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4.4k · Sep 2010
Bamboo ~ A Haiku Collection
C Benitez Sep 2010
Haiku 1

a fragile woman
a lifetime of inner strength

Haiku 2

a ballet dancer
mesmerized with the wind’s tune
the seasons succumbed

Haiku 3

bamboo shoots stand tall
among  dry leaves and mushrooms
a succulent wood
1.9k · Sep 2010
Sand Castle
C Benitez Sep 2010
Sand castles of childhood
Swept away by the swift tide
In a wink of an eye
The memories fade

I still love the sand
But the tide keeps coming by
Should I build me a sand castle?
A fortress , a sham
Never mind the tide
It’ll always come
944 · Sep 2010
Strand ~ A Haiku Collection
C Benitez Sep 2010
Haiku 1

tears a woman shed
in her lifetime,immortal
strand of pearls

Haiku  2

strands of christmas lights
blanket and warm the city
on cold winter nights

Haiku 3

a  glimpse of light
at the end of a tunnel
866 · Sep 2010
Bubbles ~ A Haiku
C Benitez Sep 2010
shimmering mirage
disappearing into oblivion
791 · Sep 2010
C Benitez Sep 2010
Like a lighted candle
You illuminated and radiated
Melted, light extinguished
My soul perished

Like an ill fated  crow
My dress is black as the night
My eyes are filled  with grief
My soul mourns in sorrow

You left a gibberish heart
A lot of unspoken words
Too many undone deeds
My mourning soul regrets

As you lay awake in heaven each night
I know you also bereave
Your melancholy resonates as you weep
Your tears, the morning dew.
791 · Sep 2010
Fog ~ A Haiku Collection
C Benitez Sep 2010
Haiku 1

waves and mountains
disappearing like ghost

Haiku 2

plagued by fog of war
economy lulled to sleep

Haiku 3

my soul cries for light
the pine trees empathize
751 · Sep 2010
Fruit ~ A Haiku Collection
C Benitez Sep 2010
Haiku 1

reaping and enjoying
the fruit of my labor

Haiku 2

not bitter nor sour
a fruit ripened from the tree

Haiku 3

fruitless tree~
its melancholy looms
the autumn festivity


fruitless tree~
it’s melancholy looms
and echoes in autumn
721 · Sep 2010
Rock ~ A Haiku Collection
C Benitez Sep 2010
Haiku 1

firmly stand its ground
to the waves relentless pound
rocks covered in moss

Haiku 2

spewing lava and rocks
the  volcano awakens
sublime fury

Haiku 3

a solid rock
the foundation of our home
my husband
555 · Sep 2010
Fly Me To The Moon
C Benitez Sep 2010
Fly me to the moon, my love
And all you’ll ever see
Is  beauty in me

Fly me to the moon, my love
And I’ll never be wrapped
In pretense and vanity

Fly me to the moon, my love
And your calm heart
Will never speak of jealousy

Fly me to the moon, my love
And  we’ll forever  dance and feast
In moonlit nights

Fly me to the moon, my love
And my heart and soul will not yearn
For afterlife’s tranquility
521 · Sep 2010
Our Love
C Benitez Sep 2010
You walked into my life
At a perfect entrance
When I needed someone
To guide me along

You showed me the way
Hand in hand we stayed
Your smile gave me hope
You made my world glitters

You gave me so much happiness
My heart  was then for you
Your heart was then for  me
You’ve given me total reality

But the future wasn’t ours
It’s not our mistake after all
Our fate never meant  to be
And  I was the  one who quit

Now you’re the one
Who needed someone this time
May someone come along
To heal your broken  heart

— The End —