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Caety Lanel Jan 2013
I love the sound each morning
When I wake up
And hear my hips crack
And my toes click
And my ankles snap
And my knees pop
And I feel the ivory bones
Stretched out and throbbing
Over the arches of my feet
Twisting my body into overflexed
Unnatural shapes
Has been the greatest beauty in my life
It reminds me that I dance
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
I wrote all of the words
                   O u t
       Of me
And I felt all the feelings
And I used to cry
And bite the insides of my lips
But then
I cried all of the tears
                               Right Out Of Me
And most would stop and think
If they bothered to think at all
That this left me all empty...

N  o p  e!

Quite the contrary in fact
Let me
Because when everything was
Cried out
Poured out
Felt out
Into the ground
All that space inside was freed up and
And there was nothing else that could fill it
But happiness
And that
I am proud to say
Is all that did
                            H    a  p  p i  n  e  s    s  
And I'm proud to say
I've never been so full  
                            H    a  p  p i  n  e  s    s
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
Let's join a whistle band 
And light matches with our teeth 
Lets ask everyone when they lost track of Waldo 
Cuz I havent seen that ******* since the 10th grade 
Let's believe in all the superstitions 
A little luck is what we've been needing these days 
Lets eat sushi and climb on rooftops when we aren't supposed to 
Just so we can look at the white lights and hope that the height will give us a little clarity 
Lets ask long questions with long answers 
And know that to talk you also have to listen 
Let's watch creepy **** and wear socks with high heels 
We'll be class acts till the day we die 
Though not in the way everyone expects  
Let's spend way too much time together 
And cut through backyards in the snow 
Lets pay for our café  drinks in change 
And ask for favors because we're close 
Let's spill our guts and our laughs 
Because you're the only one who gets me 
Lets spell out words with pennies 
And decide life in ****** thrift store dressing rooms 
Let's cry and be sad 
With the promise to be happy 
And healed when the other is near 
Lets rip up t-shirts 
And change the radio in each others cars 
Let's take a million memories 
And expect the best out of life and gelato ice cream
Let's dry up flowers in the summer to look at in the winter 
And wear too many rings on our fingers 
Let's hang out with ****** 
And rent a red convertible for the summer 
Lets read books and watch Mulan
And take walks and get together just so we can nap
Lets play assassins creed 
And listen to Bon Iver (or Bone Eyever) 
And take a break from thinking too much all the time 
Lets join a whistle band 
And light matches with our teeth Because all of this has meant more to me than a million everythings
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
I ache 
Because you ache 
And I feel it in the bottom left corner of my heart
I wish there was a way 
To pinpoint what i want to say 
But truth is i cant describe you
Words could never do enough 
The right ones haven't been created yet 
And i don't think they ever will be 
So i just wanted to say 

BREATHE your life god ******! 
Because if you don't the world will fall on its knees  
God I wish you could see 
How much you mean
And never doubt it for a second 

And know how special you are 
It tears me up 
When you are down 
And all I wish for is you to be happy

And know that sadness is not something to hide 
But happiness is what you deserve 
And I want you to believe and see and feel 
And know as the truth, in pure and complete honesty
That a better person has never been made  
And another truth is
 You're more different than anyone has ever expected 
Youre realer than anything this world has ever seen 
Either believe it...or I'll just have to do it for you
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
I don't pretend to 
Know anything 
I have no knowlege of 
So i speak the truth 
When I say 
That you scared me today 
Do I know you anymore? 

It has been so long 
Since I tasted color 
And dreamt 
In daytime 

I need you  
But I don't want to keep you 
I hope youre reading
***** you 
I need you 
But don't want you to stay 

I am so lonely 
Don't you dare look at me
***** YOU
So don't you dare come back to me
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
Sadness came to me today 
And stared at me with shocked eyes 

Come away with me 
She said 

Her lips curving around the words 
As if chewing on broken dreams 

Fade away into the background  
Make them realize how much they've missed 
Through your silence 
And wish to have you back 
When they realize it was their fault 
Come away with me 
She said 

And I looked back at Sadness 
The skinny arms 
The glass legs 
The fragile heart 
Barely stuttering 
With her pointed features 
And tiny frame 
Ready to be outcast 
At the slightest whip of tongue 
How her shoulders bowed! 
And her mouth sagged! 
And I felt a pity for her 
But also a blind trust 
A cocoon wrapped around my heart then 
Closing it off as I leapt after her 
And wondering if I was really following Revenge
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
There is a girl 
Across from me 
Who goes running 
At 5:00 
Every morning 
And you can see her trail 
As she runs through the dew  
Green imprints in a field 
Of silver 
And you can see 
How she lives 
For the sun 
To touch it's new rays 
Upon her back 
As she runs into a new day 
And now I see her 
Across from me 
Standing at her window 
Looking at the world 
With cautious hope 
But not going out 
To run barefoot 
At 5:00 
Every morning 
Because of the rain 
That blocks her 
From the dawns rays 
And I write this 
 as she stands by her window
I sit on my porch 
In broad daylight 
A clear blue sky above
And wonder what her rain could be
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