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Bryan Watt Aug 2015
Meet me by the catacombs,
We'll dance in the dark while the moon plays chaperone.
And the flesh is eerily still -
Too ethereal to burden hell,
Too rugged to grace the gates
Where the most blood did spill.
Tonight is the night of purgatory.

And in sixty seconds the pulse stopped.
The hair *****,
It's posture exact,
Intent to understand what we weren't meant to know.
Bryan Watt Jun 2015
The starlight struck hot on his head,
This time the breeze less gentle.
Gray stones rooted in trees stead,
Somber ground where lovers tread,
The living mental,
The sane dead.

And just before he refilled the land,
Cementing her beneath Earth's floor,
He interlaced her torpid hand,
One last time, nevermore.

The man returned to his empty address,
A note perched atop his bed,
Amidst his morbid mental mess,
He unfolded, and read:

"Remember when we first met?
That small cafe you frequented to write,
And time was small and swift to forget,
Falling victim to each other and the night.

That was what wasting time was for,
My heart and head acutely reeling,
Unequivocal of your allure.
I swore myself to that feeling,

Now I pen this letter proving me a liar.
Oh baby, the irony of
Being jaded by what I most admired.
Too perfect you were -
Counter-intuitive in that
Not enough was left desired.

I knew this time had come to pass,
The sand has traversed my hourglass."

He glanced up from the paper and just before
The tears sent his thoughts to drown,
He trickled out a sentence more...
"Our love is inherently profound."
Bryan Watt Jun 2015
Circling the ominous, luminous source,
Rotating, oscillating endlessly.
This invisible force,
Maintaining our course,
All the while it's just you and me.

As we dwarf the weeping clouds,
Reeling through the treacherous peaks,
The rains parallel the sounds,
Of the friction between our cheeks.

On every coast beneath the trees
Exists my lover and me.
I am the wind that carries the leaves,
She is the sand that stymies the seas.

And when the surf washed in steep,
Swishing backwards in tender sweep -
Imprinted in the sand
Were our footprints collided,
Thus the elements decided
The world was ours to keep.

— The End —