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Dec 2014 · 304
high school
lotus lord Dec 2014
why does high school have to be so hard
they tell use there getting ready for life and whats down the road

but we do not grades when were on are own
we get payed to go to work but we don't get payed to go to school
we have to deal with the project that later in life we could care lets about

on top of that we have to deal with kids who give attitude
make fun of everyone else just cause there bored
and act like they have a right to do anything they want

why does high school have to be so hard
Dec 2014 · 426
is it that hard
lotus lord Dec 2014
Is it that hard to stop and ask are you OK to some one having a bad day

Smile to someone to cheer up there day

To help them when it gets ruff

If we want to make a change then you have to start with yourself
Dec 2014 · 190
just remember
lotus lord Dec 2014
When we make a choice or do something for netter or worst it effects people more than you think

When it effects you it effects all who care about you and then it mat effect all who care about them but it also effects the others who are involved

Just remember that for everything that has happened for better or worst it effects more than you
Dec 2014 · 229
not perfect but permanent
lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we were little we have been told practice makes perfect

But from what I have seen practice does not perfect it makes permanent
Dec 2014 · 322
to all the girls
lotus lord Dec 2014
This is to all to girls that have been called ugly or cheated on

You are not ugly and you'll never be so one guy doesn't like you so what you can't please them all your beautiful in your own way that make you, you

If a guys ever cheated on you that just means he wasn't worth your time once a cheater always a cheater

You a beautiful and amazing just the way you are
Dec 2014 · 442
the blame game
lotus lord Dec 2014
we blame others for what we do but why

we have a choice to do what we want
for we are not forced to do anything we do not want to do

so why blame others for what we do when we are the ones to blame
Dec 2014 · 275
why make rules
lotus lord Dec 2014
why make rules if people brake them

for in this world we have people who we call rule breakers
and then we have people who we call goodies

not everyone is a goddie
and most of the time goodies want to prove they can be bad
so they even brake rules

so why make rules if there just going to get brokn
Dec 2014 · 204
why tell the truth
lotus lord Dec 2014
how is it that the good get punished and the wrong gets away

we have been told if you tell the truth you will not get in as much trouble if you told a lie

but just think if you tell he truth you do get introuble but if you lie theres the chance you get away

so why tell the truth
Dec 2014 · 849
im a monster when i wake up
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm a monster when I wake up

My hairs messy
I could care let about what happening around me
Don't want to get up or out of bed
I'm half wake
And hard to get up

Cause if you mess with me when I'm asleep I'm like a monster cause you disturbed my peace
Dec 2014 · 657
is it ok?
lotus lord Dec 2014
Is it OK to have a girl moment

Like when something big happens with your best friend even though you both are a tomboy

Is it OK to have a girl moment
Dec 2014 · 190
its time to get over
lotus lord Dec 2014
it time to get over it all

go to sleep or hang with friends make it better

get over what has happened today or this week
tomorrow is a new day to forget the bad that has happened
yesterday is the past
the past is the past that cant be changed

but today is a day you can change
so change it for the better not the worst

put on a smile and shine your day
this is to everyone who has or has been having a bad day
Dec 2014 · 196
time will tell
lotus lord Dec 2014
Time will tell when its ready

We wait like a kid on Christmas to find out

If there the one,
If are dreams will come true,
If we get married or have kids,
If we get want we want,
If we will ever be happy in life,

Time will tell when its ready
Dec 2014 · 422
sometimes i scare myself
lotus lord Dec 2014
sometimes i scare myself

i talk to myself when im alone
i spend my time video gaming with other people cause they dont know me
i pretend to have to people i hold most next to me when i sleep
i find myself aruging with myself
i get mad over nothing

sometimes i scare myself
Dec 2014 · 268
people are like candy
lotus lord Dec 2014
People are like candy
You have sweet ones and you have sour ones
Dec 2014 · 494
lotus lord Dec 2014
What's so great about being popular

Being popular means you have to be mean
Make fun of other people
Have the right clothing

I don't know about you but being popular is lame and hard
Dec 2014 · 431
lotus lord Dec 2014
356 day a year
We look forward to the summer because there is no school we get to have fun and lay in the sun oh who I kinding my pale self is sitting around video gaming

Summer is when we get a break from all the hard work and get to be lazy sleep in and stay up all night why cant summer come more often
Dec 2014 · 181
how i feel
lotus lord Dec 2014
I do my best not to cry or get hurt but how can you not
In school its like there many purpose is to break you down
You try your best be nice to the one who tare you down and yet they still pick on you
They drane you of every
Maybe just one day I can go a day without being picked on
Dec 2014 · 190
lotus lord Dec 2014
Life is way short

We have dreams and hope
Family to see
Children to see grow up
Grand children to met
Things to take care of

Life is way to short
Dec 2014 · 280
im a lot of things
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may be hyper, crazy, naughty, fun, and a lot of other thing but that cause I love being them

I'm not ready to grow up just yet I want to be a kid for how ever long I have left I want to be me
Dec 2014 · 648
lotus lord Dec 2014
We all say you need friends to live but do you really once your out of school your friends will leave you to live there lives

Yes having friend is amazing but would you rather have lots of friend and them not care

Or would you rather have few friends and know you always stay friends after school
lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we met I liked you but soon I will learn your true plan

I was sweet and nice got you stuff as a surprise

They told me you had someone else while you had me

For when I asked was it true you would tell me not to worry that they were only jelouse

I had been hurt from that night you asked me to home coming and you showed up will all your ex's who took control of the night but you where to fair gone to remember who I was

I took you back cause I felt bad but that is when I learned you plan

You called me ugly, slutty, stupid in every text you sent me, told me you would rather die then to date me, then you killed me saying you were only using me
Dec 2014 · 295
lotus lord Dec 2014
Without trust there is no relationship
Trust is something every one needs

Just think if you trust and let them have there freedom the 2 times will happen

They show you they are loyol
They hang them self with the trust you gave
Dec 2014 · 232
the world
lotus lord Dec 2014
Snow fall so light falls with out a care
Little kids play with out a care in the world

You look and wish you could protect them from the cold dark world we have made from them

But all you do is snails and say I will change the world so such things can be chairished
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
lotus lord Dec 2014
They think just cause they play sports there the best of the best

But truth be told there just ideots
They make fun of people and get away
They only play so the girls will be all over them
And to they can sleep with them all

But truth be told I would go near them cause there just bad new

And I know not all them are like this
Dec 2014 · 171
why talk or have friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may not talk or have friends but that doesn't mean anything

If I talk I may get made fun of and if I'm made fun of I may not get friends

I'm alone and sceard don't know what to do
I live in a dark cruel place

So why talk or have friends
Dec 2014 · 4.7k
lotus lord Dec 2014
Were told to give respect but how can we
Teachers don't respect us so how can we respect them

Respect is a 2 way street

Even if we give them respect we don't get it back
Dec 2014 · 199
lotus lord Dec 2014
Let then go
For it will cause you more pain than before

You've have the good and bad time with them
Don't look back and regret it because you know you'd do anything to have it back

Its a part of life, if they come back then maybe its ment to be

You look back to your kids and tell your past of the lessons you have learned

They'll always be a part of you and you know that
Learn to love and forgive
lotus lord Dec 2014
todays day and age its all about the popularity and what you have
but why so you can fit in what so important about fitting in

from when we were little we where little we were told to be are selfs, not to be someone whos fake

so why is it that you have to be fake something your not to be popular
how i see it the people who stays who they are and never changes for anyone exsept for them self should be popular

they want look down one someone for doing the right thing, well i look up to that person

for they will go far in live and have a real life know what the real world is like
but for a person who is fake will get torn apart in the real world and they'll look back a see maybe they should have been them selfs and not fake
Dec 2014 · 212
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm tired
I'm sleepy
I dont want to go to school just to be laugh at
My parents wonder why I don't want to go to school but truth be told I can't stand to talk about it
I'm tired I'm sleepy
Dec 2014 · 419
lotus lord Dec 2014
From the moment we met I know there was something about you that drawed me to you

You asked me out everyday and yet I stayed with a guy who I could not see it for only a few days of the year  

But after 3 months I finally gave you my number left him for you

We have had are ups and down and right now we a getting out of a down

We would hang out ever Sunday a day just for me it made me smile made me happy and soon summer came and we would spend Sundays and wensday together

And at the end of that summer I know what I saw and it was a diamond in the ruff

I fell in love with you and I still am you are my world
Dec 2014 · 742
best friend
lotus lord Dec 2014
Your my best friend  

Not matter how annoying I am
How many time you've told me so
Sat there as I cryed
Or was there when I need you most

You were always there

When I get by a stupid football player you sat there wanting to tare him limp from limp for what he did but yet you stayed with me

You and the best friend I could ever ask for oh wait I could ask for it cause your one of a kind
Dec 2014 · 602
lotus lord Dec 2014

I'm me and its never going to change
Dec 2014 · 364
guys can be so cruel
lotus lord Dec 2014
Guy can be so cruel

They think dating a lot of girl is something to brag about
They way I see it that you just get bored and though them away

You swear they think of new ways to reck a girl life just to look cool but for what
To be popular

They cheat, they lie, they do what they please
Not every guy is like that I know that

But just think you know what loyal is they dont

We can give them everything they want and they still will hurt you

Guy can be so cruel
Dec 2014 · 339
you may not like me
lotus lord Dec 2014
So you don't like me
I'm OK with that does it change my life at all no
I could be the nicest person in the world to you
And you still wouldn't like me

I may be different for you and that's OK
You may not like me for who I am
Or who I'm friends with in the end I does not matter

It only matters whats on the inside not the outside
Dec 2014 · 277
i am me
lotus lord Dec 2014
I am me for me No one else
I may change for better or for worest
But that for me to choice

I am told to be myself and to never change
I may lose my path but ill find a way back

I may come in to your life and you may not like me
But I am me for me and no one

I will stay true to my self
Dec 2014 · 192
just think
lotus lord Dec 2014
You make fun  of me for what
To make you feel better about your self

But how can you feel better
You hurt someone who you really don't know

You want to say I have it worse
But why even say it just so you make it all about you

Just think when you hurt someone other people are hurt as well
Dec 2014 · 261
what they think
lotus lord Dec 2014
They all they there my best friends
But are you really

When i m hurting they look at me and say I told you so
I have to keep things from you
But I when I tell you I have to make you promise you would yell

If they think there my best friend

Are you ready to fight
To be there when im down
To lift me up and give me a smile

What you think a friend is
Is what i think people should do weather you are or arent friends

— The End —