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Caitlin Wynkoop Oct 2010
What does it mean, really?
Dark is associated with bad –
Is it?
Light usually correlates with good –
What if God and I don’t see eye-to-eye?
Man –
Woman –
One to one,
But what if I don’t like anything
To be traditional?
I fight back
Maybe because I want you to show me that you love me
Enough to show me the darkness.
Love me.
Control me.
Show me I’m yours.
Just don’t mess with me.
Because I don’t know if I could withstand
Your games.
Copyright 2010 Caitlin Wynkoop
Caitlin Wynkoop Oct 2010
Who am I to use the "L" word,
after I've abused it so many times?
Who am I to claim someone's ownership
over my heart, my mind,
when I've lied about that very thing before?
Who am I to deny my past,
ignore my scars,
pretend this is the first time?
This isn't the first time -
but it's the first time like this.
After so many years of lies,
who am I
to claim the truth?
Copyright 2010 Caitlin Wynkoop
Caitlin Wynkoop Oct 2010
It’s like you’ve never had wings –
always jumping off the ground,
off the cliff,
into the gorge,
with nothing, no guarantee
that you won’t die.
Nothing holding you up
But your own **** dreams,
Hopes, desires, wants, instinct.
You never expect to truly fly –
You’re always waiting for something to show you
Something to appear
Something to destroy you.
And so it does.

What if it didn’t?
What if, one of these times,
You didn’t fall.
You didn’t die.
You flew.
What would you do?
I don’t think you’d know what to do.
I know I wouldn’t.
Copyright 2010 Caitlin Wynkoop

— The End —