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Dec 2014 · 452
For Sam
C David Horton Dec 2014
How many times must you see the light
Before you have to fight and fight
To do what you think you know is right
Count on your hand the number of lines
And times that light has brightly shined
To show the world what makes you kind
Think about the size of your heart
and if it didn’t fall apart
so now you have a brand new start
Don’t give up on yourself not just yet
You have more strength than you would bet
remember friend I’m your safety net
I wish you would have been with me
And not in that mental slavery
I know that I could have made you see
In the end it is not a diss
And I’ll just have to leave you with this
Your happiness is not your bliss.
I found out two days ago that my childhood best friend has a ****** addiction. Unfortunately I found out because another friend of ours died from an overdose in his house. I have not been able to talk to him, but hopefully somehow my words will reach his heart.
Apr 2013 · 381
Trying to write again.
C David Horton Apr 2013
Go back in time and find that muse
the one that’s good that you used to use.
A broken heart never felt so good
as when you’d write what you know you should.
Ive lost it now, and want It back.
That feeling of dreams that cut the slack
Do I need that heartbreak and shame
to write the things that have that name
that I gave them once? You know which one,
the one that you thought of and thought you were done,
but I’m not done there is so much more.
Hiding. Waiting to break through the door
Maybe if I get it all out in writing
my emotions and dreams won’t be constantly fighting.
To wrap it up I just have this:
My happiness is NOT my bliss.
Oct 2012 · 522
A work in progress.
C David Horton Oct 2012
I wish I had another heart
One you didn’t tear apart
so I could give to other girls
my heart and very pretty pearls
but all I have is this broken one
and it won’t work now that you’re done
Oct 2012 · 596
happy endings?
C David Horton Oct 2012
It’s a different kind of love story now
One where everyone is happy
And no one is laying up all night
The kind that you hear about
And see in the movies
The kind that you really don’t think exist
I didn’t think so either
But then I met her
She was beauti – is beautiful
Her eyes are the most beautiful window
To the most beautiful soul
That ive ever seen
My friends are jealous
My parents are proud
My brother gave me a pat on the back
It wasn’t love at first sight
But it didn’t take long
And when I knew I really knew
I’m so in love with her
And the only thing I wish
Is that this was all real
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
Is Sherry a lesbian?
C David Horton Oct 2012
This is a poem about a woman named sherry
All that she wanted was a good man to marry
She looked and looked and to her surprise
She fell in love with a woman with really green eyes
Oct 2012 · 732
C David Horton Oct 2012
More or less, you know I love you
Or at least I think that I do
Right or wrong can't change the fact
Good to know you don't react
And really you did break my heart
Not to say we weren't apart
So just respond, won't you please
Put my guilt and shame at ease
Even if you hate me so
Novices can't let you go
Cause thats really all I think I was
Eager kid looking for a buzz
Right or wrong i know its true
So tell the truth, that you did too.
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
C David Horton Oct 2012
lonely is a freedom and I wont be told otherwise
No one around to impress or persuade
Only me and my thoughts
And whatever music I choose to listen too
Ya know there is happiness in that
In the fact that right now at this very moment
Sitting in my bed, alone, listening to classical music
I am more me then I may have ever been
I have been in a constant search for myself
We all have if you think about it
And I search outwardly which is stupid
Because where am I except within myself
Where am I if I’m not right here, just existing
We all, myself included, have this fantasy about life
This fantasy that life is full of lavish love,
Ball room dancing, and big happily ever afters
But what none of us really understand is that
While we’re sitting here wondering where all the
Happily ever afters are our lives are happening
They’re happening right before our eyes
And what are they full of if not love
And surprises
And ups and downs
And problems. But that’s perfectly okay.
Oct 2012 · 602
C David Horton Oct 2012
I’m young and I’m aware that I understand little
But what will not do is I will not become cynical
I will continue believing in what might be a fantasy
That there really are grand adventures and true love
That even though its hard to believe, love at first sight exist
I won’t stop believing that music can change the world
And that one small person can make a large difference
All the problems that life will throw out me
The curveballs, if you will,  I will knock out of the park
Because I will always believe in a dream
A dream of happiness, and joy, and peace
And most of all a dream of love.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Dinner Time
C David Horton Oct 2012
If six were seven
and seven were eight
and seven ate nine
would their be a debate
that numbers are cannibals?
Oct 2012 · 692
Confusion at rest
C David Horton Oct 2012
A knock knock knocking
comes at the door
The young man gets up;
puts his feet on the floor
He answers the door
and to his surprise
It’s the young woman
that’s telling him lies
Leading him back
and forth as she wishes
Cooking her food
but not doing the dishes
He can’t tell her “leave!”,
he’s in it too deep
And he just can’t wait
‘til they go to sleep
But in the midst
of her cooking him food
The young man sees
that he’s in a good mood
He makes her laugh
and so she does him
He sees that his cautions
were only a whim
Dim witted to think
that he does not care
Connections with her
this young man does share.

— The End —