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Some of us cease to think about death. Some of us think about every other day. Some people have come to accept it - because they know their time is near. Well, I believe in Jesus Christ and that when we die, we either go to heaven. . . Or to hell. I believe that energy - life, is borrowed. It was never ours to keep. And eventually, we all have to give it back. From the Universe we manifested, grew. Became who and what we are today, only to return. To become one with the beginning.
Art is all around us. It's everywhere. Effecting everyone. Like it or not, you're art. We're art. Every single vein coursing through our bodies, interlocking with every other. All with a special purpose of some kind, of some origin. We are art.
Vibrations coursing through ones body
Crazed mazes and uncontrollable sensations.
Weird feelings in the air and strange tuxedos that don't even fit them.
But who cares, the vibes are sent by what you feel reflecting upon what you see.
You make them.

— The End —