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Jun 2014 · 337
Bridget Reynolds Jun 2014
Knowing about her
              Hurts less
Than you ignoring me
              Because of her
Sep 2013 · 564
not free
Bridget Reynolds Sep 2013
I feel your grip on me loosening
And I resent the release.

I love being in your prison-
Your words binding my will,
Every part of my being...
Longing to wear your chains.

I am begging
Make me your captive
Show me no mercy

You have my heart
Held prisoner
Don't set it free
Sep 2013 · 669
not fade away...
Bridget Reynolds Sep 2013
I guess I always knew
     You were going to leave my life
That you would find the day and place
     To move on to your next step
But knowing those things didn’t change the facts
     And I’m not ready to say good bye yet
I’m such a fool for letting myself
     Fall victim to your kiss
The sweetest kisses I’ve ever known
     Kisses I want to feel every day
Your passionate words have captured my mind
     And my body follows close behind
But now I have to find the way
     To let you go
You have a life to begin and I know
     I will someday fade from your mind
I want to try to remain friends
     But not if I’m the only one trying
You hurt me so deeply
     When you didn’t tell me your news
And you’ll never know
     How many tears I’ve cried for you
Someday, I hope you realize
     How much you mean to me
And down the road, when you think of me
     You’ll shed a tear for what could have been
Sep 2013 · 445
in a nutshell...
Bridget Reynolds Sep 2013
If I told you I love you
let me tell you what that means

It means I’m giving you my heart,
my trust, my thoughts, and my ears.
Can you feel my energy?
It longs to pull you closer.

I will always be there for you…always.
There won’t be a time when I can’t stop
and listen to you.  
There’s never been a time
that I’ve told you “no”
even when it hurt me to the core
to hear what you had to say.

There’s not another woman
who loves you as much as me
but I know you don’t feel the same.
Still, I want you to be happy
to have what you want
and I want to give you joy
if I can.

Please don’t ever think
that I don’t want to hear
what you have to say because
your words
are my oxygen.

Though I long to love you
to kiss you
to call you my own
I know it can never be.
The best I can do
is be your friend
so I promise to do this job
with my whole heart.

I love you…I always will.

(thank you for allowing this frustrated rambling)
Aug 2013 · 472
time and space
Bridget Reynolds Aug 2013
Giving someone you love
Room to grow
Time to contemplate
Space to breathe
Is just as important
As being there
To help them

But infinitely harder to do…
(I miss you, Keith)
Jul 2013 · 371
Bridget Reynolds Jul 2013
He lives far away
     but not in my heart
I hold back the urge
     to tell him how
          he holds my breath
                in his hands
His words light up my day
         until the day he said
                 I think I found her...
                         The light of my life.
And now I am here
choking on this love
and finding a way to tell him
"I'm happy for you"
Jul 2013 · 320
Bridget Reynolds Jul 2013
I can almost....
                              his face.
My heart races with thoughts of caressing him
          feeling his skin
          and his embrace.
This love for him grows
          without him near
           ...all is torture.
If only...
          I could just....
                           reach out and....
                                                  hold him...
                                                           and stop these tears.
If only....
          my arms....
                         were 1,000 miles longer
Jul 2013 · 417
Bridget Reynolds Jul 2013
The sun will never rise
On my love for you

Yet it grows

It  takes what it can
It grows and never dies

Fighting  for life

Your words are its food
Your voice, its air

Keeping me sane

It lives in hope
It dreams of the day

Your kiss..
      ...will be mine
Jun 2013 · 396
And just like that
Bridget Reynolds Jun 2013
Like a scent on the breeze
Like the dark in the sun
The hold you had on me
Is gone

I'll blow in that breeze
I'll dance in that sun
I'll walk just for me
Breaking your bond

I always will love you
And be grateful for things learned
I'll always be here for you
...but now it's my turn
Jul 2012 · 528
no happy ending
Bridget Reynolds Jul 2012
An open book...


I'm not done...

     reading you yet.
Jun 2012 · 479
Bridget Reynolds Jun 2012
I’ve lost my feelings for him…

All the things you’ve said…
          All the words you’ve sang…
Carried away my useless feelings
          …For him
And replaced them with useless feelings
          …For you
Jun 2012 · 544
Bridget Reynolds Jun 2012
Sometimes I feel like a dog at your feet
Just some stray you picked up along the way.
Not a dog you love or really care about
Just one you scratched behind the ears and it stayed.

A dog you forget to feed sometimes
You forget to play with, too.
But here I stay…begging ”love me, love me…
…I’ll do what you want me to”

…What a stupid dog I am
Always ready to forgive your unattention…
When you do remember to feed me…
Or throw the ball for me to fetch

“Throw the ball, master, throw the ball!!!”
Did I fetch it the right way this time?
Maybe this time you’ll let me sleep on the bed…
Or maybe I can spend some time with you…


— The End —