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610 · Aug 2013
bunny Aug 2013
don't do well with time limits -
be packed to leave at 10 am sharp
my im oh missing my
i have clothes and company
(and of course everyone assumes that's what's best,)
but i NEED cold air and solitude
gradually grasping at hints of these,
but nothing fills my stomach
like being in my empty room
with the fan on

*((leave me the **** alone))
575 · Aug 2013
bunny Aug 2013
you've moved on to california
a house a career a livelihood
i stay east and daydream
of you forcing me to be good
511 · Aug 2013
bunny Aug 2013
but i do not possess elegent words
that swirl like ink on expensive papers
and i won't try to pretend i'm a cheap copy,
mueseum gift shop brand of the constitution.

i've only got
my chicken scratch sentences
formed into organic shapes
pasted up with dripping glue
463 · Aug 2013
bunny Aug 2013
i don't write poetry
what am i doing
i could say the same for my being
feeling at home neither here nor there -
skin cells scream

head against concrete
my actions personify,
and whisper in your ear to beat me ******
- you don't usually get the message
375 · Aug 2013
bunny Aug 2013
"daddy issues"
they say labels
i know emotions
i know uncomfortable hugs,
and feeling a gap where some one really
should have been looking over my shoulder
me me me me me

but really i crave the comfort
of a person both physically and emotionally
there .

— The End —