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brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
His favorite toy
brought great joy for a season
but its day had now come
now no more than an object
the next stop would be the landfill
the day they met
he pledged his love as true
but this love was lust in disquise
and his favorite toy
she sits by the curb on trash day
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
Alone in this crowded room
really not a bad thing today
the music in my ears
so lovely, so melodious
it begs me to remain secluded
right here, with it being my hold on sanity
away from a world that holds so little of the same

Not a care

Not a worry

How wonderful it can be
yes, to leave reality behind
even if it's just for moment or two
deep within a stress free groove

Yeah, I said groove

No, the groove still exists
and really
we need to spend more time there

How peaceful life can seem
the escape, it's so fulfilling, so satisfying

True happiness
a real inner joy can be found here so easily

Ain't music great!
I want to shout


It's good medicine for the soul
and truly lifts your spirit

You might even end up suggesting it to another as well

Find your groove and pass on the peace my friend
hopefully it can catch on
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
One zealot over shares his faith
another argues the lack of belief
what I can't seem to understand
is why they won't take a break
and give the world a little relief
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
This world of ours in parallel
will only work its way to hell
their fond beliefs will never meet
and war their favorite meal to eat

The evil men they take their toll
always wanting more control
yet these words that they dismiss
will drive us to the great abyss

It's twisted people who find their gladness
by feeding off of another's sadness
how is it they don't know the score
when sending off their youths to war

And it's not only their politics
that seems to need to get in their licks
the religious crowd they want it too
control of the people, that means you

My hope is some day these folks will see
and maybe for a time they might agree
but I doubt the two sides will ever meet
when there are still two sides to every street
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
He once had a dog
It took too much of his time
Yet it still loved him
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
The flames do wane
yet the embers remain
there is still life within
a heart filled
with memories
a spirit and soul
warmed by them
my time upon this great blue marble
far from over
there is much yet to see
and hear
they bring new adventures
for the mind
it is as if new wood
has been found
placed upon the embers
creating a new life
from a revived flame
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015

A terrible time for our country
The fear of what was called
the domino effect
Communism would be at our doorstep
if we did not stop the North Vietnamese

It was our own freedom
we were told that hung in the balance

We sent our young men
they fought
many died
others crippled and those who were fortunate enough
to simply make home
became the victims of a nation
that showed no support for the soldier

But the war was not about our freedom

It was about fear

Fear that traveled throughout our government
that we could be next

Of course history now shows
that was not the intent of the North
all they wanted was their country reunified

Our boys came home
the nation turned its back on them
many today still live in the streets
as do present day returnees from the middle east wars

It was the Vietnam veteran
who vowed
never to let another vet go unappreciated

The people have learned
but sadly
the government hasn't

The fear they have now
is the loss of profits
they continue to send
other peoples children
off to war that for these youg men
and now women
holds death and dismemberment
without giving those fortunate enough to return home
proper care and support

Today is so different from yesterday

the people spat upon the returning soldier

it is the spittle of the government that they wear
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
There once was a voice
he had never before been heard from
well, except for when pen
would make his recitation
to his good friend paper

The day came
voice discovered he had vocal cords
his first words, tentative in their birth proved
insecurity had been the reason
for his silence

He spoke slowly at first
worried that he would stumble
afraid he would begin to stutter
his fear of acceptance or lack thereof
kept him close to the edge of giving up

Deep within a new and fresh feeling come upon him
it was as if out of nowhere
there was a strength building
a new determination
giving up was backing up away from the edge

Voice became strong
no longer insecure

Voice realized his purpose
and vowed to fulfill it

Voice began shouting his messages
from the roof tops
from the tops of mountains
and across the seas

Voice would never be silenced again
his message will continue to be heard
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The truth is there
it's on their face
the lies they tell
a total disgrace

The powerful
they couldn't care less
they've got theirs
they'll survive this mess

For the little guy
there's no help to be found
his shirt is gone
and he's losing more ground

It seems to me
no-one's counted the cost
we've gotta wake up
before it's all lost
brian mclaughlin Apr 2016
My socks they have grown their own feet
They had said that the dog would be sweet
But there's been no relief
As she's turned into a thief
And that is why I have named her Wall Street
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
Their voice went unheard
and their frustration grew
the wrongs still continued
what were they to do

It was change that was needed
in the treatment of all
what was seen, inequality
which only heightens ones gall

True, violence solves little
and riots are wrong
but when treated as dogs
some feel there's no other song

I don't condone yet I do understand
the way peoples react
to an establishment
with it's head in the sand

Will a cure ever come
will folks be treated as equals
will we ever wake up
or will we suffer more sequels
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
Their minds are closed
hearts grown cold
their killing continues
as they grow old

Fueled by their hate
what I find as odd
is that these terrorists ****
in the name of their god

Extremism *****
whether religion or bucks
as at the end of the day
it's the common people who pay
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
what does it matter
whether they come for your money
or they come for your blood
the fact that they come
speaks of a dark heart
they are the takers
they've no wish to share with us
only leaving enough seed behind
to ensure another harvest

our money and blood
the sweat of our brow
they depend on it
they demand our loyalty to their cash cow
while seeing us as fodder for their cannons
they thirst ever for more
never satisfied with the hoard
they've already amassed

those who stand in their way
they're expendable
the rich get richer by the day
our cost to live
continually endangered
oh how the plutocrat loves to hold his third world ransom

that is what we are becoming

we are their stepping stones
and once we are used to cross a river
bringing the takers to greener pastures
we are no longer needed
there will always be more stones
that they can throw into the waters

we are no more than bridge material to their next fortune
once crossed to be thrown away
they'll not need our bridge a second time
they never look back and care not
for the rubble they leave behind
brian mclaughlin May 2015
Vietnam war
the U.S. *****
the CIA
they had to play
too many lost lives
and widowed wives

Protests at home
they weren't alone
they were in the streets
at rallies and meets
the lies we were fed
now at home more dead

Seventy-eight the fourth of May
students lay dead on that dark day
their minds were spoken
the lines then broken
the result of this protest
too hard to digest

The national guard
they came down hard
a simple mistake
put lives at stake
Kent State spoke out
then shots rang out
and there were four dead in Ohio
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
The internet
is such a great tool
except for the fact
there are too many fools
they have no respect
for man nor beast
and the funny thing is
they deserve it the least
so how do you handle them
what do you say
just ignore all their ignorance
don't be suckered into their play
show respect for yourself
don't let your skin be so thin
most of all, don't lower yourself
to the gutter they're in
brian mclaughlin Dec 2014
Where have they gone
we were such great friends
they've up now and left me
is this how it ends

It seems life depended
on us as a group
but they no longer want me
I'm left out of the loop

They were all of my world
now I feel all alone
is life trying to tell me
I can stand on my own

I guess life can be cruel
when a lesson needs learnin'
as sometimes it takes
the backs of friends turnin'
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
life will not wait
not for my decision
what it brings me
will be what it is

a day of joy
bright and cheery
a day of sorrow
dark and dreary

I have no choice
no control

those of joy
when they come
they're wonderful
I feel all is well
I see myself
on top of the world

those of sorrow
as if from nowhere
they appear
leaving me sad
feeling buried
beneath my troubles
no way to rise
not from the spiritual grave
that they dig for me

where is the escape
promised from my youth

where I wonder
is that silver lining
that easement
that is supposed to come
with the storms

my search only leaves darkness
the deep grey of a clouded heart
while the comfort is there
being hidden by my expectations
rather than received through acceptance
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
Although it's peace
that we seek
we find ourselves
up the creek
viewing a picture
that's bleak
from the folly of man
and his long losing streak

It seems the way
of our times
fighting wars
that are crimes
killing kids
in their primes
robbing them
of lifetimes

Religion and greed
continue to shell
leaving death behind
in the wake of shrapnel
not just the soldiers
but civilians as well
yes it does seem
we've made our own living hell

Why can't we end this
why won't we cease
from these men who seek power
is there no release
death and heartache
continue on the increase
my heart cries out
are there no men of peace
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The gruesome photos from war
they want brought to the floor
dead pictures of men
what the hell happened and when

The blood and the gore
they always seem to want more
it appears that man's taste
has really gone waste

Does man not see what's in store
this will poison his core
will he ever really learn
or wait until spirits burn
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
The problem with whiskey
I think it's been said
is that it's after effects
go straight to the head
and if one is not careful
his spirit will shred
and when control is all lost
likely wind up as dead

A little is good
a lot oh so bad
I learned that the hard way
which made me quite mad
yes when push came to shove
those times they were sad
only myself there to blame
losing the control that I had
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
shadowed words
said behind backs
when said aloud
they are often

So much carelessness

These words unheard
leave behind insecurity
they breaks bonds
often forever
ruined lives
are left in their wake

Kindness has no need to be hidden
it is pain that resides in the shadows
brian mclaughlin Feb 2016
The world is filled with those who would steal your joy
their hearts are cold
all of life, every facet of it
must be completely serious
there is no room for fun in their lives

I first saw them as having cheated themselves out of life
but in truth it is not their fault
it is the bitterness they were raised under
their being kept under anothers thumb their entire lives
that's made them this way

How can we actually blame them
for what they've been taught
for what their parents and schools
have instilled in their minds
they know nothing but the rules that must be followed

To watch another step outside of those rules
to see them live their lives differently
to view others experiencing joy and happiness
only offers them great irritation in their gut
but all they know of jealousy is the definition of the word

You see, definitions are within the rules
feelings are not
feelings and emotions are to them
a weakness
something they have been taught has no place in life

I'm sure that I will be asked who are they
and I will answer an entire colony of meerkats
but if they actually need to ask
if they really want to know
their answer will best be found in a mirror
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
I was asked the question
“who do I read”
well, there's nobody special
that's not what I need

am I here to seek pointers
no, not at all
the way that I write
it's not been my call

I simply write down
the words that I'm given
then share them with others
you know, the folks who be livin'

so correct if you must
that's if it makes you feel better
punctuation and spelling
right down to the letter

but I won't be changin'
anytime soon
so I hope you don't mind
I'll keep singin' my tune
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Who sees the evil in war
We do whispered the dead soldiers
Who sees the evil in war
We do spoke the dismembered men and women
Who sees the evil in war
We do came the response of the children of collateral damage
Who sees the evil in war
It is I was heard from the widowed wife
Who sees the evil in war
We do cried the parents as their child would never come home again
Who sees the evil in war
Will daddy ever be able to ever play with me
Who sees the evil in war
It seems all do except for the corporate world of the war machine
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
It has been said
truth should be shouted
from the tops of the mountains

Truth defined
a fact
or belief
accepted as true

What kind of definition is that
using truth to define truth
to me it is saying
truth is as we see it

So whose truth should that be
my truth
your truth
what truth should be shouted from the mountains

Truth that brings about battles
between neighbors
destroying civility

Truth that sends countries to war
leaving death and dismemberment
in its wake

Cannot our truth be told
without words
that become infused with intolerance
of others and their beliefs

It's been a long time
the words are still the same

Can't we all just get along!

Or at least try
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
They all stood watching
there in the shadows of the great forest

The lion and impala
looked at each other
concern in their eyes
the hawk and rabbit
viewed each other
their eyes had that same look
the mouse and the elephant
the wolf and the lamb
the mongoose and cobra
even the spider and the fly

All the creatures of the forest
the air and the sea
those of the great Serengeti
all of them



Gathered together to see
what man might do next
to further destroy their homes
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
how useless
you find it
it leaves

Now you tell me
it was infatuation
you played with my heart
left it in pieces

How many others were there
no-one else need ever be cautious of you
never again
as I was your last
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
Why care  
evil surrounds  
it is always with us  
the truth, there can be no escape  
not from something that lives in our shadow  
man has learned to corrupt by touch  
it lives in his footsteps  
he won't change shoes  
why care
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
I knew a man
who could not see beyond his nose
his path through life
was covered with stones

I knew a man
who refused to open his mind
he could not understand
why he could not understand

I knew a man
who would not let his heart be touched
he died alone
never knowing the joy that was his
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
Why  lie
what is there to gain
a life of slavery
to a story that's lame

lies are tough to remember
they morph and become strange
while the truth is so simple
as it never does change

why not live free
unbridled from lies
gain peace in your heart
find joy in your eyes

there will be new respect
folks will form a great trust
all because of a practice
of truth being a must
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Whether Martin, Malcolm
Jack or Bobby
there will never be but one.

These men were few
their dreams were great
their jobs did not get done.

Taken too soon
by bullets all
killed for their beliefs.

Equality would have to wait
will it ever come?

Will another arise
to carry the torch?

Will someone continue
to beat equalities drum?

If by chance it does one day
and all are viewed as equal,
brotherhood could finally come
we might start living peaceful.

As we look forward to that day
there's something we all can do,
treat each other equally
spend some time in another's shoes.
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
on the right side of the dirt
what could it hurt
to open my eyes
before me a picture
one of sadness
the homeless
the working poor
the children with dirt upon their faces
in tattered clothing
I see distended bellies
malnutrition taking its toll

this is supposed to be
the worlds greatest nation

we see those who will not work
and there are those who can not help themselves
but it is the children who suffer most
they deserve better

I often wonder
and I know I wouldn't change things
could I stop the hurt inside
if I were to awaken on the other side
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Will we ever know peace
will we wait till too late
how many will be left
will man wait
until he has no neighbor
a world of loneliness
only brings horrid memories
of the devastation of wars
brought on by greed
of political power
and religious zealotry
I pray man gives himself a chance
to awaken to the reality
that we must share this planet
in harmony and peace.
brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
such a special beauty arrives with her.
My cat and I sit quietly watching the feeder,
the one that's just outside the window.
I guess you could considerate this
one of natures most watched shows.

So many different types of birds are visiting this morning.
Flying in and out,
being nourished by our seed.
Well, it's really their seed.
A little help for their survival,
or is it for our entertainment?
Which ever, the cold days and nights
those that come with winter
do require a little more body heat than the other seasons.

Trying to tell the difference between different sparrows
now that's tough.
The finches, they're somewhat easier.
At first the chickadee and the nuthatch with their similar coloring
brought a little confusion.
It didn't take long to learn the difference though.
But when the red bird arrives we both pay special attention.
I've always understood them to be
well, quite territorial.
Yet here are two of the males and a female
all feeding together
without the males arguing.

Men, if they wanted to could learn a lesson from these birds.
Even when times provide the least
there can still be enough to share.
We can all to eat together in peace.

At least that's the case until the bully bird comes along.
Seems as when that blue jay comes in everybody scatters,
he takes what he wants when he wants it.

But you know something
those birds who prefer to feed on the ground.
They have a debt to pay to him.
He certainly does knock a lot of seed to the ground.

He was just here,
I guess it's time to refill the feeder.
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The bear hibernates
The trees rest from feeding leaves
Winter is for rest
brian mclaughlin Apr 2016
Man, placed in a box of rules.
Tolerated as long as he behaves
and doesn't wander outside.
His growth limited by its walls
with no room to add anything that might be new.

Is the world afraid
to have a new dessert,
one that may tickle the tastes
of those who see themselves as inmates?

Bound within this box,
their faith and beliefs are squashed.
The box dwellers are deprived
of their choice and preference of their own
likes, dislikes and that which makes them who they are.
Their individualism stolen.
Their personal freedom denied.
Their voices silenced by a sound proofing
created by the approval or disapproval of the elder.

There is no freedom within the box
when forced to live by another mans creed.
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
The sun rises
it also sets sets
each day passes
with growing threats

A world at war
no peace is found
the people suffer
hope is drowned

The sound of weapons
no sleep at night
rockets and missiles
increase the fright

But this violence is not found
on the battlefield alone
we have these senseless killings
right here at home

Will we see tomorrow
or be dead by dawn
and you ask why
so faces are drawn

This present day violence
should make us mad
but my lack of hope for mankind
is what makes me sad

Can man ever change
can he curb his hate
or have we gone too far
and it's now too late

How many more sun rises
will we see it set one more time
will there be more days to pass
or has man reached the end of his line
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Painful lack of words
writing becomes much too hard
where have our poems gone.

Words written in haste
now make very little sense
without any flow.

They are no longer
as a body without breath
alive for others.

Emptiness resides
in a heart without feeling
our words have no life.

Those words without life
failing to bless a hearer
become of no use.

Why do we ignore
inspiration from nature
our muse is asleep.

Once it awakens
words return to the living
joy comes to our hearts.
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
Does poetry really depend on new ideas
fresh words concerning the nature of lives

Haven't the ideas with their words
all been presented

Throughout time, in one form or another
the stories all been told

Do we really think we have created something new
something original
by changing names and places

The expressions used changed
and repeated time and again

Then labelled as cliché
as some have recognized the story

There is nothing new

Nothing purely original

It is all cliché to someone

If new and original are the requirements
and it's all been said

Then poetry is dead

Write on
share your heart
and though it's been said
tell your story

Somebody needs to hear it again
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Let me be plain
yesterday's pain
which we often disdain
is not suffered in vain

we have this impression
our pain from this session
which seems never to lessen
is an un-needed lesson

now this ain't no blow
but when emotions do flow
they will help you to grow
in more ways than you know

I know it's no thrill
when your heart hits the grill
it's a most bitter pill
but you still gotta chill
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
One speaks only religion
the other constantly cries fake
the argument rages on
c'mon, give us a break

Try and learn to respect
each others belief
giving the rest of us
a little relief

We're tired of hearing
“have you found a new church”
leave me alone
if I want one I'll search

We're also tired of
“God doesn't exist”
the truth of the matter
these statements both leave folks ******

Yes this argument goes on
much too long, to excess
I'm tellin' ya folks
it's causing way too much stress

Chill out for awhile
let each other live
by the beliefs that they have
is that too much to give
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Our youth
they talk of suicide
this seems to me
a place they hide

To give their heart
a way to drain
and relieve it
from a terrible pain

The help they need
resides within
and will not be found
upon their skin

For in this life
folks will oft let you down
leaving you feel
as you're about to drown

Their acceptance is great
but your own must come first
to love who you are
is a most worthy thirst
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
Our youth
the pressures they face
children fighting
for acceptance

fitting in with their peers
they strive for
it's a shame
so many have died for

where have we gone wrong
did we sing the wrong song
the lessons we taught
seem to have gone for naught

are we actually failures as parents

is it really our fault
have we pushed them away
what can we do
to help them today

turn this tide
so they've no need to hide
the feelings they harbor
so deep down inside

the hurt that drives them
beyond our hearts reach
unto the point
where their spirit's been breached

how can we help them
bring them back home
help them to feel
they're not so totally alone

get them to realize
that they're loved beyond measure
and here in our hearts
they are the greatest .of all treasure

I ask you
are there answers to this
if not we must find them
yes, that is truly my wish
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
Awakened by the brook washing over the tiny set of falls

I hear the birds singing a welcome to the new day

natures song is being played

its flute has come alive

the ivory of her keys are caressed gently

my ears gather their blessing

the peaceful surrounding have brought tranquility to my spirit

my heart fills with joy

how fortunate I am to see another day dawn

— The End —