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john walker Dec 2015
Tell me how to believe
my next cigarette will come from an tray
centre link want to take my benefits away
the cost of my fortnight food shop matches their restaurant bill
fun comes from a white pill or when your pain meds kick in
to watch the one I love in tears for tomorrows fears
when my body is broken and my mind is following
tell me how to believe?
john walker Nov 2015
I close my eyes,
part of my soul dies.
my head explodes with sadness,
tears weep tears within me.
I welcome death ,like a missing friend,
life happened to me,  I look behind,
no shadow, something died.
with nothing to believe in,
it could never survive.
john walker Nov 2015
Hello universe,
thought .... I should thank you
for all your wondrous gifts
like my life, hard ....yet fair
like this body lasting ....this far
like the dreams I've followed....still do
like not going to jail for things I did not do.
3 numbers and a sub ....when normally I just get 2.
we seem to talk a lot these days
john walker Nov 2015
my last breath blows the dust
from the pages of my life
last thoughts cross that timeless
aging space called living
  This is where I will find you
as friend and faded memory
your page was never read
only written
But I do.... remember you
john walker Nov 2015
A  long time ago, I put footprints in a place no one had ever been,
old dusty boots, sweat stained hat ,smell of that place.
My footprints remain if just in my mind,
the quiet moment comes, wraps it's arms around me
My footprints call to me across the distance of time,
this place no one has ever been,I am what I was,
not what I have become, I smell, taste feel my surrounds
happy to be there ,young ,arrogant without shame
....maybe this time, I will stay

— The End —