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 Jan 2012 Brianna
 Jan 2012 Brianna
Who the **** do you think you are?
You have no right.
You don't know me,
or him, or her.

You are in no place
to tell others what to do.
You don't have the
You don't have a clue.

You are no better than me,
or him, or her.
Talented, maybe so.
This does not, by any means,
make you a decent human being.

Because I realize this though,
does that put me at fault?
We are in the same boat.
You are a self-centered,
egotistical snob.

I am a judgmental bystander,
doing nothing to prevent it.
I am just as bad as you are.
We are the same.

And knowing that -
I am ashamed.

— The End —