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1.7k · Jan 2013
Meeting Someone New Part 1
Brina Jan 2013
Orbs with many layered shells.
Floating around, interacting, and multiplying.
When one Orb meets another for the first time,
It's sweet and endearing.
They are shy and awkward, Unsure of how to act.
Communicating using cliched questions and sometimes answers.
Small sparks of energy transferring between them,
Slowly dragging them closer together.
Cracks begin to appear on their outer most shell and
Tendrils of multicolored energies seep out.
The tendrils find each other and a bond is formed.
It's a scary moment, for the bond doesn't always last.
However the two Orbs struggle to keep communicating,
To keep the pure bond that has been formed.
1.4k · Jan 2013
Spanish Rose
Brina Jan 2013
Exotic, something so different.
Cultured and so gentle.
Yet it is fiery and passionate.

The twang of a guitar on a summer night.
The heat is warm and welcome.
A perfume of the flowers.

The swaying of bodies in the rhythm
Of the night. Owning the very air.
Mi Amor.

The pavement whispers of mysteries and,
Hidden beneath them are the footsteps of gypsies.
Building to a crescendo.

Every heart beats in tempo,
To life’s energy. That blooms
And lives as a Spanish rose.
No idea why I gave it this title. However I hope you enjoy it.
1.1k · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
Dear mother and father,
If not for you I wouldn't be here.
I thank you for all the years of
You've never given up on me,
When I wanted to give up on myself.
Forever and always I am yours,
Grateful and so very, very proud to be yours.

Dear Sisters, my emotional paradise.
Whenever something goes wrong,
You help me stand up.
You take my hands and for that,
I smile and give thanks.
Never forget that I will always be there.

Dear Brothers, my stone pillars.
You have always protected me from
Anything and everything.
No matter what you will always
Be my guardians.

Dear Aunt and Uncle, my river and sky.
You keep me grounded and my dreams
In the stars.
Reality has never seemed so real.
For giving me an ear and listening,
I shower you with kisses of thanks.

Dear Cousins, my surrounding forests.
All fun and no work.
You keep me laughing in spite of distance.
When in doubt I turn to you.
Embracing you so you never forget.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa, my memories of gold.
I remember the days spent in the leaves.
I remember the golden fur, Jefferson, of course.
I remember the yards and yards of grass.
A giant rock with bursts of color, years of play.
A chocolate factory that puts wonka to shame.
Memories upon memories, of which none
I will forget.
If you ever think you are alone,
Let me tell you, you are wrong.
I know you're proud and I am always here.

Dear Me,
Look at what you have and
Know that you are loved.
I realize I wouldn't trade them for
The world.
I will support them for years and years
To come.
When people complain at the gift they are given,
I know I am blessed.
Forever and always,
Forever mine,
Forever in my heart,
And mind.
829 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
Tropical storms bursting
Through our fortifications.
Planes crashing into
Buildings at first worth nothing.

Chipping away at what
Surrounded my heart. Our heart.
Bleeding away lives,
Unwilling, for causes
We don’t remember starting.

Reaching out helping
Hands. God. Shiva.
Yet not to us, but to
Those afar.

We can only do so
Much to steal ourselves
Away from chaos.
Tsunami. Earthquake. Thunder.

Eventually we’ll be
Ashes to ashes.
We’re all falling down.
813 · Jan 2013
Meeting Someone New Part 2
Brina Jan 2013
It's held. The Bond. For weeks now.
The Orbs have continued to communicate.
A few more layers have cracked, and more tendrils have seeped out.
Happiness radiates off of the Orbs.
No lies or half truths, just honesty.
However one Orb must depart for a time.
The tendrils do not break but stretch as
The Orb moved away.
Months pass and the bonds, the tendrils begin to dull.
They do not break but become weaker.
The bonds between two Orbs, two people never truly disappear.
When you meet someone new, you break layers and know them.
You can move far away but  you are still connected.
Never forget that.
Orbs with many layered shells.
Floating around, interacting, and multiplying.
734 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
Snapping ribs, punctured lungs.
My heart being squeezed and I can't breathe.
Why are you staring at me like that?
I've never caught a guy's eye.
Why do you smile at me like
I'm the best thing you've ever seen?
Brown eyes warm and without doubts.
I don't know how to act.
I stutter and grin like a fool.
My heart hurts.
I avoid guys like you, the "pretty" ones.
They tease and poke fun, I'm not their ideal girl.
Yet here you are. Are you different?
I enjoy talking with you, and you really hear me.
The pain ebbs.
Without warning.
I've crushed.
On you.
583 · Jan 2013
Walk for Life
Brina Jan 2013
I’ve said it once, that for the life of me,
I’ll walk.
I’ll walk to the bedroom door, turn, Adieu.
I’ll walk down the stairs, my shadow following close behind.
I’ll walk out the back door, a fresh breeze brushing past me.

With each step, I find aching pain.
My knees, my back, my hips, my feet.
Determination and motivation, fading away.
I pant and wheeze, my body sluggishly moving.
No hope for me.

I’ll walk in the back door, failure melting off me in waves.
I’ll walk up the stairs, my shadow ashamed and long gone.
I’ll walk to the bedroom door, open it, Bonjour.  
I say now, that for the life of me,
I’ll walk again.
553 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
Why do you do it?
Is it for that small rush?
The feeling of adrenaline speeding
Through your veins.
You hope you won’t get caught.
The sudden happiness that
Fills you after your companion believes you.
They fall into your intricately woven web.
You’ve set a death trap.
Some people will investigate,
Hoping to find truth.
They will pull on that first lie,
And all the rest will follow.
It begins to fall apart.
Your lies hang around your neck tightly.
Your personal noose.
Now you’re all alone, buried in darkness.
496 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
A woman watches.
Her skin a dark rich russet, smelling of the soil.
Her ******* round globes, mauve peaks marking the center.
Hair the color of sage, long and flowing.
Eyes baby blue gems, illuminated from within.
She wears an emerald and sapphire colored dress.
She lays on her side, her swollen stomach protruding.
A mother of many children.

Over the years she has been beaten and bruised
And the marks are starting to show.
Holes are forming in her dress leaving her unprotected.
She has a sickly pallor.
People tend to her but she is still fading.
Soon she will be a ghost of who she used to be.
Soon she will be like petrified wood, a skeleton.
Her tears filled with poison and sickness.
Our Mother Earth.
Not sure if this falls under the explicit but marked it just in case. :)
474 · Jan 2013
Haiku Series
Brina Jan 2013
Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop,
Day old coffee sittin’ in the ***;
Dust blows by the windows.

No one around, not a sound.
For bugs, rotting food and flesh.
A stink unbearable.

Accidently released.
With panic and fear we all disappear.
A new pandemic.
451 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
My hands tremble as I hold a glass plate.
With a shriek I hurl the plate at the wall,
Shards flying everywhere.
Anger and pain welling up inside, overflowing
As I throw anything within reach.
Tears leave trails on my face.
Breathing heavily I stare at the chaos I’ve created.
I sink to the floor.

I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard.
I can’t live in denial anymore.
I can’t use excuses.
I can’t give in.
I wrap my arms around myself.
Fighting to keep from sinking into misery.
Fighting to stay human.

I stand in front of a mirror, naked and vulnerable.
Years of unhealthy choices, exposed.
The scale screams as I come closer, I step on.
It gasps out a number and I step off.
I’ve reached the point where I can’t ignore myself.
To make a change and see it through.
To be human again.

I put on yoga pants and a tank top.
Running shoes are laced up.
Music playing in my ears.
I step forward into my new life.
406 · Jan 2013
Can you find me?
Brina Jan 2013
Wait, Can you find me?

My heart is signaling,  
dot dot dash dot  
dot dot  
dash dot
dash dot dot  
dash dash
“Find Me” is what its saying.

Long have I been waiting.
When will I be able to gaze into your eyes?
People have told me to be patient,
You’ll find me in time.  
Can you find me?
How will you know that it’s my signal that has been
Calling you all along?
Will my heart find the solace it needs?

I know you’ll find me,
Because I’m waiting.
I actually used Morse code and it does spell out Find me.
354 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
Life is a wonderful thing.
It can be gone in seconds.
266 · Jan 2013
Brina Jan 2013
There is a point in everyone’s life,
Where they reach the bottom.
It feels like you’re drowning and no matter
Which way you swim you can never find up.
You curl on your side, waves of tears falling.
‘It’s the end’ you think. Bitter. Resentful.

Then you feel her kick. A tiny foot.
Placing your hand on your stomach,
You feel her squirming. She doesn’t know.
Or does she?

With each kick she is saying,
“Mama, don’t give up. Don’t
Let the world smother you.
Stand up and smile. I’ll be there
Soon and make everything right.”

You raise your head, and look
To the stars. In the face of it all,
There is one person who is counting
On you. Though your shoulders are heavy,
You walk forward. With each step you’ll
Feel lighter.
The joy will slowly warm your body.

You’re never alone, even in your darkest
Cause with every kick she tells you,
“I love you.”
And with each step, the future is bright.

— The End —