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Brie Sarita Sep 2014
His body is
a playground

on which

my fingers and lips
have a standing play date,
where they chase each other
from shoulder to shoulder
and slip and slide

down vertebrae
each morning while

he sleeps.
  Aug 2014 Brie Sarita
Rose Claire
My greatest fear is finding a corner in a room, moving to that direction, having
a conversation with myself and liking it there.
Brie Sarita Aug 2014
Liquid poetry
streams down
my face
as my
demons taunt
and I plead
for grace.

I saturate
my pages
with this
relentless desire
for a beautiful
where faith
is all I require
Brie Sarita Aug 2014
I’d gladly go somewhere else
if there were anywhere to go
somewhere I might belong
where I might breathe
and simply be
yet it doesn’t matter where I go
for I can never get away from me
Brie Sarita Aug 2014
I taste you on the tip
of every
cigarette I've tried
to replace you with,
to decay you with,
to burn you out and erase you with,
and no amount of tar on my lungs
could ever compare to the damage you've done,
or rot out the fragments
of you in me
(but I will keep trying)
Brie Sarita Aug 2014
Flying on Oxycontin
Feelin lonely and forgotten
Mind reeling
Don't know what the hell I'm feelin
Letting time do the revealing

Staring into space
Caring only with disgrace
While reality slaps me in the face

Goin so slow
Like where'd the hell I go
Lost cause no one will ever know

Falling further
Day n night become a merger
Soul gone like it was ******

Speed slows down
Fumbling, tumbling to the ground
Relief knowing no ones around
Finding solace
Reality not to be missed
Lost in intoxicated bliss

Although I know it
Its only for the moment
Temporary peace
Self induced release
Its too much, its a lot and
I'm flying on Oxycontin
feeling lonely n forgotten..
Brie Sarita Aug 2014
My name’s _,
And I’m an addict…

And like so many others,
I’ve watched
The smoky hot
Of death,
Pass me by,
Smelled the end
Just miss me,
For no reason,
Gave grave glares
Into my eyes
And tried,
To turn them hollow
I felt the whiplash crack
Of fate
Slash my back,
So deep,
I had to sleep,
On my stomach,
I’ve been lucky

See I was once worlds away
From these buckled knees
You see on stage,
In my own head
Behind iron bars of rage
The roller coaster of my life,
Had no track,
My pool,
Was all tidal waves and deep end,
I couldn’t depend
On myself
To feed myself,
Needed a shot to jumpstart my heart
And just be myself,
A circle I could never break,
And matter of fact
That roller coaster did have a track,
But it was all flat,
And just went round and round
Like that…

I’ve watched so many souls
Fall victim to the grips of addiction
Fantasizing empty aspirations
Climbing a never-ending ladder to nowhere,
Thinking other people
Were building their castles
On your low self-esteem,
When no one can hurt you
Unless you’re hurting yourself,
Letting them penetrate your skin,
Fill voids with enough poison
To go round,
The foundation of the devil’s playground,
Jungle gym of junk I hid in,
To smoke my **** in instead of play on,
And when for some “game on”,
Meant football,
Or tag,
For me it meant another bag
To smokescreen emotion with,
A virtual loaded clip
Barrel to shaky lips,
Medicating pain,
Selling my self-esteem like old shirts in thrift shops,
I was scared…

So this is for those still fighting,
Those deciding
They are sick of being sick,
Living fix to fix
On obsolete clouds of bliss,
There is hope,
There is hope and there is help,
But the desire to truly want it,
That voice so low,
Crying dreadfully deep in the pit of your gut
For change
Must be a raging
You must be desperate to get this,
I’m not fully there yet,
And may never be,
But I know my destiny
Is telling me,
That there's a way out,
And I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs for this
Without being heard,
Cried oceans,
Hit rubber walls till it hurt,
Shaken fists
And climbed from the slippery pits
Of my own digging,
Cause I was dying,
And sometimes,
I’m tired,
And sometimes,
I’m scared,
And sometimes,
Everything is wrong,
Nothing feels good,
The light at the end of a clogged tunnel,
Is a "No Exit" sign,
There's no redemption for my efforts,
And skies are falling
And eyes are bawling,
And I get on my knees to pray but
I don’t know how
And I find myself crawling,
And sometimes,
It’s hard,
I had to reopen scars I swore I’d never touch,
That were buried under mountains of hardened ****
But the **** needed to pour,
Because revealing,
Is healing,
And I’m sick…

So sick of being crushed,
So sick of
Wandering deserts with a broken compass
I’ve done this
Far too long,
And I’m sick of the,
Sick of being told,
I cannot be
Sick of hurting everyone
Who showed me
A wink of affection,
Word of direction,
Or mirror reflection
Of myself…

I’m sick,
And I want change…
There's nothing more that can be said that now has been....
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