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Caity Klaassen Feb 2017
My body is not up for a penny or dime.
My female feministiy has been created with the ut most Devine.
Freckle by freckle, curve by curve.

I am a women and I will shine.

I will shine because I don't need make up to ignite my fire.
I have already been set ablaze

With my wild hair my thoughts,my feelings, my gestures my inner most nature of being a women.

Why hide from it when you should be owning it. Society often makes it seem that boys do one thing and girls do another and that there aren't any in betweens

To hell with society and what they think.

I am a women and I will shine.

I will shine for those who can't, stand up for those who have been told kitchen is kitchen and women are made for babies babies and more babies.

I will shine because I have the ability to shine because being a women doesn't make you less or more, it just makes you equal.

And equal is for all.

My inner most flesh desires a day where women are no longer classified by there breast or ***  but by there intelligence, feelings and inner most zest.

I am a women and I will shine.

We are women and we will shine.
Caity Klaassen Jun 2016
There is no end
No end to life
No end to love
It's all infinite

Kinda scares me how we just keep going
Day in and day out
In a muse of madness
Doing the same thing everyday

We've lost our "it" factor.
Where's your character...

I don't like who I have become
Silence is needed in this madness

I think you need me time. Us time. Family time. God time.

What's next?
Another test ?
That at the end of the day means nothing
Another sports match ?
that ends in a draw. Felt like wasted time.

Time is what I need. Time to tell the people I love, I love them. And be simple focused on nothing else but them.

It's time out. And the world needs to play along.
Caity Klaassen Apr 2016
I'm finding it hard to breathe lately,
society is contaminating my air.

They coming for you. They might destroy you. Precautions are needed.

Dress right or else they'll talk. Act right or else they'll talk. What ever you do they might just talk.

Try out run them. They aim  for too much.Their heads are in the clouds but their feet are still hanging on the ground.

I get mad when I see it, this phone ruled world. There's people dying and everybody so worried about their next typed word.

Forgive me if I'm old fashion but where is the simplicity of life. The one where mom tucks you in and dad fixes your bike.

Society can ruin you, let along destroy you. Think out of the box they say.

However when you do they'll turn their heads away. Contradiction to its finest. Be who you are and Don't be afraid.
Caity Klaassen Apr 2016
It was kind of dark out.
The sky representing the way I felt.
No one in sight, just another day
Earth offered.

I looked at you with that hopeless smile
as if life had been drained
from my eyes.

But I realized I will Never
understand you, let alone your
crazy solutions to your
often questioned life.

I have one chance to perfect this
or try and make it as perfect as I can.
I don't want you to hold me back
release me and I will be

— The End —