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Dustin Brothers May 2018
Life is one of the many things that everyone tries to define,

Is it meant for us to live it in pursuit of the divine?

Or is it something more precious than simply seeking our own absolution?

Should we also solicit for others in their search of innocence to resolution?

Many would say yes and our hope would follow that word,

Sadly, hope is a locution that is more often spoken than heard,

But there are few that hand it out freely from the star shining bright within,

To those, we say thank you for all that you have sacrificed and given,

These creatures are made of a pure light that burns brighter than any other's,

They are the reason for every breath and heartbeat, they are our mothers,

Even in entering this world we are shown boundless love at the expense of their pain and strife,

Too often forgotten are these many gifts given to us from our carriers of life,

Regrettably we go along every day thinking that this supernova will always shine,

As is eventually learned this is a farce; one that gave you the illusion of time,

Though not all is lost because that star left light in you,

A light that no matter how dark, it will burn through,

Even when you feel like you are at the end of your rope,

Mothers give us the one thing that nothing can take away, hope.

To My Supernova My Mother.

I hope to see you again one day.

Your Son,


— The End —