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Bridgette Jester May 2013
Stumbling again through darkness.
It seems so easily we can reach the forbidden fruit.
Weathered and tarnished soul.
Will you wipe this filth off of my feet?
Tiny tragedies and a corrupt heart.
Fix me anew.
Bring me back to the person I once was.
Now wiser but weak and ill with unnecessary want.
Bridgette Jester May 2013
Irrelevant are the revelries
that cast themselves upon me often.
Like beaten and weathered souls
we walk amongst the dead, whilst living.
Blackened hearts; unwilling, yet copacetic.
Life has come routine and bland.
The cold, and dampened sound
of another numbing day in and out;
only livened by the thought of you.
A pure and shimmering light
that echoes through the mundane.
Screaming out for me to be the change I dream.
How is it we hear each other; so far off shore?
Come drift into my widened pupils and remind me of who I once was.
Innocent and genuine.
Setting fire to my every fiber, this magnetic masquerade must end.
I feel I am made for something more when I am standing in your warmth.
So would you remind me of who I am, before the sunsets again?
And would you free me from the currents, that have long since been sweeping me out into darkness?
Bridgette Jester May 2013
I am spontaneous disaster,
you a reckless abandon,
mysterious majesty
I evade your commandment.

Your eyes sift through my soul
and take control,
of my chaotic mind.
Please slow this rampant wall of time.

Am I delusional,
or is this the usual?

Never know which way to move
just a harlequin heart
trying to get in tune.
Bridgette Jester Mar 2013
Similar souls,
see the same.
Softly smiling,
at the sound of serenity.
Simply settling,
some of the things,
so many can't summarize.
Bridgette Jester Mar 2013
Pocketed hands and escape routes,
run as fast as you can.
Before the truth comes loose,
bury it in the sand.

**** me with a stare,
and break me beyond repair.
Speak up, or shout out.
I really do not care.

The move is yours to make,
make it or not I know the truth.
But with this slow, dull, ache,
I'll waste away my youth.

Weightless paper plane,
I float about the days,
severed from reality
hoping to lift this haze.

A fragile heart can only beat so long.
Without it's other half at hand.
Make your move before the tide comes in,
and I wash out with the sand.
Bridgette Jester Mar 2013
Growing tired of being patient.
Blood grows thin as my heart continues to race;
from daylight to dusk.
And my head spins like a vessel rudder,
searching for new seas.
So when the tide casts us out
can we finally come to be?

Palms sweaty, my mouth is dry,
feverish and restless I reside.
Words my only escape,
until time follows suit.
I'm anxiously waiting,
for you to pursue.

I wander lost in my dreams,
still searching for you.
Climbed the highest of mountains;
searched oceans deep blue.

Held prisoner to time,
along with my thoughts.
Will my heart ever be strong enough,
to find what I've lost?
Bridgette Jester Mar 2013
Tomorrow could change everything.
Flick the switch,
and watch the world light up.
I'll come to life with you;
like your music box as we watch lovers dance and gears unwind.

Or play for me, and I'll be the muse.
Just let all of your tangled words; fall loose.
I will be there to catch them, collect them,
and hold them high, righteous, and true.

Can you see the truth behind a sinners eyes?
I felt something with you that extinguished the lies.
So why do we hide?
Leave words and expressions confined?
When I see it all clearly;
with just one glimpse at your soul.
There is something more to you and I.
2 parts that equal one whole.
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