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618 · May 2015
Virtual love
Brycen Rai May 2015
I love you and you love me
You are like a flower and I am like a bee
There's no just "you" neither just " me"
Together we shall be and that's a promise to keep
People might protest but let them see
For there is so much we can do and we can be
You can be the peaceful dove and I will be your sheltering tree
Together and forever I shall love you
And someday we will be free.

Forever alone me XD
458 · Jun 2015
Bloody Hate
Brycen Rai Jun 2015
This tiny world of ours, we share it together.
But why you wanna take it all for yourself?
Why do you hate me and my race?
I am confused when I am refused.
I am angered when I am wronged.
You spew words so full of hatred I am too terrified.
Hate and anger; your aura is full of it.
Releasing that energy what good will it bring?
These are the feeling that many have in their hearts.
An illusion  in this world is what that keeps us apart.
I won't cherish my hatred; I don't want to.
If you still want to do it then wrong  I will do.
421 · May 2015
Nights I think.
Brycen Rai May 2015
Its exact 12 at night
And I am lying on my bed
Cocooned myself up from toe to head
My eyes are  wide open
Thinking about tomorrows
as the yesterday's fade
Looking through the window
Not to the dark night sky
But to the streets with the blinding lights
Taxi cabs and police cars on the road
And the few people on the paths passing by
Far at the distance sound of sirens I hear them all
Before I go to dream I wish for better tomorrow for all.
315 · May 2015
A little Appreciation
Brycen Rai May 2015
The day has passed it's time to rest
The golden sun shines in its best.
That flying bird now is heading home
Tucks with its young a life to adore.
I lived today to see the beauty
I will live another day for I have a duty.
Things to be done for I have promise to keep
Long way to go before I lay to sleep.

Adore life.

— The End —