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Jan 2013 · 850
Forever Love
Byron Silvestri Jan 2013
What is love but a dreamers' greatest dream?
A dream of life, of future, of wonder.
A marriage of two, thus mending the seam.
A union of two through the largest spur.

The flames of youth may die down over time.
Though the fires of love shall never go.
Around and around the feeling will rhyme.
The true feeling between do clearly show.

Never ending love dives down much too deep.
The greatest challenge shall be overcome,
A mountain hadn't ever been so steep.
But any problem love shall shine out from.

Let the truth be shown through happy and sad,
Forever love may it never go bad.
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
True Calling
Byron Silvestri Jan 2013
One dull night as I sat by the fire
Sat by the fire, playing my lyre
All of a sudden I heard a loud crack
A crack that sounded like it was out back
I rushed from my comfy place by the heat
Hurried outside through the snow in bare feet
To find there was nothing; I went back in
Grabbing a blanket from out of a bin
Sitting back down in my seat by the fire
Looked at the clock, it’s time to retire
Retire to my bed to get some sleep
I laid down to a sleep, a sleep so deep
So deep that the silliest things seem real
As real as the closest thing you can feel
I dreamed of a world, a world outside mine
This world was calm, and everything was fine
The air smelt quite nice, the ground was pure white
The people were free, there was not one fight
They had not a care as they lived their lives
Living their lives just so that they survive
Good morning! Good evening! Good afternoon!
They said with a grin, like that of a loon
And as I began to adore this place
I woke from that sleep, in my dismal space
The tapestry hanging, tattered and worn
On a wall that was innately forlorn
These things had been here for many a year
Many a year, but to me just appeared
As bleak, unsightly and just plain ugly
All of these things I used to find snugly
It all just seemed extra, more than I need
I need something simpler, that is indeed
I jumped from my bed and grabbed for my coat
Slipped into my shoes and wrote a quick note
Explaining to any that may come by
That I can’t live here and then tell them why
I’m off to explore, find a new abode
One much more simple, not on any road
Life in the city just isn't for me
Between greed, envy, and monotony
I need something rural, nothing excess
Something less daunting to relieve this stress
As I stepped off the porch of my old home
Ready to move on and willing to roam
I walked one direction, and then the next
Though finding this place should not be complex
I walked toward the forest, just turned and went
‘Till I was there I would not be content
The snow covered forest was so pristine
Everything was so white and serene
As I kept walking past tree after tree
I stumbled across a river, you see
A coating of ice that flowed underneath
I stood there staring with chattering teeth
Flowing water was encased below me
There was no place to cross that I could see
I turned and I walked down the river a bit
Then came to a rock, where I chose to sit
I sat and I looked, as to comprehend
And saw further downstream there was a bend
I ran to the bend to see what was past
And what lay before me had far surpassed
All the expectations that I had made
I gazed at a village where children played
A village so peaceful, it was just right
I walked into town, it was almost night
A polite stranger offered me a room
I walked inside and saw flowers in bloom
Some beautiful flowers, they just fit there
I tried to continue, but had to stare
He pulled me away, led me to a bed
I laid down on it, and rested my head
While drifting to sleep, the room just a haze
I saw something close, to my heart dismayed
A tapestry, not unlike whence I came
Hung above me, in a hard wooden frame
I shut my eyes tight, aspiring to dream
And woke with a fright when I heard a scream
I was cold, disheveled and in a tree
And there was a woman pointing at me
I went to look when I heard a loud crack
I fell to the ground, landed on my back
I never came home from that fateful trip
And all just because my finger had slipped.

— The End —