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Briana4545 Mar 2015
i used to think that needing people was weakness
and that relying too heavily on another person
would make me less of one myself.
maybe i still think that.
maybe i'm a hypocrite for telling you
i need you.
even on days when i don't want you or even like you
i need you.
i swear to god i don't want to but
i need you.
and maybe i am weak but
i really ******* need you.
You're like oxygen, and I'm dying to breathe.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
I’m not an alcoholic.
I’m a truth-oholic.
I like how it makes me honest,
But I suppose I ought to learn to do that
Without chemical assistance.

I should probably learn to do a lot of things
Without chemical assistance.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
Go ahead.
Take my razors.
Send me to counseling.
I’ll be impressed
If it does a **** thing.
I am my problems.
I am a problem.
I just wish you could see
How comfortable I am in my misery,
How ready I was to die,
And how even though I lied,
I truly meant the best for everyone
But myself.
So go ahead.
Do what you wish.
Just know that I’m not expecting a change.
Briana4545 Sep 2014
My thoughts have become so dark
that you could set this whole world on fire
and I still wouldn't see the light.
Briana4545 May 2014
No, he didn't put a ring on it.
He doesn't even exist.
It's sad when a girl has to create a fake boyfriend
To get a guy to back off.

It's even sadder when it doesn't work.
Briana4545 Jun 2014
We were 5 years old when you asked me to marry you on the bus ride to school.
You told me you loved me more than anyone
And that you wanted to be with me forever.
We were 10 years old when you came over my house to play power rangers.
You always wanted me to be the pink one,
But I said no because my favorite color was yellow.
We were 12 years old when you got your first girlfriend.
You broke up with her a week later,
But I still cried when I found out.
We were 14 years old when you shared your headphones with me on that same ******* bus ride to school.
You wouldn't let me pick the song
Because you insisted I would like whatever you chose.
(And, believe it or not, I did.)
We were also 14 years old when we stopped talking.
You sat in the back of the bus,
I sat in the front,
And you listened to your music by yourself from that point on.

We were 18 years old when you took my virginity.
You were looking for an easy lay,
And I was just looking for a place to lie down.
The alcohol running through my veins
Told me it would be special if it was with you because deep down
I think I always knew that you were the first boy
I ever truly loved.
But when you pushed yourself inside of my drunken body,
Pleasing yourself as if I wasn't even there and then dashing off the moment you were done,
Leaving me naked and unclothed,
I knew that love was never mutual.

Maybe that's why I'm still writing about it eleven months later.
Did you change,
Or were you always so cold?
Briana4545 Nov 2013
They say it takes 21 days to break an addiction.
  So what happens when you give in
    after 116 days of not resorting to the blade?
Was it just a moment of weakness
  or the return of an old habit?
Will it happen again
  or was it just a lapse in good judgment
    and self-control?
Are you still an addict
  or just a coward?
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to stop.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
We blame society for everything.
We fault magazines for turning innocent teenage girls
Into anorexic beauty queens.
We point fingers at the paper thin actresses on TV screens
For bringing bulimia victims to their knees,
******* down their throat as they cough up that last bit dinner,
Along with the guilt and shame that comes with it.
We blame society, but we are society.
Who wrote those magazines?
Who created the ridiculous standard that you can only fit in
If your bones are showing through your skin?
Hunger is just a feeling; thin is a skill.
Your stomach isn’t growling because you’re starving.
No! It’s applauding you on a job well done,
On another day of nothing but celery sticks and diet coke.
Who cares if all of your hair falls out?
Who cares if you get dizzy every time you stand?
Who cares if the desire to be thin and meet this sick standard of beauty
Is slowly killing you, taking another piece of that innocent teenage girl
And turning her into a skeleton?
We, as a society, don’t care.
The magazines won’t stop printing
Because another high school kid got carried away.
Extreme, even deadly diets are a thing of today,
And yes, yes, they’re here to stay.
Sometimes eating healthy and exercising just aren’t enough.
Desperate times call for desperate measures,
And under this kind of pressure,
It’s hard not to give in.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I try not to think about the future
Because, to be honest, it terrifies me.
It’s scary to think that
In a few short months,
You’ll just be a memory.
It’s even scarier to think that
In a few short years,
I might forget you entirely.
It’s probably the scariest to think that
All of the crap we’ve been through,
Or bad
Or somewhere in between,
Will soon amount to nothing,
Even though to me, it meant everything.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
I feel like I’m stuck in reverse.
I was making progress;
I really was.
But now I’m in the same place
I was a few months ago.
I have no motivation
To eat,
To do work,
To go out,
Or to even go to class.
People ask, “What’s wrong?”
And, of course, I say, “I’m fine.”
I have said those words so many ******* times,
But I’ve never actually meant them.
I’m stuck in reverse
When I really need to put this car into drive
And move forward with my life.

All I really want to do, though,
Is crash this ******* car
Once and for all.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
I don't hate you.
I hate myself
For letting it happen.
For saying yes
When I meant no.
For letting you touch me
And obeying your every command
To touch you.
For doing it not once
But twice,
Even though I knew I'd feel horrible.
Even though I still feel horrible.
I don't hate you.
I hate myself.
I hate myself.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
You’re drowning, but I can’t save you,
And, honestly, I don’t want to.
You’ve become so accustomed to burying your nose in books
That you didn’t even take the time to look,
To see that I’ve been drowning right beside you.
You’re miserable on a good day
Because you never had the courage to say
What was really on your mind.
I’ve tried so hard to be kind,
But there’s not much more that I can do.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I don't have trust issues,
And I still advise you all:
Don’t get too attached to people,
For we are like water.
We can be calm,
But we can also be wild, chaotic,
Like a wave during a storm.
We are beautiful
But tragic and unpredictable,
And when you are least expecting it,
We might just disappear.
Briana4545 Aug 2015
People don't drop out of school and work
Full time in food service because they're happy.
At least the tips are good.
I made over $70 this week.
My parent's tips are pretty solid as well,
But lord knows I don't listen to those.

It's funny, you know?
It's really **** funny.
Even when I thought there was no light
At the end of the tunnel,
I could see a faint glimmer of hope,
Of relief, of it will be okay... someday.

But now, oh,
Now I'm too afraid too open my eyes.
Even if that faint glimmer of hope is there,
I can't see it.
Honestly, people don't drop out of school and work
Full time in food service because they're happy.
Briana4545 Dec 2014
My mom asked me why I don't have friends anymore.
I told her it's because they left.
She told me it's because I pushed them away.

I don't know which answer is more pathetic.

But who needs friends
when you have stardust  p u m p i n g  through your veins,
making everything light and soft and so very  s l o w?
Hey, I might be broke and lonely,
but these wings can take me anywhere.
I'm unstoppable. I'm flying.

But no, I'm f
I'm going  d o w n
                             d o w n

Oh, god, please don't let me hit the ground.
Briana4545 May 2014
i remember ice that felt like fire.
it was strong, undiluted,
  better than usual.
i stood for about ten seconds
before gravity pulled me to the pavement and tore open my skin.
two voices shouted my name
and two hands that were not mine lifted me off the ground
  and carefully sat me back down.
i saw the blood, but i felt nothing
except for the ice running through my veins.

ice isn't supposed to burn though.

i thought about that in between
being force-fed bites of a snickers bar and
  being reminded not to close my eyes
as more hands that were not mine
held damp paper towels against my damaged body.

my eyelids were so heavy and all i wanted to do was sleep,
but your voice urged me to stay awake, to talk to you.
  you laughed when i said i didn't know what to talk about
and i cried when you asked me if i was scared
because oh god i was terrified.

it's been weeks.
a part of me is still terrified,
  but another part of me craves it,
craves it like a person is supposed to crave
the oxygen they breathe.

and that is what terrifies me the most.
Briana4545 Jul 2015
Five weeks.
I thought my frequent trips to the bathroom
Were brought on by stress.
I thought I cried all the time
Because I was depressed.
Five. Weeks.
Time is running out
And I don't know what I'm going to do.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
Six months of
and trying
to be better,
to maintain a love that was tragically one-sided
and doomed from the start.


Six months of scars,
of long sleeved shirts
and pathetic excuses,
of lying to my parents
and telling myself,
"Things will get better."


Six months of long distance,
of broken promises,
missed phone calls,
and waiting for you to come home.


Six months of leading me on,
of empty words
and false I love you's,
said too soon and too often
but never truly meant.

*****. You.
Briana4545 Aug 2015
There is beauty in breaking down
and putting yourself back together,
but picking up the pieces is hard
when you've misplaced so many of them.
The thing about heartbreak is that
it's not a one time thing.
No, it can happen over and over again,
each time being more painful than the last.
It's hard to find the silver lining
when disappointment is your oldest friend.
No, I can't find the silver lining
because there are too many lines on my wrists,
and I have fallen apart and put myself back together
s o  m a n y  t i m e s
that it's not even beautiful or poetic or courageous.
It's just sad.
I find too much comfort in voices that aren't my own
and in arms that aren't mine.
I'd sleep in a stranger's bed if it meant
I didn't have to sleep alone,
and even with my head on your chest,
listening to your sleepy heartbeat, I still feel lonely.
Yes, I know how to pick up the pieces,
but my heart is made of glass
and my hands are covered in scrapes.
Nothing worth having ever comes easy,
but I'm so **** tired, and my hands are sore,
and I've picked up the pieces
s o  m a n y  t i m e s
that I don't think I can do it again.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I have a slight guilt complex.
Half the time, I feel bad just for being alive.
Imagine how I feel when I actually ***** up.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
My life is a joke,
so I might as well laugh,
Well, I’m not laughing.
This isn’t funny anymore,
and I don't know
if it ever really was.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
You asked me once how to define happiness.
I didn’t have an answer;
I still don’t.
All I know is you’re the closest thing
I’ve ever had to it.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
Yesterday was our anniversary.
One year, to be exact.
I doubt you remembered.
I barely remembered.
But when I did,
It hit me.
All the pain from the last few months
Came at me
Full force,
And I didn’t think I would survive it.
I guess I’m still trying to figure out
How to survive it.
Briana4545 Dec 2013
No, no, no, no, no.
Get me out of here.
Stop asking me where I'm going
And when I'll be back
And what I'm doing
And how I'm feeling.
I miss my campus,
My freedom.
This is not home.
Briana4545 Nov 2013
I'm going "home" for Thanksgiving break.
But I honestly don't know
where the hell that is.
Home is not the small town
in East Jesus Nowhere
where I went to school,
or the quaint little neighborhood
where I fell off my bike
and never got back on.
It's not the white house with green shutters
that my parents bought when I was two,
where I have technally lived for the past sixteen years.
Yes, I grew up there,
but it's not home.
Not anymore.
I escaped that place three months ago
and found a new place to call "home."
But I suppose it's really hard to feel at home
in a place where you have to leave your flip-flops on to shower.
At this point,
I'm just trying to figure out what counts as "home"
and where I can find it.
I don't know if it's a place
or a person
or a feeling,
but whatever it is,
I crave it like a starving man craves food.

I guess you don't have to be poor
to be homeless.
Briana4545 Nov 2013
I think I led you on last night.
I didn't mean to, I swear,
but I was lonely
and drunk,
and the boy who got me drunk
took off in a hurry like always.
It started with a
"Hey, what are you up to?"
and turned into
me giving you an excerpt
from the sad, stupid story that is my life.
You listened carefully
and intently
as I poured another ******* piece of my heart out
to another ******* stranger.
When you walked me back to my dorm,
I said goodnight
and thanked you for keeping me company
and then quickly shut the door
because I knew that
you were hoping for more.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to lead you on.
But in my defense,
you should know better
than to fall for a girl
who gets drunk on a Tuesday night.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
It would be so much easier to blame
the boy who broke my heart,
the friends who left when they promised to stay,
the teacher who told me I talked too much,
the red-haired girl who bullied me in preschool,
my mother,
my father,
anyone except myself.
But I'm an adult now, and I have to take responsibility
for ******* up my own life.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
You can put all of yourself into someone or
But that doesn’t mean it will ever amount to
In the end, you’ll just be miserable and
Briana4545 Oct 2013
The day you left, I broke into a million tiny pieces.
I had to put myself back together with a bottle of Elmer’s glue
And a roll of scotch tape.
Some of the pieces were put back in the wrong place,
While others were lost among the wreckage,
Either never to be seen again
Or still waiting to be found.
The tape sometimes loses its stick,
And the glue doesn’t always hold,
So repairs are necessary.
Crafts have never been my forte, but I’m getting there.
You see, with each repair, the pieces fit better,
And I stand a little taller
And a little less broken.
Briana4545 Dec 2013
You can tell me
in remarkable detail
about how you ****** that guy
not once
  but twice
    in the handicap stall
      of the first floor bathroom.

I won't judge you
or think less of you
or even blink
as you tell me
how he finished all over your face
and you licked up

No, I'll sit there quietly,
  listening intently,
    because, to be honest,
      it doesn't bother me.

But if you stare at me
with hungry eyes
or comment on how "****" I look
or even offer to please me
without any sort of reciprocation
because you just want to make me feel good,
I will tense up,
shut down,
  retreat into my metaphorical cave,
    and only reemerge
      when the coast is clear.

Yes, you can tell me
  all about your *** life,
    but I don't even want to think
      about mine.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
Don’t play the victim.
You took my virginity
on that chilly summer night
in our neighbor’s yard.
You were there,
completely sober,
and I was there, too,
drunk on stolen wine
and barely able to walk
without assistance.
You told me
to lie down.
I obeyed.
You told me
to take off my clothes.
I obeyed.
Although my memory is hazy,
I know that
it happened.
Don’t tell your friends
that I made the whole thing up,
that I’m some attention-seeking *****
who’s obsessed with you.
Believe me,
if I wanted attention that badly,
I’d get it another way.
You’re a sick, twisted *******,
and, to be honest,
I pity you.
If you can only get it
from drunk girls,
you must not be that good.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
I can't **** myself
  Because my parents just bought me a new computer,
  And that would be a waste of $1000.
I can't **** myself
  Because I put down my first college payment,
  And that would be a waste of $500.
I can't **** myself
  Because I still have half a pack of Marlboros,
  And that would be a waste of $4.
I can't **** myself
  Because I told a friend I would see her tomorrow,
  And that would be rude of me to cancel our plans.
But then again, I guess it's rude of me to make plans for a future
  That I don't expect to have.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
My therapist’s name is Beth.
She told me that I have
a lack of motivation,
and zero self-esteem.
She told me that I need to find
a hobby,
a pastime,
something that makes me “happy.”
She told me to focus on
my good qualities,
my strengths.
Please, Beth,
just give me some meds.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
  Is a tricky thing.
    When "want to"
      Turns into "have to,"
        You know you've gone too far.
          The "have to"s
        Keep piling up
      Until all "want to"
    Has disappeared,
  And something that used to matter
No longer does.
  Will lead to resentment.
    When you feel like you can’t let go,
      That’s when you know
        You need to.
Briana4545 Feb 2014
You are the only reason I have
To even try
To stay alive.

Because lately,
I haven't been doing so well.

My mind
Is playing games with me,
And I don't know the rules,
Nevermind how to win.

You may not know
How these games work,
But you certainly make playing
A little bit easier.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
Maybe you could have been more understanding.
Maybe I should have tried harder to be okay.
Maybe we just weren't meant to be
And got lost somewhere along the way.
But maybe if I wasn't so broken,
You would have stuck around,
And that thing we lost, whatever it was,
Could have possibly, just maybe, been found.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
“I can’t read your mind,” you say,
as if it's a bad thing.
If you could read my mind,
you would no longer look at me
with those adoring eyes of yours.
You wouldn’t make me breakfast
or hold my hand
or call me beautiful.
You probably wouldn’t call me
at all.
And I wouldn’t blame you.
If you could read my mind,
you’d see the darkness,
the hatred.
My kindness,
my innocence,
my “adorable” exterior
are works of fiction.
My heart is bitter and cold.
I am not “kind,”
by any means.
I may love you,
but you’re one of few.
Just be thankful
that you can’t read my mind.
Briana4545 Jun 2013
So you need my help, huh?
Well, I'm sorry, my dear,
But I fear
I won't be of any assistance.
Do you remember when I cried in the middle of class
And you told me that he was "just a boyfriend"?
Remember when you made fun of my silence,
Even though you knew how broken I was?
Remember when I fell apart
And you impatiently waited
For me to put the pieces back together?
You may have forgotten,
But the memory's fresh in my mind.
You see, I've tried to let go,
But it appears that I'm stuck.
I'm sorry, my dear,
You're out of luck.
Briana4545 Aug 2015
1.)  i loved you more than the moon loves the stars. i loved you more than elizabeth loved mr. darcy. i loved you more than i knew it was possible to love someone.

2.) you lied so frequently and so goddamm gracefully that i don't know how much of us was real or another fabrication made up by you but believed by me.

3.) even though i want to and maybe even need to hate you i can't.

4.) while you were stealing my heart you were also stealing from my wallet.

5.) if you called me right now i would still answer on the first ring.

6.) i'm so angry that it makes me sick. i think of what you did and it makes my stomach ache.

7.) there's an emptiness inside me and i think you used to be there.

8.) you ****** me up so bad and you don't even know it.

9.) i love you more than the moon loves the stars. i love you more than elizabeth loved mr. darcy. i love you more than i knew it was possible to love someone.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
  I will not meet you outside
    In the middle of a rainstorm
      Just to **** that ***** **** of yours
        And make you feel good.

      I will not sneak you into my house
    When my parents are asleep
  So that you can **** me senseless
And make me feel something.

  We are not “doing it” tonight
    Or any other night.
      You’re a desperate little ****,
        And I can’t ******* stand you.
I wrote this one a while ago but never posted it.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
If you want to impress me,
You have to surprise me.
You have to do
That last thing that I would ever expect you to do
And then keep doing that
You have to go against the norm.
You have to catch me off guard
And make me question everything I ever thought
To be true.
Yes, I might hate you for it,
But rest assured that I will be enthralled.
Hate and love are interchangeable,
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I’ll never be enough for me
Until I’m enough for you.
And we both know that will never,
Briana4545 Jan 2014
Most people
are scared of spiders
or heights
or being alone.
My biggest fear
is gaining weight.
Everytime my jeans feel a little tighter
or my thumb and my pointer finger
can't quite fit around my wrist,
I. Panic.
So then I skip a meal
or two
or three,
and the next thing I know,
I've gone days
with barely a thing to eat
and the very thought of food makes me feel ill.
People will tell me to eat,
beg me,
make me feel guilty for willfully starving
when the chlildren in Africa would ****
for my mediocre college meal plan.
So then I cave.
I eat
and eat
and eat
until they are satisfied,
until they say I've
"had enough,"
until I feel so sick
that all I can do
is make up an excuse about homework
and dash to the bathroom.
It turns out that my pointer finger
is good for something else, too.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I want to be in love.
I want my palms to sweat
And my heart to race
And my thoughts to be so tangled in love-struck confusion
That I can’t sleep
Or eat
Or think about anything else.
I want to throw away my inhibitions
And let raw emotion take over.
I want to **** with passion.
I want to scream.
I want to cry.
I want to laugh until my stomach hurts
And I can barely breathe.
I want moments that take my breath away.
I want to make memories.
I want to stay up until dawn just to watch the sunrise.
I want everything, but most of all,
I just want to feel.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
Stop interfering.
Stop trying to solve a non-existent problem.
Stop making my life out to be worse
So that yours can seem better.
Yes, I am a **** up,
But so are you.
We are both damaged.
We are both in need of repair.
But until you start to fix yourself,
Stop trying to fix me.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
Yeah, you said it,
And maybe you meant it.
I’m sorry I can’t forget it,
But do you even regret it?
I sincerely doubt it,
Although I’m not mad about it.
I’m trying to move past it.
I just want to move past it.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
Some people are cuter in person.
I'm not.
I know how to hold the camera
so that my skin
looks flawless
and poreless,
and my body
looks thin
and lean,
but not too lean
(we don't want people asking questions).
I know the right angles use,
the right filters to disguise
the devastatingly average face
that God gave me.
I'm no model,
but I could certianly be a
Briana4545 Jun 2013
He told me that he didn’t like his smile.
“It’s too big,” he said.
But little does he know that a smile like his
could light up an arena.

He told me that he didn’t like his voice.
“It sounds weird on tape,” he said.
But little does he know that a voice like his
could engage the toughest of crowds.

He told me that he didn’t like his laugh.
“It’s loud and obnoxious,” he said.
But little does he know that a laugh like his
could spread as if it were an infection.

He told me that he liked me.
“I want to be with you,” he said.
But little does he know that someone like him
could do so much better than someone like me.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I lied.
  I'm not a truth-oholic
    Because I'm not even that honest.
  I'm just an angry drunk
    Who tells the girl who says "I love you"
      To shut up
    And the boy who says "I want to *******"
      To go away.
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