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Jan 2012 · 759
hold on hold on
let it sink in
pull you down
to the very core
of the earth

I taste it now
bitter somehow
and within the air it rings
we dont hear these things

grapes to wine
wine to tongue
and still I feel it
the dirt filling my lungs

plate tectonics
have nothing on us
they shake the earth
but you destroy my world
Jan 2012 · 704
where is the passion?
I am dreaming
of licks of the flame kissing my ear
and my soul is reaching for you, my love
take my hand, feel my heart, dont stop the dance
your absence takes the warmth from the room
and I am smoldering after your fire
I hunger for you, my love
let me experience your river
sail inside my memory
stay close to my heart
oh my beautiful love
my body breathes for you
I am singing for you
put your hands back on me
take the enclosure of this night
and set me free in your firelight
Dec 2011 · 482
I'm sorry if this comes out too quiet
its just I could really use some water
I've been running my tongue across these words
                simply tasting what alone will feel like
will you hear me when I say
        this time I'm not afraid
you were a promise not meant for me
      a dream I was not to remember
and I've been fooling myself
                                       for so long
                           I just wanted to feel like more than I am
                     just needed to believe I had a reason to breathe
               but you crept in and took it all
        maybe I deserve this fall
but can you say that you dont?
Dec 2011 · 710
branching out
what is this but words
tiny letters placed together
to make sense of chemical reactions
driving human nature
to mistakes or glory
simple little sentences
meant to keep your spirit alive
to build you as if you were unbreakable
to crush you as only heartache could
yes you are my secret story
for which I weave letters
to form words
to depict feelings
you alone inspire
for the envy of many eyes
who drink in my writing
as if it could replace water
to keep their hearts alive
so here are tiny scratches
meant to make sense
of excited little pulses
firing from my mind
straight down to my finger tips
where I write for you
my most sacred wishes
so what is this
but tiny letters
scribbled before you
I simply adore you
Dec 2011 · 761
I dont lie
I just find it a little strange
The way you came
I was only half awake
It was a saturday
You arrived with keys
Intending to put me on my knees

Navigate lips and eyes
One spills kisses but both hide lies
And here I am just tapping fingers
While what's left of you silently lingers
Step back little girl
The fuels about to ignite
Fire fight

Now I've got a couple questions for you
Don't move your lips unless your answers are true
When you had that look in your eyes
Did you really expect me to survive?
And when you came with your beautiful lies
Why couldn't you have hinted your goodbyes?

Navigate lips and eyes
One spills kisses but both hide lies
And here I am just tapping fingers
While what's left of you silently lingers
Step back little girl
The fuels about to ignite
Fire fight

It is a saturday
And you're still fake
You put your mark on each girl
And then you go
Dec 2011 · 613
I was walking alone
a stupid thing to do I know
was that the breeze in the trees?
or the patter of creeping shoes?

well I never imagined I'd be lost in my own thoughts
completely unaware before I was caught
it was midnight and it was me evil sought
and he came for me as a man whose soul had already been bought

so I closed my eyes, ready to lose myself to the abyss
but something in me cried to stop this
and suddenly I was so angry I couldnt breathe
as I gasped I pushed and brought up my knee
he was caught off guard, my blows rained hard
but he hit me back, and thats this scar

on the ground I struggled for my purse
fingers outstretched for the ticket to his hearse
how I did it I'll never understand
I was only a girl, he was a full grown man
but finally I enclosed the razor in my fist
and looked in his eyes as I delivered the straight edge kiss

what I did I dont regret
but what I did I cant forget
I could have laid back and let him take me
I could have bit my lip and let him **** me
but I was not put on this world for his taking
and I am not responsible for the mistake he was making
he fell victim to his own vice
and that night he traded me for his life
Dec 2011 · 593
forgive me
the next time you break down
make **** sure its not me you flag down
you take more than you give
baby you die more than you live

I played the role of your shadow, ever so faithful
there to kiss your lonely shoulder, though you were never grateful
cherish this second, call me beautiful
because when I walk away its going to be painful

you fool, you fool, you fool
but what can you do?
some were born to build
you were born to ruin
to consume
to leave everything drifting in plumes

so I tell myself not to forget
to remember to count the steps
each its own victory
each rewrites our history
when you come stumbling after me
you can find me in your dreams
Nov 2011 · 903
the best intentions
Cracking open my eyes with daybreak warnings
I only have the best of intentions in the mornings
Trying so hard to keep my calm
Why do you always start wars at dawn?

The ceiling is falling all around me
You shoot bullets with such ease
In horror I search your face
But the one I love leaves not a trace

Now I'm alone on my island of sheets
You always leave after you have me beat
And here I am left questioning
The best intentions
The best intentions
my thoughts on starting the new day afresh only to be met with grenades
Nov 2011 · 756
for you <3
get ready for the free fall
because here is where I let go
of it all

these ghosts who torment me
will be dormant

I had my hand outstretched to you
with out a clue
until you almost pulled me through

now I look in the face of a stranger
as you hang here
Im devoid of fear

my fingers slip
losing grip
you dont resist

I watch as you disappear
the lies so crystal clear
shatter now that you're not near
betrayal *****
Nov 2011 · 519
liquid glass
tracing silver shadows
with midnight shrouded eyes
a sigh graces my shoulder
while fingers seek out my own

heartbeats whisper between covers
as lungs rise together as one
my lips trail kisses across the desert
before finding their way home

your eyes like liquid glass
pin the gasp within my chest
as my hand finds your face
I surrender to your gravity
just my thoughts on a midnight lover
Nov 2011 · 514
writers block
For just one night
Can we pretend that nothings set to fire
I know we hold the secrets of the city
But I've got to come clean
Its breaking me

Your eyes hold questions
Begging words you dare not speak
And I am held hostage
Where hearts and vices meet
Your presence weighs so heavy
I don't think I was ready
To **** Shakespeare tonight
Still you dance by fire light

You wrote me a symphony
And the notes brought about an epiphany
Its breaking me
Reality is shaking me
But your eyes capture the fire
When you whisper I won't make you a liar
For just one night
No darling, not tonight
Oct 2011 · 561
under a spell
as though my very nerves
were captivated
by something so wrong
something so unwell
I shudder in the doorway
of an epiphany
but denial
calls so much louder
all these question marks
etched in my skin
my very being
I know nothing
I know absolutely nothing
of who I am
or who I should be
or what this world
really means
and I draw shuddered breaths
to awaken sheltered eyes
these dreams are
lying to me
I dont want to lie anymore
get up
get up
get up
Oct 2011 · 777
Stumble forward again

Slowly fading blue from red

With lips that flatter copper tones

And a tongue that trades sticks for stones

A crack is subtly etched in time

Throwing everything out of line

A perpetual skip in the beat of life

Skeletons tangled up in my sheets tonight

There's an echo within this quiet

But my mind can not decode it

A lingering whisper

Too cryptic to decipher

Hinting rapture for us all
She's taunting me
Search the house
Inexplicably freezing
I know I feel her ghost
         Irreversible torture
         Facing her once more
         I fear what's left before me
         May be my only resort
She's got me by the throat
I can't choke out a scream
Her eyes pierce my own
Until I finally know what this means
         I'm gonna have her forever
         As faithful as my shadow
           Now I'm left counting days
             Until she calls me back home
Deep below
                         Down, down I go
Oct 2011 · 561
these words
what have they ever done for me?
hours upon hours
cramp after cramp
always searching, scouring, hoping
to find the one I need
the one to convey
the love, the hurt, the .anything.
like a lady who teases and taunts
the desperate strings of my heart
only to abhor me forever
while I continue the hunt
for the perfect sentence
to sum up these emotions
simply raging deep underneath
Oct 2011 · 431
not like before
Are you listening?
I'm caught and sinking
As if the very earth
Wished to envelop me

But I'm not afraid
I've got the wind by my side
And though I've mountains to cross
This time I'm not lost

The path may seem impossible
But now I am unstoppable
And though the earth reaches up to swallow me down
I have the wind to lift me off the ground

I won't fall prey to this darkness
Wishing to fill me with sadness
Misery continues, trying her very best
Until I catch a gale and leave this mess
Oct 2011 · 614
such heavy silence
the ticking of the clock
with hands left to idle
as mouths refuse to talk

a shift tempts my statue
as principle keeps me stone
with eyes that refuse to meet
how do we know we're not alone?

such a heavy silence
though I know your thoughts are loud
I, too, have words which wish to tumble
but we both own hearts too proud
Oct 2011 · 587
theres something creeping up behind me
sooner or later its going to arrive beside me
I'm staring with wide eyes
slowly sewing my mouth closed

I'm not gonna let this get me
its coming on like a train wreck
my fingers grasp for anything
to stop inertia
I'm directly in the path
standing empty handed on the tracks
Oct 2011 · 461
Stop slow down just wait
I'm struggling to keep this from closing in on me
Hold your pressure I'm finding fissures
You're bringing this down on me
You're taking out my knees
Please don't do this now

You allow no mercy from your mouth
I'm watching you speak a wicked tongue
My will you try to conquer
Do you have to take it all?
Oh here we go again

You push down
I stand still
You always go
In for the ****
But I'm breaking even
I'm breaking even now
Oct 2011 · 550
because its all you know
Turn your eyes from me
You are class act treason
I failed you, I tried to save you
From your own demons you lose it all

By your own hand you're a liar
As fickle as the wind across my face
These acts you alone transpire
Breaking glass for the soles of those who follow you

Its the teeth within the smile
You're got a taste for twisting hearts
How dare you ever meet my eyes
How do you hold your head high with a crippled spine?

So keep your whisper from my ear
You dont belong here anymore
Take your betrayal, may it beat your blood well
As you make nest amongst us all
Oct 2011 · 707
suffer in silence
too much pride to offer compliance
to the words burning up inside
simply burning them alive

well now shes choking on her pride
these flames just wont subside
how did we miss when it all died?
she swears they swore to try

too many hours spent staring at the ground
the only thing to really stick around
in the absence of gravity
I never really expected you to fail me

with bated breath
let her free fall
free fall
free fall
free fall
head first into her own wall
Oct 2011 · 773
please, inform me
its true, you really can't face how crude you are
cover your face til all wounds turn to scar
where loyalty resides
you simply run and hide

wheres your leg to stand on?
you've got an awful daring tongue
wheres your leg to stand on?
to ever defend just what you've done
you take and take until you break them like its fun
oh, wheres your leg to stand on?
I see what you've become

and it kills me because I gave everything
to keep you close to me
but you're .blinded. by your self denial
and I think its going to take quite awhile
til you can face yourself
you're the only one to doubt what you did was wrong

so lie to yourself, darling
and blame it on me if you need
but you can't deny this death
was the result of your own greed

so wheres your leg to stand on?
Oct 2011 · 585
dont waste your time
Point break
Everything reels
As courage kneels
Where's your allegiance now?

When your walls are cracking
Do you waste your time asking
Why you're here at all?
When the mirror won't echo your reflection
Do you accept its silence as no objections?
You're gonna be waiting forever
With a memory as loose as the weather

You're so coy
The way you toy
With responsibility
I've had more than my fill
You're such a pill
When you close your eyes to your own hostility
Like a parrot repeat the words of others
Because you were never clever enough to compose your own

— The End —