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 Apr 2014 Briz
Grumpy Dwarf
Why can't you be horrible and full of unforgivable flaws?
Why does it gets worse and not better inside my stupid, devoted heart?
Why do you still feel the same to me?
Your skin hasn't lost that scent I knew
The scent I still know and can remember by simply closing my eyes
The scent I still desire and find familiar
Even if it really never was
 Mar 2014 Briz
I was the five-year-old
who got called names,
was pushed around,
and was physically beaten,
just because he looked slightly different

I was the ten-year-old
who grabbed his father's phone
because he wanted to play Tetris,
but instead, stumbled upon romantic messages
coming from a phone number that wasn't his mother's

I am the sixteen-year-old*
who fell hopelessly in love,
then got his heart broken by the girl
he thought was beautiful and perfect in every way;
the girl who promised him *“forever”

I want to be the seventy-year-old
who’ll enjoy sunsets from his porch,
swaying back and forth in his rocking chair
and hold hands with the woman
he’ll think is beautiful and perfect in every way;
the woman who promised him *“forever”
 Mar 2014 Briz
Harry J Baxter
Have You Found God?

priestess you have found me shameful in my wanting
my sin, your stubbed toe
you curse me
in ways I have never heard -
but I found God -
I found God in the silence of quiet night time street
and the bathroom floor
God came into the restaurant once
he didn’t tip
but he did turn all the water into wine
God sleeps by the bus shelter
and asks for cigarettes
God is an old insane man in the halfway house
he sells me his piano CD’s for five bucks a pop
I read his libretto once, it was alright
God is a family man - a father
but every Friday night around 630 PM
you can find him at the bar, because a guy has to cut loose sometimes
God asked me for directions to the Garden of Eden
and sleeps with a night light
Oh priestess, I know you lament your long lost husband
in long forgotten altars to the old world
just know he’s out there
always in the last place you look

— The End —