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Dear gentlemen of the prairie, the street and the dance.
Dear gentlemen, allow me ask -
Do you trouble with love? Romance?
Do they always turn you down?
Well let me, a damsel, tell you a golden rule us woman do not know we even cherish.

Stop trying to please her, stop, dear man.
Do not over-woo her, don't, dear gentlemen, don't.

Here's the secret;

It's not what a woman sees in a man, it is what a man sees in a woman, and how well he can prove it.
A planet with a layer of blue, is it really blue?
A horrid gas in-immune and unbearable to our soft and fragile lungs.
How fragile we are, us humans.

A planet so toxic to us
May be a ****** paradise to them.
The Elite.

Are they really?
Are They Elite?

Or are they simply not as stupid as the human race. . . ?

We do not foresee what our intelligence can do to those around us. What will the future be?
Will we destroy our paradise before the universe's time to do it on it's own? In it's own time?

Ha. We're a joke!

I think that back then a woman's number one priority was to be a good mother and to be a mother because now more than ever is the age in which the human race is farthest away from it's instinctual mentality. Just like your header " Go back.". Humans have built their own mental instincts . How fragile a race, yet how complex the intellect. In the future, nature won't be able to touch us. What once was the need to breed and populate became the need for knowledge and the expansion of the human brain's potential capacity. Man kind doesn't crave the need to populate. Only to satisfy their intellectual and physical properties. The human race doesn't give a **** about the human race. I just wish things were the way they were before...

But I'd be selfish to wish upon a life of strife, illness and pain. I'd be cruel to wish upon us a life of short living - a life of death dodging.
We have it awfully good, us humans. &we; don't even know it.
I love this life, I really do. I mean, when was the last time you had to fight for your food? We desire power, but also love being victims.
We love the bravado but we always know how to be timid.
Don't we all just love being weak? No masks, no muscle, just guns and white teeth.
Corporate monsters rule the world but the world only wants to be ruled. It's easier that way, it easier to just pretend to be fooled. Man loves power, but is disgusted by responsibility.  
The human race is ruled by blood lust disguised as lust after power. Must it be so?
So Here's A Poem I Wrote In The Sixth Grade* :) :o

As Shakespeare once wrote, "love, is like a strong breeze. It lifts you, and curdles you like a flower in the wind". I, myself, have been lifted.

I have been lifted so high aghast, my heart has been illuminated by the faint light of the heavens, singing praise do the angels, praise of you and I.

So take my hand, my beautiful sin, and let's take a leap. Let us dis-obey out promise, our vows and our morals, let us leave them all behind.

If you refuse, my blue sky, I will not be enangered by your choice. I shall not make strife, for then, I shall take my own life.

Death is such sweet sorrow. But smile, my love, smile. For when it is your cheek, that is to be kissed by the angel of death, I shall be waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

I shall be same, and you will be young again. I will smile and kiss your cheek, and we will set sail upon the seas of the heavens, and forever and ever, the story of you and I, Will be engraved on the stars of the night sky.

TearsToMyEyes :')
She Is The Hidden Puzzle Piece That Leaves The Entire Puzzle Unfinished Until Found And Completed.

She Is The Fragrance Of Our Emotions. Rose When We're In love, Musk When We Feel Lustrous And Lavender Once We Begin Our Lives In A Brighter Light.

Who Is She? She Provides Love And Salvation And Is Taken Advantage Of But Gets Up And Fights For The Lives Of Her Children. She Has Long Hair, And Short Hair. Coarse Hair, Fair Hair And No Hair.

She Has Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Grey Eyes, Black Eyes, Brown Eyes. She Has No Eyes. She Has A Glass Eye.

Who Is She?

She Is Wicked And Binds Spells To Be Cast Out Into The World And Then Is Chained And Burns In The Fires Of Hell. She Is Breath Taking With Her Silence, Her Words, Her Voice, Her Hands, Her Lips, Her Touch And Embrace.

Her Love Brings Tears To The Eyes Of Many, And Sometimes Into Her Own.

She Bears, Destroys, Fights, Loves. She Is Manipulated. She Is Used. Forced To Become The Darkness Shielding The Darkness.

Can She Be Forgiven?

Who Is She?

She Is A Woman.
Hey Mitzi, this is a more psychological thing than it is a poem, but hey, w.e.

I Write This As You Lay Under My Arm
Stiff, But Concious.
You Don't Seem To Always Know Who I Am Because You Stare Is Often Blank, But You Lay Concious.

It's Alright. You've Lived. You've Walked A Mile.

I Love You. I Write This Tears Roll Down My Cheeks. I Can Do Nothing But Pray And Watch Your Physical Responses.

Your Asleep, but Your Eyes Are Half Open And You Seem To Stare At Something In The Distance.

Beyond Me. Beyond Anything.

I'm Sorry I Can't Afford To Get You Any Professional Help, As You Suffer A Stroke.

Your A Cat And You Can't Read. But That's Okay, Because Your Exceptional.

Remember At Times, When No One Was Home At It Was Just You And Me, And I'd Protect You And You'd Protect Me?

I Wish I Could Protect You, But I can't Protect You From Yourself.
Unfinished, Sorry.
She Likes To Study, I Don't.
I Have ADD, She Doesn't.
She's Dumb And Lives By The Book,
I'm Smart And Do Whatever I Like.
She Likes Romance, I Like Comedy.
I've Had My First Kiss And The Millions After,
She Hasn't.

I Love Her. She's Beautiful. She Has A Big Nose And Large Forehead Which I Wouldn't Be Able To Picture Her Without.

I Love Her, She Loves Me, Though She Doesn't Say It Much.

I Love Her

*** Lilly
#Random #DontJudge #Lily
She's Beautiful When She Smiles, When She Walks, When She Runs..

Or At least She Thinks So.

She Makes Heads Turn And Sets Her Own Trends - Not Only Because She Can't Afford To Abide To The New Ones..

Or So She Thinks So..

There Was Only Ever One Who Truly Ever Loved Her, She Pushed Him Away, And Now He Hates Her..

Or So She Thinks So....

She Is Me, And I Am Her. I'm Insecure, I Try To Compete. I'm Not Good Enough, I'm Too Tall. I'm Too Short, I'm Never Talked About In A Good Light. I'm Not Beautiful, I'm Not Proud. I'm Insecure, I'm Too Proud.

She Loves Herself, She Hates The World. She Loves To Write. She Loves The Whirl. She Is In Her Own World, She Loves The Song Of Trunkwall. She Can Fly, She Loves To Cry And She's Beautiful.

Or At Least I Think So.. :)
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