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Apr 2013 · 471
Falling From Earth
Briana Nilsen Apr 2013
The scars are fading
My heart is healing
You make me smile
You help me understand

You're leaving me?
Why are you doing this?
I thought we were happy..

The cuts are back,
Deeper and deeper,
My heart is breaking yet again.

My mind is fading,
My life is leaving,
My will to live has gone.

I'm dying again,
I'm bleeding again,
I'm falling from earth...
I'm falling to the silence...
Feb 2013 · 476
Briana Nilsen Feb 2013
She was drawn into silence,
Whispers staring at her back,
Lies told back and forth.
She holds the tears,
Lets the heart break set in.
She felt like it'd go on for eternity.
She couldn't take it.
She vowed to the silence,
Vowed not to speak a word.
Just so it couldn't come back,
And haunt her every day.
She found no comfort,
No trust in anyone.
She stayed alone,
Ad vowed to silence.
Nov 2012 · 614
Briana Nilsen Nov 2012
They will find you
Where ever you go.
You can't hide
You can't run.

They know where you are,
They keep tabs on you.
They know what you do,
And know who you're with.

They know when you cry,
When you laugh,
When you curse,
They just know.

They're not there to hurt,
They're there to help.
You may not think it,
But its true.

They'll fail you
You just don't know.

They'll be there for you.
You just don't know.
Don't let your fear get in the way.

Do all you ever did,
Change not a thing.
Be who you are,
And you'll be just as safe.
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
Briana Nilsen Nov 2012
It was a whisper so silent
Barely audible over the soft gentle winds
The tears never coming.

She was too strong, yet,
Too weak.
She let the wind take her.

She fell slowly
Limbs flailing beside her
All was silent.

The wind had stopped
Birds no longer sang
Water trickled no more.

She fell softly
Upon what felt as a cloud
She looked around her
All she saw was white bliss

She told him
Told him all her secrets.
He never listened.

She said about her past.
All the nights she cried herself to sleep
All the nights she had to work to two a.m
Just so she could eat.

He never cared about her
He listened to not a word
But when she left,
He wished he did

He killed her unintentionally
Slowly put her through torture
And he never found her softly whispered words.

— The End —