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TK Apr 2019
Will I ever be enough
To get full custody of your love

Will my opinion ever matter more
Than those that came before

How much does it take
Before the heart can no longer break

You know all my issues and I've voiced every concern...
Taught you everything about me but it seems you never learn

I can't compare / it isn't fair
Trying to compete / it's killing me

We must have different definitions of inclusion
Times we're supposed to come together I end up


Broken people do broken things
It's been proven

Or maybe I'm just too broken to be enough for YOU
TK Apr 2019
We were off to a rough start.
Your ex, my exes....your kids. Their dad.
Such a complicated situation.
We've invested so much time into creating our own separate life
Why is it so hard to separate pastfromFUTURE?
Some connections are more obligatory than others I agree
Just the same where do we draw the line?
All stubborn exes feel they have a "right" to say and do certain things
But again....we're missing a boundary line somewhere
Maybe it's just me.
In order for new things to develop and grow,
old things must be set aside.
There is no room for new beginnings if you're still hoarding habits and emotions from the past.

So here we stand at this first intersection between now and forever
One way is forward, the other goes back.
Which one will you choose?
TK Feb 2019
Ridin around
Everything's cool
        kids in the back, but the passenger ain't you

We're hanging out
Everybody's having fun
          I'll text you back in a minute, as soon as we get done

"Just spending time with the kids"
You said you'd understand
          Not being Disrespectful, just following the plan  

Her family called
We gotta go there too
.          Watchu fussin for? Got this feelin like deja vu

Either you understand or you don't
Either you gon stick it out with me
                                                         or you won't

I know you love me
I love you too
.         Remember that love while I'm out here doin what I gotta do

Tryina keep things peaceful
Just wanna see the kids happy
            But you messin up the flow always gettin mad at me

She's in my car.
She's in my house.
         I would let you too but that's not what this is about

There's always a reason.
Backed up by logic
          but imagine if things were reversed maybe that'll scare you enough to stop the nonsense

Please understand
Love don't make wrong right
        so something's gotta change  
         if you plan on staying in my life
TK Jan 2019
Where do I begin :

First and foremost I must congratulate you on a job well done. The child that you raised is now raising children of her own. She's smart, not just cliché smart but absolutely intelligent. There's so many words I could use to describe how amazing she is in every level of life, but I'll just simply say she's INCOMPARABLE.

Before we even entertained the thought of a relationship, we made sure we were free of any doubts /fears /or emotions from our past. We made sure we were ready for the backlash and the questions that would follow.

We both have had our share of hurt and disappointment in our past. It's my belief that after all those years of suffering, a door was finally opened to escape it all. I believe we reached that door at the same time and decided to walk thru together.

I will never lie or make her cry
I will never disrespect her
I will never put myself in any situation that would ultimately hurt her in any way.

I know there's no way to physically receive your blessing prayer is that this letter reaches to where you are.

I love your daughter.
Not just physically, not just emotionally...
But from a place that only her and God exist

I love her from my soul........
TK Jan 2019
I can't escape.

No matter how hard I try

I'm stuck here

I'm stuck in this.....


I wanna leave

I wanna be somebody

I want a life of my own

I just want to be free

I'm so tired.

Tired of crying

Tired of hurting

Tired of praying for a change that never comes

So tired.

I just want to LIVE.

Where is this life abundantly they keep preaching about?

Where tf is this joy unspeakable

Where is this overflow that we keep singing about?

Maybe I missed my turn

Where is it?

Where's my life?

Where is the me that everyone thinks I am....
TK Jan 2019
Today is my birthday.

No cake. No candies.
No balloons. No gifts.

Today I reflect on the life I've had and the life ahead.

Today is my birthday.

But you wouldn't know it if you came here.

I'm surrounded -and alone
Outside my room I'm the outgoing kid they raised and everything is fine
Inside -----I've been crying since last night

Today is my birthday.

But all I see is the tragic circle of life that I've inherited with no savior in sight.

No, not even Jesus Christ

It's my birthday.....
TK Jan 2019
Will I ever be enough
To get full custody of your love

Will my opinion ever matter more
Than those that came before

How much does it take
Before the heart can no longer break

You know all my issues and I've voiced every concern...
Taught you everything about me but it seems you never learn

I can't compare / it isn't fair
Trying to compete / it's killing me

We must have different definitions of inclusion
Times we're supposed to come together I end up


Broken people do broken things
It's been proven

Or maybe I'm just too broken to be enough for YOU
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