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May 2013 · 553
One. Third.
Bryan Gewickey May 2013
In the darkest of trees, there are no shadows:
only absence.
But all hope is slight Christ,
,all Light part divine but dim and not whole
but never un.
I do not move but by Your movement
and all circles are my love almost,,,
but Glory is an endless-
a static swirl a crimson forest
paved into One/(th)f(ree)
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
A elegy to gentelity
Bryan Gewickey Apr 2013
Please and thank you,
so curtsy often
to the brown and gold
array arras errat error
and enter
for a new age-
is much less a new page
than old pages burned.

To think and dream is not the age we are,
but blatant blatancy
berates the timid temperance of tolerance
in such a brutal light
that tiptoes are required footwear
for all 6 companies that run
the treadmill of deeliteful light.
and it delights in light
and fruitless
iamtalking of course
about the horse,
the dog,
the cat,
the viral virus of vermin
to break up our monotony,
all that is necessary is
to be willing
to shed the opinions of the mass
-ive ignorance
and think,
but more than most,
to breathe in compassion
Apr 2013 · 766
Clam 2
Bryan Gewickey Apr 2013
One -                                                                                                          
                                          loose leaf clam                                                                        
                                                                    held hostage                                      
                                                                                                by a lark,                              
                                                     left full by                                                                                
, a dark,                                                                                      
in ribs and chewing                                          
like gum,                                                      
of wicked                                            
lies to                                    
deaf seals                                    
and hurried                        
Oh, Wind of all 1,000 colors                                                                
broken to a prism                                              
of loss                                                                                              
, that is life,                                                                                
a bridge                                                                                  
, that is burns,                                                                    
a free                                                                                                          
reign        ,                                                                                      
my King,                                                                
a conquering                                                              
undone to splinters                                            
of a Wood worn                                                    
to waves                                                          
of glass, an endless Sea, Lion-lined bones set free.
Apr 2013 · 648
Clam 1
Bryan Gewickey Apr 2013
Calm clam
                       I command you
                                                for all the world is shivering
                                                       and your foot
is a fire
with wood and
                                   what some say sorcery
                                         others say forgiveness
                                            and Blood like mine
                                          is far from wine,
but made for blanching
                                                    snow, - -
to fall
                             into ropes,
oh       stretching
                                                                         cords wrapped deepened
                                                                from my lungs,
                                                              all my organs build a latch,
                                                             a gate, a sink,
                                                        a house,
                                                                        a humble mansion
  for a crumble-man:sinned
                             d///     to spirits
                                                  To build again a fire,
                                                    not flames,
                                                       but a W(Holy)
                         "I am not dead yet", but once soon I will.
Apr 2013 · 773
Bryan Gewickey Apr 2013
lots and lots of planes
have shoved the air
aside like leaves
or broken
many hearts with distance
but we are never hurt as much as we hurt ours
and sothe magic is
not from battles
and the mind that tells the heart
what grandeur that it
Feb 2013 · 379
What has us is never
Bryan Gewickey Feb 2013
It is
wonderfully vague
how I can
never not
be nothing
or even
stay the
How we
all know
we are
but dying
is not
a fashion
And if
we change
from dying
to death
I think
I know
we live
Nov 2012 · 481
the apprehension burns
Bryan Gewickey Nov 2012
the terrors of losing are not the loss.
it is not from our hearts
but our lungs that break
when the you that was here
becomes the you that I fear.
it goes from presence
to               .
(and the hardest thing
is knowing you still exist
when you are all that i miss)
Nov 2012 · 421
Bryan Gewickey Nov 2012
Look, I'm not sure if we are something so important
but take heart against the grave,
He was always meant for this
and with the spine you hear Him crack
but the earth is only breaking
as the constellations gasp
and with all the breath in space-
you're the reason He's gone alone.
The rhythm is based off of The Chariot's "Tongues" from the ablum One Wing.
Nov 2012 · 484
there is not silence
Bryan Gewickey Nov 2012
in all,
is all,
and we,
though lost,
long forever,
to pulse,
with them.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Not the heart, the lungs
Bryan Gewickey Nov 2012
I do not feel you in my heart-
that which drums on endlessly
and dull, devoid of most art,
struggling in spineless pulse
to find hemo-globe and not a hearse.

Sometimes I do not even feel my chest
hurtling blood into my veins
though I'm sure it rushes, while I rest,
at near hundred miles a minute-

No, i do not feel you pound in my heart.
I only feel you in my lungs,
breathing steadily through my nose
or heavy by my tongue-
you rush through my neck,
you rise and fall in all my bronchi--

and soft you travel in my body.
Oct 2012 · 676
Bryan Gewickey Oct 2012
In all backwards and forways,

for upways and downwords

still stick in my mind

that some hearts are not fine

and maybe if I said it thus simple

I would gather all stars to my ribs

but I see it not simple.

If I am, in all consequence,

I must see all together or see not at all.

For harps are not one string,

nor babies one bone

but by influx of rivers

thus comes the sea.

and asking: what sort of waters make up we.
Bryan Gewickey Oct 2012
So bring your favorite church

and your favorite song,

and some illustrious teacher

and loveless words along-

We are heading for a forest

where the sparks are small,

but fierce tremors will shake

and cause mortal words to fall-

When weather permits we will

go singing and tremble down our bones,

because all our spirits ache

for the true and righteous Home-

All I am You, All us are false

All All All is You but dimly lit,

All All my Father, All my Christ

Every All my Anchor-Ghost-Possessor-Mist.

— The End —