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587 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
You think were one
You think were the same
You don't see
Me and you are opposites
You strive I stay back
You believe I device
You know I don't
You see the truth I see what I believe
You know how I'm still stumbling
You stand so tall I sit at your feet
You see brightness I see dark
You are happy I am not
I was yours you are mine
You stayed true I messed up
You stay clean I make mistakes
Were friends I'm in love
You are loved I was
453 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
Standing on top of a bridge
With the Chance to change everything
Looking you right in the eye
Looking up and down
Not knowing what's right and what's wrong
Forgetting the difference between good and bad
Not knowing which way to turn, or who to trust
Feeling all alone
Darkness fills your insides
Slowly destroying you from the inside out
Having no way to stop it, no way to control it
You don't know what to do anymore
  You step closer and closer to the edge
Wondering what it would be like
What would happen?
You get ready to jump
You can’t stand the pain anymore
You can't hold it in any longer
You take one more step to the edge
You bend your knees
You set yourself off soaring
Heading straight to the water
There's no turning back now
You break out in tears
Screaming, knowing you just ended your life
That it's all over now
Never following your dreams, never living out your future
Never seeing what could have been
You’re a couple feet from the ground now
Realizing everything
The difference between good and bad, right and wrong
You wish with all you have that this isn't real
But you just keep falling
You hit the water with a mesmerizing splash
There's so much more pain now
It's slowly disappears
You try to scream nothing happens; you reach for help, no one’s there
You hear sirens getting closer
But now the noise slowly fades
All the pain is gone now
You can't breathe you can't move
Water is filling your lungs, your drowning in your own troubles
Now everything you ever knew everyone you ever meet
Everything you never saw
Everything you never touched
Everything you never felt
Everything that never was
Never will be
444 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
On the outside
You smile
You’re happy
You don't know what's real
You pretend not to care
You see such a future
On the inside
Lies darkness
The inside
Is full if brokenness
Tears, pain
You’re losing yourself in all of this
You’re scared
You’re worried you'll do something
Something you regret
Or something you won't have a chance to
You’re worried that someday you just won't wake up
Knowing you wasted your life
In your own pool of tears
Trying to swim out
393 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
S so many of you have lost your life fighting for
O our freedom, leaving your life behind everyone and everything you
L love, what you do may be wrong but because you
D do it I can do what I want, because you do it people can be who they want to be
I I know you’re fighting for what you believe is right or fighting for the country you love.
E even though I don’t agree with what you do I just want to say I have so much
R respect for you guys and girls who fight for us and so to all you
S soldiers out there thank you for risking your life so I can live mine
381 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
When nothing but darkness
Surrounds me
I found where I belong
I truly feel at home
My surrounding
Match how I feel inside
My worries are forgotten
All My scars are healed
Another drop of blood
A quick swipe of the wrist
Another cut is made
The burst of adrenaline
Makes me feel happy
  my problems put behind me
Running as fast as I can
Trying to not look back
Trying to forget it all
Trying to fix my mistakes
Wishing I never made them
Wishing my smile was real
Wishing theses tears were fake
Wishing I could be in darkness forever
374 · Apr 2013
Britt V Apr 2013
You corner me each night
Tell me I’m not good enough
Tell me I never will be
You’re the reason for my scars
Always making me the blame
Keeping pain in my heart
But a smile on my face
Tears in my eyes
Death on my mind
You’re the reason I’m alone
With no one to trust, no one to care
You make my struggle
So much harder
Creating steeper hills
Higher cliffs
Keeping me undead but not living
You’re the reason I hate myself
You’re the reason I’m so broken
You’re the side of me I hope others don’t see
373 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
When everything you believe, feels like a dream
When everything you know, is lost
When life is sending you shivers
Feeling unbearable
Your dreams are untouchable
Your goals unreachable
Happiness feels non-existent
Nothing goes your way
Your pillow covered in tears
Your pain hid by a smile
You’re left just running, running from everything
You're troubles, you're loved ones
Seeing no stop in sight
Having no fight left
It’s all been too long, too much
Feeling nothing but broken
Wishing for change
Wishing for a real smile
Wishing the blood would stop
Wishing the heart would burst
Wishing you were never here
Wishing your lungs never breathed
370 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
Looking someone in the eyes
You never wish you knew
Someone you never wish existed
Someone who you once knew
And once thought if people felt the same
Never knowing what will happen next
How they will turn out
Will they find a better way to face their problems?
Or will they stay the same
Will they be someone they always wanted to be?
Will they achieve all their dreams?
Will they know the sky's the limit?
Will I turn away from the mirror?
And change things
360 · Feb 2013
A wish
Britt V Feb 2013
I wake to a shining sun
I sleep to a glowing moon
The world feels so right
With all this wrong
I have a smile from ear to ear
There's no darkness left
The pain I once felt
Has lifted of my shoulders
I have found happiness
Where I once saw
Gloomy nights and day
You are here with me
I thought of this day
Played it in my mind
A thousand times
You looked at me, with passion in your eyes
I love you
Was all you could say
I stuttered to say it back
The words at the tip of my tongue
Nothing came out
I starred at you, with tears in my eye
I awoke with fear
I knew it couldn't be true
I love you
But you don't love me
301 · Dec 2012
Britt V Dec 2012
If you ever think
That you don't matter
That you don't deserve to live
That you are just another person
You need to look in a mirror
You matter to me
You are the reason I cry myself to sleep
Knowing you’re not mine
You’re the reason I live
You deserve everything you have and more
You deserve to have someone believe in you
You deserve to have no one hate you
You are much more than one person
You change the world with every breath you take
Fighting for the ones who can't them selves
You take pride in everything you do
You only make little mistake
Ones that you go and fix right away
So don't think that you’re nothing
You mean the world to me
I just hope you realize one day

— The End —