chicago even if today is the worst day you've ever experienced, tomorrow might be the best day you'll ever live, you just have to wake up and get there. fine the beauty in every thing. 9 followers / 74 words
pop some tags at the thrift shop, find love get hurt be bad smoke some stuff rock that concert and be a little slutty, a little wild, be crazy and have fun because if you only live once, you better ******* live .
fight the demons fight them long fight them hard never give up never show weakness theyre only testing youre strength and they need to know youre stronger dont ever ever try to slow down never let me, youre friends, family, us the world down i know youre strong enough
cold nights, colder rain drops on my shoulder. fighting with you; its like stabbing myself for spelling a silly word wrong. i can not do it. i am not mentally stable. dont fight anything love me love me hard love me now love me *forever