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361 · Feb 2014
Brock Hargreaves Feb 2014
Serenely sliding past my sighing windows pane
They see the sights I've never seen and visit heights I've never been.
What jealous thoughts have I of late of clouds whose will never wait
For me to follow them around the globe far removed from this abode.
I yearn for wanton whims and fancy with no reproach from nagging Nancy
For wanderlust has gripped me fast in Iron fist with wit to last
Until I cave to wilful wander while we wish each will to ponder.
So strike me free from fear and shed last lifes lonely tear!
Fortune favours the bold I'm told so ******, I've life to live till life gets old!
I'll chase those clouds across the seas, through barren deserts and towering trees
I'll see the sights' I've never seen, go those heights I've never been,
And all the while I search and yearn for lifes new lessons yet to learn.
Come join me on my vast crusade, from now when young till last hand's played.
341 · Feb 2014
Hold Fast
Brock Hargreaves Feb 2014
Hold fast my Heart, spare not the quick words and hard trues,
For beating within my breast is not a fragile instrument,
Rather an empty book, whose lonely pages crave ink.
     Be still my Breath, waste not your time on empty words and hollow phrases,
Find instead that sublet gasp, the slight intake that precludes the wondrous
Moment that steals you away.
     Find calm dear Thoughts. Though much about the world can be thought,
Think only of those worth thought. The Sunsets of life, the wonders of morning.
Dwell on angels placed in our paths, not the demons that haunt our pasts.
     Stand strong stalwart Spirit! You keep the time-honoured values alive.
With gentle hand you greet the world, with firm stance you steady our feet,
Keeping us ever vigilant, ever curious, ever loving.
     Be proud, good Soul. Never give way to the forces of darkness,
Never give way to the words of fools.
Cherish the rays of light that break through lifes' dark canopy.
     Always remember, always forgive, and greatest of all, love.
250 · Feb 2014
That Moment
Brock Hargreaves Feb 2014
My mind reels.

I strive towards you but I'm set back on my heels as I

I made a mistake.
                            Not intentional no, never intentional, but it feels right and so

                                        I do it.

            I made a mistake.
                                        But I watch in horror as my mind kneels to depression.

But one can't yield to depression so I pick my mind up and see my mask fall as it peels off leaving me


My mind reels.

I sit here thinking of you because there's
                  nothing else I can do.

I try to write a poem that's specifically, uniquely for you but
                 I can't.

Not because I'm lacking but because

Well, this is a first.
             And I feel like I'm cursed to cling to it so
                            and I don't want that.

Cause as a little boy my Mom told me a tale, it was the worst, about a kid who hugs his dog so tight
                                           he crushes it.

But love is about setting things free and so letting them grow.

Why do I fall for every girl who shows the smallest kindness to me? For that smallest moment when our eyes meet the force of heaven hits me in the heart and
                                                  my mind reels.

— The End —