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Britt V Dec 2012
When everything you believe, feels like a dream
When everything you know, is lost
When life is sending you shivers
Feeling unbearable
Your dreams are untouchable
Your goals unreachable
Happiness feels non-existent
Nothing goes your way
Your pillow covered in tears
Your pain hid by a smile
You’re left just running, running from everything
You're troubles, you're loved ones
Seeing no stop in sight
Having no fight left
It’s all been too long, too much
Feeling nothing but broken
Wishing for change
Wishing for a real smile
Wishing the blood would stop
Wishing the heart would burst
Wishing you were never here
Wishing your lungs never breathed
Britt V Dec 2012
Looking someone in the eyes
You never wish you knew
Someone you never wish existed
Someone who you once knew
And once thought if people felt the same
Never knowing what will happen next
How they will turn out
Will they find a better way to face their problems?
Or will they stay the same
Will they be someone they always wanted to be?
Will they achieve all their dreams?
Will they know the sky's the limit?
Will I turn away from the mirror?
And change things
Britt V Dec 2012
On the outside
You smile
You’re happy
You don't know what's real
You pretend not to care
You see such a future
On the inside
Lies darkness
The inside
Is full if brokenness
Tears, pain
You’re losing yourself in all of this
You’re scared
You’re worried you'll do something
Something you regret
Or something you won't have a chance to
You’re worried that someday you just won't wake up
Knowing you wasted your life
In your own pool of tears
Trying to swim out

— The End —