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Jun 2014 · 263
Behind Those Eyes
BrokenBeings Jun 2014
It looks like I'm alone again, just my monsters and me.
Staring at each other, each wanting to be free.
I blame them and they blame me, never really knowing,
That it's all my fault and my fear is clearly showing.
So I bare my teeth and they retreat into the dark.
To be with themselves and plot against me saying "hark!"

"We have have him trapped just like a wild beast.
We must take him by force and have ourselves a feast!".
I hear them plot and I welcome every bit.
This world has made me angry, sad and sick.
I tell them "tear me apart! Limb by limb by limb!
Just as long as I won't have to see my reflection cause I hate him!!!"
"He mocks me with his eyes so full of laughter joy and light,
When underneath he gorges on his pity, misery and spite!"

They grab a piece of glass and I think "thank god this is the end"
But they put it to my face and show me that awful man.
He tells me that he's tired, but that I can never tell.
Cause the people who "loved" him, would say that he looks well.
They think he's lively cause his emotions are suppressed,
So when he finally breaks, people will say "I never would have guessed".

He thinks he's ugly and worn so do strangers as do I.

When the people who know him see him, we all know that they won't lie.

It is better to hide and never be found
Than to be ridiculed and hurt by those around.
I cannot stand the man I know that lies.
Because I feel everything he hides behind those eyes.
Mar 2014 · 362
Chasing Demons
BrokenBeings Mar 2014
I can't chase my demons, they've tied me too far down.

God would not forgive me, I don't deserve his crown.

What if I walked into the ocean? If I mysteriously drowned.

Police would look halfhearted, but life would keep up in this town.

See, I'm not important. Not even I want me around.

In life I serve no purpose. I'm better in the ground.

I hold to regret like a moth to a flame, and I am hell bound.

I cut my heart on broken glass as a shot of hate is downed.

I tried to impress my reflection, but he shook his head and frowned.

I hope you understand now and I know how it sounds.

But these are my opinions and they control me now.
Please be polite in the comments, I'm this was the second piece I ever wrote.

— The End —