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232 · Dec 2014
we say
lotus lord Dec 2014
We say I love you but do you mean it

We are young and how no idea what life will do for us
And yet here we are in high school saying I love you

How do we even know mean it or what its supost to fell like
232 · Dec 2014
the world
lotus lord Dec 2014
Snow fall so light falls with out a care
Little kids play with out a care in the world

You look and wish you could protect them from the cold dark world we have made from them

But all you do is snails and say I will change the world so such things can be chairished
229 · Dec 2014
not perfect but permanent
lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we were little we have been told practice makes perfect

But from what I have seen practice does not perfect it makes permanent
229 · Jan 2015
i want
lotus lord Jan 2015
im so hungry
and sleepy
cant i just have a lazy day?
225 · Jan 2015
new year
lotus lord Jan 2015
The new year has come and I'm so excited

My first true date in 2 days with a guy I like to start it off right

An imaginary kiss since he couldnt be here

But the thought count and so does it
225 · Jan 2015
playing every girl
lotus lord Jan 2015
how can you keep playing

you sit there acting all lovely on me
and yet you don't fell bad when you have a girlfriend

its bad when non of your  girlfriends can trust you
because you play them along like every other girl

but when i catch you in a lie
all you do is shrug and don't give a care

i don't know about you but at least i know what loyalty is

because down the road you just going to stay the same way never change and ill be the one married and have loving kids

but i guess you just don't know what love is
i have to deal with this on a ex who i have no idea what i saw in him it just makes me mad the he plays me along and tells me non of his girlfriends have ever trust him because he plays so much
225 · Sep 2015
i miss you
lotus lord Sep 2015
I miss my best friend
I miss my sister

yet you are not here

I need to have you to laugh
to cry when it gets to much

I need to know your ok
to know your safe

yet I cant be there

I need you so bad
I think of you all the time
I miss you
my best friend is the world to me... to be honest I would give up twitch for her because she means so much...I miss you alyssa
lotus lord Sep 2015
if you need i will stay
if you want me i will stay
if you care about me i will stay

when you don't need me i will leave
when you through me to the side i will leave
when you don't care i will leave

i will stay when i am needed
but once you stop needing me i will leave
220 · Dec 2014
lotus lord Dec 2014
I want you so much
But yet you have another

You hug me tell me you love me and miss me
And I stay by your side no matter what

But how long can I stay when I know I'm crying on the inside and it tars me to pieces before it kills me
219 · May 2016
i'm not over you
lotus lord May 2016
i say i'm over you

that now your just my best friend
i stay up in the night talking to you

i think about the good times we had

but when i find your dating someone
i cry because i'm hurting
i'm missing you more then ever

and then i see

i'm not over you
217 · Nov 2015
lotus lord Nov 2015
deep down i still love you

but i know i can not show it

you try to make me jealous
you tell me you have another

and yet you say
i love you
216 · Dec 2014
the true meaning
lotus lord Dec 2014
The true meaning of Christmas
We have all for gotten

People think its all about giving the right gift
What will I get

And if its not something we want or under the tree
we get upset

But really I could do without the presents
For I only want to help people in need
Make a kid happy and smile

For the true meaning of Christmas is to help those in need and not what anything in return
212 · Dec 2014
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm tired
I'm sleepy
I dont want to go to school just to be laugh at
My parents wonder why I don't want to go to school but truth be told I can't stand to talk about it
I'm tired I'm sleepy
212 · Dec 2014
are minds
lotus lord Dec 2014
its funny how are mind tells us things that we dont even understand

when we have a dream or night mare we see people who we do not know
people we have not seen in a long time

they show us dream that we dont under
nightmares we dont want to see

its funny how are minds tells us thing we dont understand
208 · Jun 2015
younger me
lotus lord Jun 2015
this is to younger me

most people would write
don't do this
go do that

but i'm not going to

you have a wonderful life ahead of you
you'll have hard times and you'll have good ones
just keep doing what your doing

you'll be glad you did
205 · Dec 2014
hard to be me
lotus lord Dec 2014
why is it so hard to be myself

you have some people who want you to change
but then there's other people who want you to stay the same

people are all about what popular today
what cool and whats not
what you need to have when we know most of the time you don't

people always are trying to please everyone else
but them they forget to please them self

by them time everything is said and done almost everyone has forgotten about being them selves

why is it so hard to be me
204 · Jun 2015
why cant people talk to me
lotus lord Jun 2015
why cant people come talk to me

you go behind my back
and do something that will hurt me later on

you never come to me and ask to talk
never once

if people came to me and sat me down
told me whats going on

there wouldn't be hurt
wouldn't be drama

i would be better than i am now

but yet you still go behind my back

why cant people talk to me
204 · Dec 2014
why tell the truth
lotus lord Dec 2014
how is it that the good get punished and the wrong gets away

we have been told if you tell the truth you will not get in as much trouble if you told a lie

but just think if you tell he truth you do get introuble but if you lie theres the chance you get away

so why tell the truth
200 · Jun 2015
it will always be ok
lotus lord Jun 2015
this is something i say to my best friend

things may seem that there after you
that the world hate you
that everyone is against you

but its not like this
you are given these hard time
to make you stronger

yes you'll see who your real friends are
but you'll become stronger
its only there to help you

so it will always be ok
199 · Dec 2014
lotus lord Dec 2014
Let then go
For it will cause you more pain than before

You've have the good and bad time with them
Don't look back and regret it because you know you'd do anything to have it back

Its a part of life, if they come back then maybe its ment to be

You look back to your kids and tell your past of the lessons you have learned

They'll always be a part of you and you know that
Learn to love and forgive
196 · Dec 2014
time will tell
lotus lord Dec 2014
Time will tell when its ready

We wait like a kid on Christmas to find out

If there the one,
If are dreams will come true,
If we get married or have kids,
If we get want we want,
If we will ever be happy in life,

Time will tell when its ready
195 · Jun 2015
last day
lotus lord Jun 2015
the school year is coming to end
i have to say good bye to all my  friend
there will be tears

some that i know ill never see again
and some that i know i have had a great time with

the end is near
and i know they have changed my life
and i hope i have changed theres

its off to a new school that no one wants to go
i did fight all that i could
and parents did to but that never changed a mind

so now my last day is coming soon
and i dont want to let go
i dont want to cry

but i do want  to change there lives

i hope my last day goes well
and for all my friend i love you with all my heart
this will be a sad day in a week i dont want alyssa nor twitch to go they are the  one who i will cry all night about for i want them in my life and want them by my side
193 · Sep 2015
it gets to much
lotus lord Sep 2015
it gets to much

im made a mistake and I said I was sorry
but it doesn't mean you hve the right to attack me

I love someone so much
but yet I have to let you go
time and time again

I know the truth and I want people to know
yet you tell everyone im lieing
and tell me you punch me if I don't shut up

it gets to much and ill cry
but I still get made fun of because you don't know

it gets to much
this has been my morning 3 different people 3 different promblems... im about to just cry even more then I already am
192 · Dec 2014
just think
lotus lord Dec 2014
You make fun  of me for what
To make you feel better about your self

But how can you feel better
You hurt someone who you really don't know

You want to say I have it worse
But why even say it just so you make it all about you

Just think when you hurt someone other people are hurt as well
190 · Dec 2014
lotus lord Dec 2014
Life is way short

We have dreams and hope
Family to see
Children to see grow up
Grand children to met
Things to take care of

Life is way to short
190 · Dec 2014
just remember
lotus lord Dec 2014
When we make a choice or do something for netter or worst it effects people more than you think

When it effects you it effects all who care about you and then it mat effect all who care about them but it also effects the others who are involved

Just remember that for everything that has happened for better or worst it effects more than you
190 · Dec 2014
its time to get over
lotus lord Dec 2014
it time to get over it all

go to sleep or hang with friends make it better

get over what has happened today or this week
tomorrow is a new day to forget the bad that has happened
yesterday is the past
the past is the past that cant be changed

but today is a day you can change
so change it for the better not the worst

put on a smile and shine your day
this is to everyone who has or has been having a bad day
189 · Apr 2016
what happens next
lotus lord Apr 2016

there's the sound once more

my heart breaking
falling to the floor

but as it's falling
i heart a silent scream

its your name

after it crashes and shatters
i look down

i see the string and the scars

the scars from when you broke it before
and the string from when you put it back together

but who's going to put it back together

because you've left me all alone
187 · Jun 2015
i don't know
lotus lord Jun 2015
i just feel useless
that i'm nothing
and that if i fell of the planet it would be better

do i care to much
do i really mean a thing
would it even matter if i'm gone the next day

i'm sorry for all i've done
i didn't mean for it to be like this
181 · Dec 2014
how i feel
lotus lord Dec 2014
I do my best not to cry or get hurt but how can you not
In school its like there many purpose is to break you down
You try your best be nice to the one who tare you down and yet they still pick on you
They drane you of every
Maybe just one day I can go a day without being picked on
177 · Oct 2015
there is no normal
lotus lord Oct 2015
no one can be normal

because everyone is different
171 · Dec 2014
why talk or have friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may not talk or have friends but that doesn't mean anything

If I talk I may get made fun of and if I'm made fun of I may not get friends

I'm alone and sceard don't know what to do
I live in a dark cruel place

So why talk or have friends
170 · Sep 2015
a question for the world
lotus lord Sep 2015
who old are you
when you don't know your age
my teacher asked the class this and it got me thinking so I would like you to think about it to
163 · Apr 2016
over and over again
lotus lord Apr 2016
i wake up
but i dont want to get up

i get dressed
but i want to stay in my pj's

i go to school
but i want to stay home

i go home
i wonder what i going to do next

i hang in my room
being meself

i go to sleep


what i could have done better
what could i have done different

but i fall asleep thinking i need to do better
when i really know what i did is what im going to do tomorrow
162 · Apr 2016
what is love
lotus lord Apr 2016
is it a feeling when you've know someone for so long?

is it the way i feel when im around my parenter?

is it something i say to someone when i want them to know i care?

is it a feeling the just come when it does?

if no one knows what love is then why do we have so many questions on it?
157 · Dec 2014
lotus lord Dec 2014
I wanted so bad to be able to hold someone close
But it never happens

I have to walk though life seeing others happy because they have someone and I don't

I cry myself to sleep know I just want someone anyone that way I could finally hold someone close
I've just made this cause fell so lonely just want someone to date...
150 · Oct 2015
lotus lord Oct 2015
its funny

in one dream you wake up
and your glad

and others you wake up
wishing it was real

they can show you
what your scared of
what you want most
what makes you happy
and so on

but in all reality
its just your mind showing you want
i had a powerful dream last night i thought it had been real i woke to soon and reality hit me and i cried because i wanted it to be real

— The End —