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byeseecall May 2017
I still find myself having conversations
with you in my mind.

Rehearsing old arguments
and defending myself against
something you said about me.
byeseecall May 2017
4 months had already passed and I feel like
the pain is still there, right in my heart.
byeseecall May 2017
When I look at people
I make myself try and feel them
As more than just a person walking by.

Imagine like how deeply
They have fallen in love
Or how much
Heartbreak they have been through.
byeseecall May 2017
I'm not sure I'll ever understand what love is,
but if I have not loved you,
I have not loved anything at all.
byeseecall May 2016
Thank you,
for no longer denying
what we have

Thank you,
for acknowledge my love
towards you

Thank you,
for opening up to me

Thank you,
for that vulnerable
side of yours

Thank you,
for not pushing me away
though you said
"I don't need you"
when you were at your worst that night

Thank you,
my love.
by her.
byeseecall May 2016
Seconds, minutes goes by,
your absence still haunts me.
Making the heart grow
and grow and
watered by tears.

Yet you're still the one
I hope for.
Just come back
when you think
it's time.
byeseecall Jun 2015
Isn't it lovely
We fall asleep
In each other's arms

What a loving place
That makes me feel safe
From all the harm

I want a day like this
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