grow
I need you to know
I don't do any of this for show
When I see you inside I glow
You have my heart
Please protect it
Caleb Cross Feb 2016
I'm sorry I've been distant,
I see that now in every instant,
My heart breaks.
Every piece has a price.
Do I have what it takes?
If you're effected by my problem how do you stay strong and love me giving me the perfect advice?
I'll never forget, the feeling I got,
Seeing you cry, knowing I made you upset,
I've been a brick wall
You open up to me, you trust me, then you fall,
It's not your fault, it couldn't be, no babe, not at all,
It's me who's hurt you, it's me, it's my fault
I've cut you, deeply, and in your wound I've poured salt.
I know you've forgiven me,
And that's more than I deserve,
I hope that you begin to see
I'm learning, growing, trying to preserve,
If I ever make a tear roll down your soft cheek and drop,
My heart right there, on the spot, might stop.
Thank you for having grace,
Even in our strife,
What we have is a long, long race,
And babe you just gave me new breathe and new life
Caleb Cross Feb 2016
There once was this girl
Who represented a black pearl
At first glance she was a screwup
At second glance a mistake
But in 6 months this girl grew up
And became the one girl I, let my heart, take
I realize this rare, black pearl
Is one very special special girl
Caleb Cross Dec 2015
I can feel it all around
This strange feeling I have found
I can feel it, see it, hear it's sound
I can feel it all around

This itch I just cannot yet scratch
This heart that quickly had to attach
This body has now met its match
This itch I just cannot yet scratch

None can know exactly how it touches
For all who breathe have their very own crutches
Alas, alas, I hear my sweet sweet dutchess
None can know exactly how she touches

Through two blue orbs I gaze all night
Hoping, dreaming, I may catch sight
The thing that has me praying with fright
Through two blue orbs I gaze all night

Whispers, whispers, all around
That which finds me shaking on the ground
Please! Please! Let me once. More hear the sound
I can but just feel YOU all around

— The End —