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 Oct 2013 Caelus
stardust style
a.) a crossed off to-do list
b.) crumpled toilet paper, used as a tissue
c.) white paper, rumpled but never used
d.) raisins
e.) sins
f.) a green plastic bottlecap, inscribed with the waves of a far away sea
g.) a mechanical pencil, out of lead
h.) a bobby pin, rendered useless due to short hair
i.) a small piece of string
j.) the small piece of my heart which contained affection for my father
k.) just kidding, that never existed
l.) the sleeves i cut off of a tshirt
m.) the heart i cut off of my sleeve
n.) a ****** poem about alcoholism
o.) the self loathing that weighed me down for nearly a year
p.) a list of the different gym classes available
q.) q tips, in the interest of alliteration
r.) one very old, very ***** sock
 Oct 2013 Caelus
stardust style
i found out
another friend is
with a capital 's', with capital weight
heaviness, of a bomb dropped
into glowing memoriam
sorrys and thanks, in equal measures
the world is
a little off kilter, a little
the sky still disassociates with the earth, in the morning
a membrane of white
stitched by avian sillouettes
awhiles whittling into brittle tones
paneling the arching of our spines
the italicized whir points out the
jagged smoothness
of sighs
 Oct 2013 Caelus
stardust style
i want to let it
like a balloon, watch it
up to it's heavenly
close my eyes with sick
scream out a sigh, let it
let every breath be a
and every eyeful a
presented by the esteemed chorus
of my heartbeat
i read this at a poetry slam once, that was really cool
 Oct 2013 Caelus
stardust style
i think that everyone
who wants to cry
should take a pen
write down everything
that went to **** today
because the blue lines
have a way
of condensing the chaos
into a listless listing
and the pen
has a way
of crossing out
the mistakes
 Oct 2013 Caelus
stardust style
bridging across time and
emotional space
trails of fate coming together
tying in neat little knots
twisting strands of DNA
and the oils of our skin
cheap coffee, chewing gum
and newspapers read by serious men
crying children
and hollow adults
(crying on the inside)
dingy humans
walk clean floors
to fly
this is probably one of my favorites, and someone i idolize really loved it

— The End —