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Oct 2013 · 1.3k
When You and I
C P Sharma Oct 2013
When You and I
Waylaid in wilderness
And the path is lost!!!

I shall shower
My love on you
Everyday, in new ways
Love dainties host.
My soul into you
I shall pour.

Each part of body
Will be an island tour
With loving glance
My heart will click
The choicest kisses
In silken shades flick.

On every island
An age will be stake
In each age love’s
New flavor and shade
Sometimes as lotus
I shall bloom
Sometimes as
Jacaranda zoom.

Panorama shots
Of love arcades
Flowers and trees
Make cavalcade
In it love’s sweet
Fragrance blows
Love birds tweet
Lilting music flows.

From age to age
We shift our stage
We shall bind ever
To new cage
Where pain and hunger
Do not strike
Life unfazed
By price hikes.
Jan 2012 · 736
My Mind
C P Sharma Jan 2012
When my mind wraps up my body
I can hear the divine rhapsody.
When my body aches and breaks
My mind plays ducks and drakes.
Jan 2012 · 469
C P Sharma Jan 2012
Why can't I be I?
Copying others strenuously try
In the fire-pan I fry! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jan 2012 · 669
My Bar
C P Sharma Jan 2012
My bar is unique
A bar-less bar
Whoever joins it
Becomes a star

The rich or the poor
The Civilized or boor
Feelings don't injure
Equal treat assure

Color or the creed
Country or breed
Such ideas don't feed
Serves without greed

Bathed in divine light
Its visitors don't fight
In their drinks delight
Here Santa's gifts blithe

Bar girl in divinity shines
Serves the 'Soma'* divine
Come here, dance and dine
Ill wills to Krishana** consigne
* The divine drink offered to Hindu gods as oblation.
** Lord Krishana of Gita.
Mar 2010 · 992
C P Sharma Mar 2010
(I met Kabir)

This morning when in trance,
At my body I had a glance,
Me, its composition amazed,
How deftly are the elements caged! ! !

I met a potter, the Earth,
At the wheel she had berth;
Carving the pots so fine,
No artist can ever design.

Its every piece was unique,
Built with a perfect technique.
She had designed a cage,
Nine exits she did stage.

The Fire provided it the fuel,
The Water did keep it cool,
The Sky did its limit provide,
The Air bird was there inside.

The Air fanned them all,
Them in their places install.
The world suddenly became alive,
It was at the Marine Drive.

The bird inside cluttered and danced,
Its all activities I glanced.
Finally, Life bird flew out,
From my trance I came out.
Copyright C. P. Sharma
Already published at
Mar 2010 · 937
A Sparrow
C P Sharma Mar 2010
one fine spring morning
sitting in my chair
in hand
basking the sun
in front of my eyes
a scene thus run:

a sparrow perched
on nearby neem tree
sailed to my verandah
and sat on the sill,
in front a looking glass
a while she sat still
a little thoughtful
a little perplexed
finally she was
bitterly vexed.

her own image in the glass
she couldn’t tolerate
to beat it with her bill
at the glass she knocked,
so madly she did drill
as if ‘the other’
she would ****.
in doing this
she broke her beak
all over the beak
the blood did spill,
ignorantly her own
she couldn’t bear
mercilessly her own
with her own beak tear.

frequently she visits,
she now understands,
she comes with her company
but I never saw the repeat,
she and her company
seem to have known
the harmony in Nature
to places they have flown.

WE ‘the roof and crown of things’
spill blood of our brothers
some times on 9/11
in US and fly
again in Jaipur and
Bombay high.

How long will go on this ****** trail?
When will the harmony in man prevail?

C. P. Sharma
Copyright C. P. Sharma
Published on
Mar 2010 · 822
I sketch your smiles
C P Sharma Mar 2010
I am in the river Nyle
In the Ganges water that never defile,
In me there is no guile
Perfect clean is my profile.

In your snow flakes I am
I am the scent of its snow,
I am their soothing grace
With my warmth they glow.

Earth and sky are my home
In love bower I bloom,
I shine in all shades
My brightness never fades.

Just in the blink of an eye
I cover countless miles,
When I sit down to write
What I sketch are your smiles.

C. P. Sharma
Copyright: C. P. Sharma
Published on

— The End —