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BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
I found her in the bathroom
With silent tears, facing the wall
We hadn't been back a week, but it didn't matter
Dried eyes, walked out
Teasing again
"Leave her alone"
Glaring, they went to class
"I'm Monica"
"I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another." - Veronica Roth, Divergent
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Sitting by her window
a young woman is
painting a flowered vase,
which sat upon the
table by the salon wall.

Brothers running outside,
playing baseball--

Hand rushing to heart
as the ball flies by,
knocking over paints
onto the canvas.
Written January 2013
Inspired by Autumn Rain by five year old abstract artist Aelita Andre
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Christmas gatherings--
spending holidays with friends

Winnie the Pooh has
gathered thistles for Eeyore--
delightful surprise

Eeyore pondered then
decided on braving bees--
honey for Pooh bear
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
safe in her husbands arms with peaceful sigh
now slumbers youthful wife while dreams beguile
storm's thunder passes: some ire others mild
clap in the air, from lover must she pry

babe's cry rings out in starlit sky
and mother rushes toward her child
was he awoke from storm, or's ***** defiled?
with turn of little light see smile that's shy

she lifts him up from crib of purest white
on changing table she lays little one
fresh, no new diaper, she picks him up and
his eyes gaze up with the shade bluest bright
love sounding in voice, mother hums to son
she starts to rock him back off to dream land
Form: The Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet
November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Through the times I travel
Through the skies I fly
I hear judges slam gavels
I watch men as they spy
I see wars as they take place
I travel through Space
I’m the one who carries mace
As the mystery take place

As the ****** unfolds
I’m the one who hunts for gold
I’m the legend untold
I am the slave that was sold

I’m the baker on the corner
The hairstylist down the street
I am my loved one’s mourner
I’m that stranger that you meet

I’m a Solder
      An Explorer
      A Frontiersman
      A Spy
I’m a Witness
      A Doctor
      A Fairy
      A Nymph
I’m a Queen
      A ballerina
      A child
      A swan

I am a reader
Anyone I want to be
When I open up the pages of a book
Come with me, I’ll show you
Come take a look

Can’t you see the mountains
And the stream over there
I’m in the forest
A knife
My bow
One arrow
All that I’m armed with

A branch snaps
My arrow flies
The shot is true
And the deer is dead
My family will celebrate tonight
For we shall feed for many moons
Perhaps a different scene is more to your taste

Helmet on
Boots strapped tight
A gun is in my hand

The earth is shaking
Night is whistling
Bombs dropping all around
The world seems at its end

A blinding light
Then all goes silent
I hear my comrade calling
“Medic” “Medic”

Rushing to him
Kneeling at his side
I gather him in my arms
And run for shelter

Patched up now
He’s doing well
Or well as anyone can be expected to do here in this hell
It’s said you truly live
Only if you’ve faced death
This isn’t life
Life is
Being at home
Surrounded by the ones you love

Out here
The only thing that waits for us
Is death
The cold that creeps at night
Go to sleep
Not knowing if you’ll wake up
Or die during the night

Dreams of mothers
Of wives
And of kids
Dreams of brothers
And sisters
All of our kin

It’s how we survive
Through our dreams
Our imagination
It keeps us alive

It’s said the war
Will be over soon
I don’t see it
But I hope
I pray it’s true

Now the story is over
The journey is at it’s end

But I’ll travel again
Later tonight
I’ll open a book
A new adventure will begin
Question is,
Are you brave enough
To join me?
Written in 2010 for a poetry slam
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
.                                            Father, forgive
                                             them,” are the
                                            words You cried,
                                             while nailed to
                                            the cross which
                                            should have been
                                            mine. At Calvary,
                                             You conquered
                                          death and covered
all of my sin, so that I may enter heaven and spend eternity with You.
“Why do you love me?” I ask, most every time I pray. I am not worthy
of Your love, but freely You give it anyway. I mess up time and again,
yet you forgive it all. I’ll never fully understand, at least not while I am
still here upon this earth, and even then, after ten thousand years, I’m
                                          not sure I will. Yet
                                        continually I’ll praise
                                        You, and thank You
                                          for each new day.
                                          For all of  the joys
                                          in my life, and for
                                          the suffering too.
                                          Every trail in this
                                        life you have given
                                          to me is a way to
                                        praise who You are.
                                        It’s a way to rely on
                                        You day by day, to
                                        think of others first.
                                        And every blessing
                                         You pour out is a
                                         gift to share with
                                        all of your children.
As the title says, this is actually a written prayer, and just reading it has helped me. I posted this, with the hope that by sharing this that it will help someone else. God has blessed your day in so many ways, even the ones we don't see as blessings may be gifts in disguise from Him. Please take the time to pray to Him, to remember that He is the One in control and that He loves you no matter what.
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
impressions left upon ground
digging deep into the earth
walk on the narrow path
journey alone, deep in the woods

warm air fills my lungs
                 deep breath in
and out
dandelion and snakeroot
    tickle my nose
and the ever present scent of
pine is underneath

             on then
first step          over fallen log
which has just begun to rot
sip  fresh water and have
a protein bar

up ahead lie two gardens--
carefully planted
one yields potatoes, one nectar
a place for butterflies to dance

walk by the stream
    then head past pavilion
          finally go towards the car
dream and wait for another Saturday
class writing: an image poem, evoke the senses, take something mundane and describe it in a way that make it beautiful
January 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
a squirrel scampers
amidst the falling leaves--
nearby, a crow caws
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Asked the baker to his wife,
"Sky was filled with light,
know you what occurred last night?"

Looking at him, she replied,
"Beauty fell in love with Beast."

Gathered at the castle now--
hall filled with dancing--
cheers sang though the crowed room:

"Tale as old as time, song as
old as rhyme, Beauty and Beast."
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
        i     r
   c              c  
        e     l

to  floor ... quickly eaten by dog
baby eating cheerios
February 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
and Forth
and Forth
eyes gaze around the park
and Down
and Down
children on swings
and the teeter totter
softest chatter
young couples with their dogs
and old ones holding canes
wind rustles
through his paper
face glancing up again
he looks around
and considers
when lethargy takes the closest star
and he can no longer pretend
to read
the man walks towards his car
then hears sirens
as trucks pull out of the nearest
fire station
forcing his face to stay neutral
he wonders which home
his brother has chosen
Connect the words fire station, lethargy, and teeter-totter
November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Setting sun lights the sky's candles:
Red, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Blue.
Each one lit, illuminates the sky
In a warm wash of colourful joy.
Flicking beauty fills the heavens
As softly twilight falls.
Lit flames shine in darkened sky--
Written January 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
slowly creeps towards heaven's lights
moon's smile is filled with her delight
shinning now so full and bright
love's in the night, love's in the night

at his lovely wife Darcy gazed
beauty, character he's amazed
on stone sitting at entrance's maze
catches her gaze, catches her gaze

off of the bench she starts to rise
Helen looks into amber eyes
small blush, devotion amplifies
with love she sighs, with love she sighs

lifting dress, then running with grace
laughing now he begins to chase
catching up, their bodies embrace
hedges encase, hedges encase
Form: monotera
November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
black birds sit on stone
mother singing with her young--
cast iron silhouettes
Written April 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
earth bound gaze, love's moon
blossom's silk caress the ground
river creeps steadily
all but two are snug in bed
fireflies dance around them
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Thought about this for awhile,
what time period would fit my style?
Renaissance with books and paintings
And castle jesters entertaining.
Russian palaces with diamond gowns,
And for the wealthy, food abound.
Ancient times with jeweled cuffs,
Choosing one might sound tough.
Yet as I truly consider this,
Much of my own time would I miss.
Modern medicines is extensive,
And slavery is found offensive.
Fresh water's available too,
And from the moon we have Earth's view.
Much of the world can read and write;
And, just think of the beautiful sight,
Which can be shared from a photograph,
And preserves where I can see a giraffe.
And I am a woman, this is true,
In past times I'd be a possession to use
For political gain of my father or brother.
No, now is a time unlike any other.
What period in history would you loved to have lived in?
Please note, that I would love to visit / vacation in other time periods, but I would never want to have to live in any time but my own.

Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
When asked, "What colour is the sky?"
Most people answer, "Blue."
But I have a challenge
That I must ask of you:

Next time the sun is setting
Or's about to rise,
Look up, I ask of you,
Look up into the sky;

Tell me of the colours
Of the purple, red, and gold,
Floating in the wind,
In the sky so very bold.

Next time some mentions,
That the sky is blue,
Remember there are more colours
Which can inspire you
Written in 2010
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Whispers: black holes concealed within night sky.
February 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Knowing Alexandria would burn,
I would save her library.
I wouldn't warn of the incoming invasion,
for that could change too much.
But swiftly, before the war began
and the fire broke out,
I would take as many scrolls as I could,
and hide them, safe nearby.
All the knowledge, history, maps
How would our view of history change?
Written November 2013
If you could go back and change one event in history, what would it be?
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Every Christmas, birthday, or any other holiday
              where gifts are exchanged,
I am asked the same question,
"What would you like?"
Don't you know by now?
It's not gifts I want.
I don't want jewelry or clothing or  money or trips;
I don't want new books--though you know I enjoy those;
I don't want chocolate or a new phone.
Don't you know by now?
All I want is to spend some time with you.
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Mist begins to form
Thunder rumbles overhead
I feel my lips smile

Moment by moment
The sun's rays cannot peak through
I walk through the storm

Droplets fall on me
Lightning flashes overhead
Wind flows spiraled path

Rejoice in this brief
Sporadic moment of peace
From the light's harsh glare

Twirling in the rain
Simple pleasures of the past
To be a child again

Continual pour
Lasting longer that I thought
Day is nearly gone

Dancing by the moon
In the quiet of the night
Gentle rain falling
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
In this time of my retreat,
I have a mission to complete:
To take the time and self reflect,
To give myself some introspect.

I'll meditate, first day alone,
Concentrate on my atone.
Twist and contort, (I'll do yoga too);
Each new level I will pursue.

On day the next, I'll pray and read
About the one who bled for me.
He's alive, oh sweet bliss,
That I shall not fall into abyss.

Sunset and then sunrise,
The new day brings a surprise.
For on this day, I shall explore:
Hike until I can trek no more.

On my last day without a word,
I'll think about what I've not heard;
And then I'll journal it all down
These qualities which are renown.

Tomorrow shall bring noise again
And with the sound, women and men.
I'll have missed the human touch,
But times they can be a bit much.
Written in 2011
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
a fierce guardian will stand
with flaming sword
guarding Eden's gate.
Written April 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
In the city-state of Lycia,
in a country we now call Greece,
there lived a monster mostly forget
they called it the Chimera.

Two heads, one breathing flames,
it was the combination of three beasts.

Finally slain by Bellerophon,
or that's what Homer says,
there were many
who came before the warrior
ridding on mighty Pegasus.

This their tale.

Two-hundred and ninety-nine
of my brothers have fought before me.
Two-hundred and ninety-nine
of my fellow warriors  have died.

Today I go out before the beast.
Only my shield and weapon at my sides.

I fight today with the trident,
others came to face it
with the sword.
I do not know if that will make the difference,
if it will be how I win
or if I will only die faster than the others.

But I cannot
entertain thoughts of it killing me.
Not now.
Not as I prepare to slay the thing ravaging my town.
my people. my family.

I will **** this thing.
I must.

Dawn is rising.
I kiss my wife and son farewell
as I step forward to defend them.

I can hear its harsh bellow in the distance
as the Chimera makes its way
towards my home.
The sound causes the babe to cry.
Its ironic symmetry is not lost on me,
but I must go forth.
I have to protect. defend. slay.

Walking forward,
weapon clasped in my hand
I prepared to meet death:
or his.
One or the other
would occur today.

I am a simple soldier,
prepared to meet my destiny
hero or warrior.
Glace down at my shield:
Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς
Either with this or on this,
come back victorious.

Words to live by
and die by.
Honour is all.

How will this begin?
Best to strike first
Strike hard
Strike fast

Feint right
Rush left
Miss whispered breath
by mere seconds
before fire is released.

Battle continues
until Apollo's chariot
is directly above us.

This thing is larger than any I have ever faced.
But I can conquer it.
I can be victorious.
Return with your shield or upon it.
I will face my family again
with my shield in hand.

Stab up
Step back
I cut one of the necks,
the one which breaths no fire,
but it is not a killing blow.

Once more I stab
but with its next strike,
fangs have pierced the
directly above
my heart.

Knees hitting the ground,
my hands clasp the earth while
blood and sweat run down my body.
Taking another shallow breath,
flame engulfs me,
and I become
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Poet's pen--
most think of it, as the
instrument used
to complete the greatest
of works.
But truly,
it is only a way to immortalize
a beautiful view on life.
"Let your life become living poetry." Rumi
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
microwave turning
cooking a movie night snack--
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Give thanks, brothers and
sisters too. Give thanks mothers
and fathers for your
freedom comes from the brave troops:
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.

Soldiers who die,
have fought for you willingly.
They left all they knew,
picking up camo and gun,
training for hours on end.

Give thanks as you sit
surrounded by family and
friends, for those who are
right now in combat, who are
awake, wishing they were home.
Form: three tanakas
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
why, God?

can't you see the
tears flowing
like the Jordan
from these eyes
that You created?


why has this shame
been cast upon me?

in this village You
placed me in, there
are a hundred
laughing children
in the arms
of every other woman.

am i alone put aside?

you know how much
i love Your ways,
kept and followed
every command
since i was a girl,

let me love a child
for a little while,
let me suckle
a son to my breast
and i will give him
back to You.


let this prayer
fall like pure
soundless snow
from my lips

look down
upon Your servant,
look down
and remember her.
Inspired by 1 Samuel 1.
Chapter 2 is called "Hannah's Prayer."
Written January 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
I am marriage.
Not just a goddess,
I'm their queen.
I am marriage:
the one whom women seek.
I am married.
I should be loved;
but my husband is faithless.

I am Hera,
and many ******* wrath.
I take seriously my vows,
and suffer not fools in my path.
I am Hera,
and I sent Hercules abroad.
I helped Jason in his task,
and by men am I awed.
I am Hera,
and I will not be played the fool.
November 2013
On the relationship of Zeus and Hera
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Toddler climbs on Santa's lap
to whisper in his ear
wishes and gifts sought after
for this Christmas year.
Written in 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
snowy panther prints--
hunter lying nearby to
catch dinner for cubs
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Serene terrain:
Pines, rivers, slabs, snow; a
Giant yells...Avalanche's commin'
So run!
Written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
We should all be able to recite Dickens's famous line,
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness";
and many of us can finish this J. Austen quote,
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that."

If these authors, whom we have proclaimed
through the ages to have produced
some of the greatest writings we have known,
used a passive voice to tell their tale,
why then do we now state to the same audience
that voice is an evil so great that the flowing cloud
of ink from neither pen nor printer can be allowed
to touch their paper with its words?
Feb 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
staring up at tallest tree,
whose seed has danced around the moon
I am awed how we are one
The Moon Tree can be found next to the Dunn Formal Rose Garden. It is actually an American sycamore that was grown from a seed that orbited the Moon with Stuart Roosa in Apollo 14's command module while Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walked on the lunar surface.  Stuart Roosa, a former smoke jumper with the United States Forest Service, was approached about bringing the seeds into space and resulted as a joint NASA/USFS project to study the effects of weightlessness on seed germination and seedling growth. Other trees were planted in Brazil, Switzerland, at the White House and presented to such notables as the Emperor of Japan.

President Gerald Ford, in a bicentennial Moon Tree ceremony, called the trees living symbols of "our spectacular human and scientific achievements."
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Grapes on the vine
Innocent wine
Until refined
A drink to be

Rice in the field
Innocent yield
A drink revealed
A wine to see
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Oh, Coffee!
Thou art liquid gold flowing through my veins:
The only thing keeping me awake
          on these many college nights.
Muse of many test and papers,
Your song rings sweetly in mine ears.
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Little Jacques,
you are a handsome child
cheeks of golden red
and curls upon your tiny head

Little Jacques,
dimples bless your smile
your now eyes flutter into sleep
as you lay under stars and sheep

Little Jacques,
travel to the land of nod
dream now of teddy bears
and know you're ever in my prayers

Little Jacques,
you're safe here by my side
I'll protect you forevermore
you'll always be cared for
A lullaby
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
a skeleton in my closet resides
thinking of him makes me sigh
I want not the world to know he exists
but eventually they will persists,
and know the secrets of everyone
from hated truth, I'll not be undone
so before they are given the chance
I take him out, teach him to dance
learn foxtrot, tango, Viennese waltz
polite conversation, he will exalt
he'll learn to stand in the limelight
once I'm done he'll be a sight
to behold that's filled with glory
oh when I'm done they'll tell a story
but not of my misdeeds, oh no
this one they'll love, never let go
a perfect gentleman for all to see
soon they'll be jealous he's dancing with me
"If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best take it out and teach it to dance." - George Bernard Shaw
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Velvet sky stretched out
    above my head
Night caresses with
    sweet words--
Wind moves around me.

Pale glow beams softly
    from the sky
Luna charms, melodic
Dance in moon flower
written in 2012
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Just one, brief look.
How bad could that possibly be?
Just one, brief look.
It couldn't change my life's outlook;
don't have to open door to see,
as tempting as that though may be:
just one, brief look.
“Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.” ― Billy Sunday.
Form : Rondelet
Written November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
in crystal does she reside
frozen, she will abide
until the time he finds a cure
body will not mature
timeless until he succeeds
she is his wife-- Nora Freeze
Inspired by Batman and Robin (1997)
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
I take this journey every night so bold
That precious time let mind uncoil, in sleep
In sweet unconsciousness I keep
Create, destroy: a story being told
Mirages upon the fog begin to creep
To traipse along the worlds’ fold

The twists and turns at midnight’s crest,
These concrete images beating down on me
Never freedom comes I foresee
As I sink deeper into twilight’s quest
I’m searching through my mind’s debris
Attempting to make sense of this reality.
Written in 2011

"Sleep my friend and you will see, the dream is my reality"
-Metallica's Sanitarium (Welcome Home) 117

Nyx is the Greek godess of the night, the daughter of Chaos and the mother of Hypnos.
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
In this limited mother tongue
by which I communicate to you,
all I can call it is love.
Cannot express through the utterance
of a single word, if a father holds
a daughter in his arms for the first
time with a smile like the glowing light
of the full moon, looks at his wife
and says, you're both so beautiful.

This thing we call love cannot articulate
the husband and wife, who married as teenagers
have been together for seventy years:
stood by each other, with barely any food,
thanked God for what they had;
and when he could no longer stand,
then she would pause beside him.
Nor can it show the heart struck newly weds
eager to be just like them.

Love does not express the emotions
of adolescence. Doesn't define a deceleration
with flowers, chocolates, or teddy bears. Nor
tell me if we're in a Romeo and Juliet
fin'amour named true love.
My language has been redefined
through technology and celebrities.
But fundamental element, binding our souls
is spread so thin, how could be defined?
Written for Valentine's Day 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Facing the dedication plaque of The East Coast Memorial in Battery Park,
sat a navy spiral bound with a worn post-it note upon the cover.
Head slightly tilted, I scoff at the carelessness of some kids.

Intending to toss the book into a bin we keep at the office
filled mostly with hoodies and socks –
don’t ask me how you lose just one, ’cause I don’t know—
I look down upon the cover in my left hand
and notice this phrase, written in a young girl’s script,
“Please take me home, share your journey, then pass me on;”
and I am struck by the naivety of these words.

Flipping the cover open, my eyes are then met with,
“April 24, 2001
My name is Samantha, and I live in Moneta, Virginia. I’m twelve
years old and enjoy science…”

What am I supposed to do with this: a child’s attempt at unifying the world?
Turning the page, the date was now September 10 of the same year,
and the story is of James, a homeschooled old boy from Richmond,
flying up to Colorado to visit with his dad. Tossing

it on a terminal chair near a flight bound for LAX it was found
by a twenty-something named Megan, meeting her twin who had just finished
his second tour in Kuwait. The new mother briefly skimmed
the pages while waiting for her brother, then penned a piece
about who she dreamed her daughter would become:
a surgeon, particularly that of the heart.

Becoming intrigued by this woman, I sat down on the nearest bench
and continued their tale. Seeing John’s flight arrive,
the diary was placed into her pack to be carried home,
before she rushed to greet her closest friend.

Four years later, while cleaning out boxes for a New Year’s resolution,
the journal was thought of and Megan left in the Kroger basket
while she gathered the ingredients to make her great-grandmother’s vegetable soup.
On his way to pick up medication for his father,
a history professor saw it next. Adding a short account
regarding his focus on minorities and women in American History,
Dr. Clark handed the spiral to his niece, who was heading towards Manhattan
to visit her grandfather.

After a five hour flight, an orange duffle bag was placed upon a hardwood floor.
Tales of life left on the living room table, Amy settled in for the night.
A veteran of World War II, Walter is eighty-seven years old
and takes his life moment-by-moment
because that was the only way to survive
with bombs exploding and friends falling dead on either side.

Though he rarely spoke of his time in Germany,
as he sat before a carved eagle,
like he had every morning since its dedication in 1963,
he thought about the men who served under him.
And in this notebook, he wrote their names: every man in his unit,
who did not come home.
Entrusting their stories to another, he finished his walk.

Staring down at this last entry, my mind forgot how to think.
I was overwhelmed that this diary of a twelve year old girl
had somehow managed to become a memorial to those killed in action.

Silent moments passed, and with bound letters still in hand,
I thought about my niece, who lives in Virginia,
about fifteen minutes from this girl called Samantha. I wondered
if they had ever met and if that child had the slightest imaginings
about what passing on her tale would become.

And yet, what was I supposed to write?
How could I follow the somber courage left behind by this man?
And then, as if lighting had flashed above my head, my body jolted
with realization that my tale was theirs.
A rewritten version of "Shared Memories, Dreams"
February 2014
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
petal path
of purest red
roses lain on ground
sweet fragrance teases
as she walks on the buds
heading towards her handsome prince
she is pure and full of grace
finally reaching journey's end
there are champagne glasses
honeymoon begins
November 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
cover the bear
waiting for Sarah
to return from an MRI;
polished shoes and white coat speak
to the four-year-old's mother. Child
embraced, parted lips radiate smiles.
In Teddy's ear she whispers, "It's all gone."
So if you've read Whispered Hope, this probably sound similar; my creative writing professor asked me to make the poem more concrete in its images, and this was the result. It may or may not change again.
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Soul transcends heavenly sky, seeking perfect match, reuniting in life or death.
Written October 2013
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
It sat on the the oldest bench
in New York City's park.
There was no one around
to claim the spiral bound journal.
Approaching it with slow steps,
I looked quizzically down
and read upon dark blue cover,
"Please take me home
Share your journey,
And pass me on"
Curious, cautious
I picked it up
and began to read.
Filled with poems
I wasn't quite sure what
to make of it at first.
Yet as I continued on,
I noticed dates, places.
Seven people
had held this book before me.
Seven people
had written tales of their lives.
It started by the river,
with life in a small town
in Virginia.
Traveled West with family of four--
the youngest brother wrote that one.
A new mother found it next
and wrote of her precious child,
her hopes and dreams,
of who her daughter would become.
Her brother found the book next,
then taking it with him on his flight,
he wrote about his war time overseas.
Left in the airport,
a history professor caught sight
of the spiral
smiled at shared memories
before writing a short piece
on his journey home.
Taking it with him, northbound,
it was left at the next terminal,
and picked up by the granddaughter
of  a WWII vet, staying with them
for the winter break.
She penned a piece before heading off to bed.
Tales of life left on the living room table,
The warrior wrote about
a short piece of his life he rarely shared.
A little after dawn the next day,
he followed his morning routine,
walking through the park near his home.
Then, resting on the oldest bench in the park,
he sat the journal down and finished his walk.
Written November 2013
Recreated (superior version) February 2014 as "Reminiscence"
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
It was half past noon,
when he walked into my shop.
He looked nervous,
wide-eyed at so many choices.
I'd have bet that he was expecting
nothing more than a few roses:
red / white /pink / yellow,
maybe a lily or two,
certainly not the plethora of choices
laid before him.

Walking up with I smile,
I asked the gentleman,
what type of arrangement he was looking for.
He couldn't have been a day over nineteen,
but he looked serious as he said,
I'm looking for something special.
Not roses, she's not that of girl--
I'm not sure what her favorite flower is,
but I know that she loves summer
and waking up to see the sun rise.
She helps tutor kids
and on Saturday she volunteers at the shelter.
I know they say red roses express love,
but she's not that kind of girl.
She watches the classics, but really loves action films.
She enjoys swimming, but hates the beach.
I know she stays up late sometimes,
but rarely is she up past nine.
When she smiles, her dimples show,
and she cries at Disney movies.
I know she's a wonderful girl,
and I haven't bought her flowers before,
this is our first date, you see--
we've been friends for awhile,
but could you please help me?

Heart touched by his thoughtfulness,
Said, I have just the thing.
A small bouquet yet beautiful
sounds like what you need.
Sunflowers stretching towards the sky
with smaller ones intertwined
filled with heather pure as snow
and lilac dances down below.
Looking at it a moment or two,
he said it's perfect;
it's just her style.

Wrapped up in lace
and tied with a card:
I waved goodbye,
and wondered about the girl
whom he loved.
Written November 2013

Sunflowers were first grown in Central and South America, and were grown more for their usefulness (providing oil and food) than beauty. They are a unique combination of usefulness and beauty and are generally seen to represent the sun, warmth, and happiness.

Heather, native to Europe and North America, were traditionally used in everyday household items: brooms, roofs, rope, blankets, and in tea. It is usually seen as "admiration." The heather used in my poem is white.

Lilacs are native to Eastern Europe and have two meanings, depending on the colour. Purple lilacs symbolize the first emotions of love, while white lilacs represent youthful innocence. I have chosen to use purple in this bouquet.
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
silent until
one truly listens to God’s
plan…then, sound burst through…and one hears
Written in 2012
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