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Brooke Marie Dec 2011
Meant to stand alone
To love, but not the same.

Alone is where I stand
Broken, an empty picture frame.
Brooke Marie Nov 2011
((To give you a but of an introduction to this "story" I was having a conversation with a young man who is a song writer. We got into talking, then somehow started writing each other our feelings in poetry))

Him: I have a planet of could rock and craters so please devour me beautiful.

Me: Ahh, but once I devour you what will be left? Just me, and my black hole forever wanting more.

Him: I'll be there drifting in your space and I would love to get lost in you forever.

Me: Now Dylon, you're making a lady blush.

Him: Sorry miss but I speak my mind, I need to let you know you're one of a king, and in due time one day we will both unwind, and get lost in each other only to find what we know was there all along. My heart is your heart and we beat strong, so please don't blush, for the words i speak. Your touch is all I seek.

Me: How long must we do this dance?
       How long is long enough?
       After all we want the same, it shouldn't be that tough.
       It should be nice and easy,
       Just like you and me.
       Yet we still go round and round a waltzing one, two, three.

Him: We can swim in the stars and dance on the moon, your body is the needle and your love is the drug I consume. You're addicting to my heart from the very start you want me and I want you, so tell me girl could you change my world? Can we take this dance may I twirl you round and round, rest my ears on your chest to hear the sound, of your heart that beats for mine, makin music and my soul will rhyme, we can make a song, no one can tell us what we do is wrong, we share a love so strong. So don't leave me waiting too long, I'll still be here but I fear you will be gone.

Me: Dear Young Boy you make my heart wonder, but as you know I'm in love with another. You fill me with home and possibly that ever-lasting love, but you're so far away even God has trouble seeing us from above. All I want is to lay with you, my hear to your chest, hearing your heartbeat more firmly than the rest. This dance we dance; it is one that I keep close to my soul. But I'm afraid it will die out because our music together is no longer bold.

Him: I've danced on a thin line, I've waltzed with the Devil, I've been on the edge of a knife, I've been to my lowest level. A chance with you is just another to face, but it is worth it to kiss that beautiful face. So love the other and sing him your song, I guarantee he won't be able to sing along, because I know your words and I feel your pain, distance is only an obstacle to loves game. Let us play and enjoy this love, I see no snakes on your head but you do leave me stunned, like Medusa to a mortal man, you have me in stone stuck in a place I will do as you demand. So, baby girl the chances we take are only temporary but the love we share will forever carry.

Me: You may not see the snakes I carry, but they are there along with past men drained and weary. I too have danced with the Devil, that's how I got this curse, men fall in love with me but I can't return and that's the worst. Because for all I wish is to fall madly in love with a man, who loves me more than he ever planned. I want to sing this melody, this song with you, but I'm not sure now, what to do. This other man I think does love me, but I don't know how long this will last and It's starting to break me. I don't know how to stop loving him, nor do I know if I could break my ties with him. But you are right next to him, playing such a sweet melody, it's hard for me to figure out who is better for me. Forever carry, is what you promise to my love, but how can I trust this when it's so hard to become?

Him: We share more than a touch, more than a rush, we share more than a stare, we share more than our air. We share a passion, we share the same satisfaction. For you're poetry is secret, only I can read it, we share a language all our own, I have a kingdom I rule alone. Will you be the queen and sit with me on equal thrones? For I am no better than you and you no better than me, we an share this balance, we can love with equality.

Me: King and Queen, of our land of love. But how do we get to this so called place, when we don't even know how to start this race? You are so new to me, like the young sapling of a tree. How do we grow together, when we can't physically be together? distance doesn't seem like much trouble, but it becomes difficult after time and turns relationships to rubble. Yes we may share similar feelings but how do we know what this "love" we hare together isn't just a hidden form of lust, now lust I know for a fact is something you can never trust. Once you get it then it is gone, usually you want nothing more from that person again, to me that is wrong.

Him: We share a love so young we must let it grow, the most important this is that these feelings are shown. For you can't build a structure without blue prints and bricks, our emotions are the mortar and so far this structure sticks. So lets continue to build and see what will rise, maybe we will find something that's more than just appealing to the eye. For we ill know the truth once we walk inside, walk our kingdoms halls and run through its pastures, tell me would you like to join me in this happy ever after?

Me: This story you paint for me is oh so sweet, everything you say is so perfectly put and neat. Theses halls and pastures you tell me about sound like a dream, for all I want is that perfect love scene. Yes that cheesy one in the movies where everything is in slow motion, like how the sand is constantly intertwined with the ocean, that calm serenity that is certain, between me and you.. our world so perfect. yes I'll try this happily ever after, because in the end that's all I've ever been after. So I guess let's see where this takes us, for there is no reason for me to not trust.

Him: One day this distance will shrink between us, and I won't have to take a bus, I can wake up in the morning and look next to me, and you're the girl I would love to see. Kiss your cheek and bring you food in bed, let's take things slow and just remain friends, but we can dream for now and know in our hearts, this is the end of being strangers our love is about to start.

Me: Tonight I'll take this dream with me. Think of us together and see where it will go, maybe someday it will come to show. Dream to reality you and me, but for now I'll let this dream run free. Goodnight my king, with much love from your Queen. I will see you very soon in this dream I'm about to dream.

Him: Goodnight my sweet, now go rest your feet, and speak to me when the sun comes and shows its face. Sleep now and embrace the dream we share, with much love I say goodbye you've chased away my nightmares... goodnight miss I wish you were closer.
Brooke Marie Nov 2011
I hope all of "this" isn't a lie,
Honestly if it was I couldn't understand why..

     Lead me on for months,       almost a year.

This is my biggest fear.

I wanted you to be the first and only,
Now I think I'm going to end up lonely.

The lonely,    me.
Brooke Marie Nov 2011
I'm restless and thinking about last night.
You and I alone under the parking lot lights.

We're in the back of your car, being reserved, all I wish is that the tables were turned.
Instead of "me and Him,"-- instead of "you and Her,"-- it was just "Us." And right now all we are relying on is trust.
Both of us are taken, but we lust for each other, all I want to do is have my lips upon yours to smother.

Then it happens. I make the first move, waiting and wondering what to do.

I feel you hold your breath, I can't control myself any longer. We don't have the willpower, we can't be any stronger.
Your hand moves up my back, you bring me closer in. My forehead rests on yours, I can feel your racing pulse through my skin.

We stop -- and stare. In silence.

I bring my lips ever so lightly, and hover them over yours.
We pause, then I take that leap. I kiss you.

Unable to be in control any more, I let go and let my lips explore.
Only gently at first; cautious kissing. My hand ends up in your hair, I grab it and stop wishing.

Right there under those parking lot lights it happens, our first kiss --- The Kiss that makes your knees weak and your mind blank.

We pause again and quietly smile.     We know.
Brooke Marie Nov 2011
Today I see you standing there, in a bow tie none the less. You greet me with that oh-so famous smile, I can't help but smile back. Were outside of my car looking at each other, no words yet have passed. We know what each others thinking, under faces so close.

                       "If only it was two months sooner."
                    "If we can wait just a few more days."

You and I spend the rest of the day together, right after we finish class. We end up at your dance studio, I watch you like I've never watched before. I join in and we joke for a few, I'm videotaping this magic happen. We leave and drive around, run into a few friends and hang out for a while. Looking at each other thinking, under faces so torn.

                       "If only it was two months sooner."
                     "If we can wait just a few more days."

We end up alone again, driving back to find my car. I follow you to a school, so we can hang out and talk. It's too cold outside so we go sit in your car, staring at each other not knowing what to do. You take your shirt off and I'm rubbing your back, it hurts from all the dancing. I don't know what to do, the tension between us is so thick.  You say your torn and don't know what to do, you have a girlfriend. I agree and say that I as well have a boyfriend, so what should we do now? We know what each other wants, under faces so close.

                               "What should I do?"
                           "What do I want to do?"

I can't hold back anymore, I lean in    with my lips touching your neck. I feel you hold your breath, I still don't know if I should continue. i run my lips down your neck onto your collar bone, I stop and bring my head back. We're looking at each other, with faces so close.

                           "I know what I want."
                            "I know who I want."
Brooke Marie Oct 2011
I see you smile but you're not really happy
I hear you ask but you don't want to know
I hear you talk but nothings' being said
I watch you laugh buy you don't think it's funny
I see you cry but they aren't really tears
I watch you get up but you're not really awake
I see you go to sleep but you aren't really resting

So you're alive but are you really living?
Brooke Marie Oct 2011
I'm trying and I realize,
that trying is demise.

Whatever you do,
make sure it is you.

Because at the end of the day
you cannot betray,
who you are.
Because my love, you are your own north star.
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