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248 · Jun 2016
You're amazing
Caiuã Costa Jun 2016
Beautiful as a coral on the sea floor,
Only generate conflict inside me,
At the sound of silence, shines the endless sea,
Every time I want to love you.

Just only a sign to make me delirious
And I just can not stop looking,
So I try not to kiss you,
All details make your eyes a sea.

My view is always a horizon,
Always see utopias,
At a game lovers
Endless, so I can look

Every step I want to come back
And back, walking against the direction
Just to be able to find you
But I remember then,
That one day we can cross in.

These looks, make me want to continue
These manias tell me where to focus,
This way of playing without analyzing
I like to look at you,
And forever stop hating me.
185 · Jun 2016
Words are meaningless
Caiuã Costa Jun 2016
I wish I could say that I love you,
I wish, that I could just say that I need you,
I just wish for you to see that I'm here,
I just wish that I could wish,
But I can see that words are meaningless,
I can see that all that really matters,
It matters to us all, the real feelings,
Because words, they're just words,
And that is it, that is the absolute truth,
No one can say the real truth,
No one can say you're nothing,
Only you, only you can say what is truth,
Because that will matters to you,
That is what will make you happy,
That, just that is what I wish I could save it for you,
That the feel of love could be more than just stars,
More than just feels, more than just tears...
The feeling that dies inside you,
Lived to tell another day, that you failed...
You failed the world, the meaning...
And I can find the beauty in it.
I can live another day to tell the truth.
To show that I'm alive.

— The End —