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392 · Feb 2017
Things Is Backwards
brian mclaughlin Feb 2017
The war machine
Always fed first
The budget for weapons
Never suffers from thirst

While children lay hungered
And vets become hopeless
These priorities in America
Leave the populous hopeless
390 · Mar 2016
The Mountain Top
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
From on top of the mountain
you can see where you've been
and it's really no matter
the why or the when
for it's deep in the valleys
that your lessons are given
your pathways defined
for a life you'll be livin'
take this time to reflect
on all that you've learned
and savor moment
as the tide could be turned
rest here on the mountain
drink deep, quench your thirst
there's another valley aproaching
prepare for the worst
390 · Feb 2015
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
enslaved by the dollar
that's what we are
and the pittance received
it don't go very far

folks keep working harder
and production goes up
while their wages stay flat
the profits go up

often forced to apply
for help from the state
workers become labeled takers
was this stigma their fate

then complaints are put forth
about the redistribution of wealth
but that's how capitalism is supposed to work
thanks trickle down stealth

today's dollar trickles up
to the pockets of the rich
as daily more do without
ain't redistribution a *****!
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
My right eye
lost to glaucoma
self pity took my heart
the days were long
the question was always
why me
a constant mood of darkness
my attitude was sour

it's strange how a person can change
totally change for such a small disability
so small compared to those who have lost both legs
so small compared to those who become paralyzed
so small compared to if I had lost both eyes

it was those thoughts that brought me back
losing one eye was little
a minor inconvenience
mostly just a loss of peripheral vision
that and my depth perception leaving me
within that six to eight foot distance it was strange

life was changing for me again
it was night and day
from sour to sweet
the self pity was gone
what I had was far greater than what I had lost
I was immediately able to appreciate what I still had
no more did I rue the loss
I began to realize
there was beauty in the world
that I had never seen before
brian mclaughlin May 2015
He lay helpless in the gutter
so many people walking by
he was treated me as if  invisible
he could see them avert their eyes
was it his tattered clothing
the gaunt face of hunger he wore
they ignored his plea for help
what has made them immune
to their hearts
you would swear
they were born without one
how is it that they have so little care
for those who have needs
that they can no longer provide for themselves
so many who's only crime
was that they were the working poor
sentenced to life on the streets
the homeless
who have fallen through the cracks
here in this land of plenty
this country that spends so much
in support of other countries
while criminalizing the results
of their own greed
here in the richest nation on Earth
388 · Mar 2015
The Evil of Intolerance
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
The world it is mine
if it is here you wish to stay
one thing to remember
you'll live in it my way
for there is no variance
and no we do not play

You've now heard the rules
what is it that you say
accept or decline
there is only today
it is time to decide
or your body to go on display
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
One speaks only religion
the other constantly cries fake
the argument rages on
c'mon, give us a break

Try and learn to respect
each others belief
giving the rest of us
a little relief

We're tired of hearing
“have you found a new church”
leave me alone
if I want one I'll search

We're also tired of
“God doesn't exist”
the truth of the matter
these statements both leave folks ******

Yes this argument goes on
much too long, to excess
I'm tellin' ya folks
it's causing way too much stress

Chill out for awhile
let each other live
by the beliefs that they have
is that too much to give
386 · Sep 2015
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
They live in boxes
no doors to pass through
no windows to accept the light
the world has to offer
their meals never change
and no longer have flavor
384 · Jun 2015
Success Is Not Money
brian mclaughlin Jun 2015
The speaker had said
“success is not money”
and for some strange reason
the hearers thought this was funny

Then his words went unheard
future sadness he could have rid
and they were missing this message
as ignore him they did

You'll find success in your joy
which money can't buy
it's found deep in your heart
like you were a boy

The days filled with fun
the games played with your friends
I know, I know
that's not a means to an end

Yes I know we must work
to provide for our needs
but there's no happiness in it
when it's to further our greed

When there's never enough
and we always want more
we're not satisfied
and behind in lifes score

Thing is life is for living
enjoying our days
however they come
in so many strange ways

Whether with family or friends
or at the job site
it's happiness that's important
you must know this to be right

Though the statements I made
may seem kind of funny
the truth is success is much more
than accumulated money
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
So few days
but in many ways
the journey too long
the things that went wrong
there seemed no return
from the terrible burn
the flames of failure deliver

The dream too soon over
I'd counted on clover
but luck wasn't with me
it just wasn't to be
now everything lost
I had not realized the cost
then I began to shiver

Then my life turned around
I emerged from the ground
it didn't take long
to find that new song
which extinguished the fire
lifting me out of the pyre
the world then began to shimmer
382 · Jan 2015
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
why couldn't it just be
380 · Aug 2015
Two Sides of Extremism
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
One zealot over shares his faith
another argues the lack of belief
what I can't seem to understand
is why they won't take a break
and give the world a little relief
380 · Jan 2015
Fire and Eyes - A Rewrite
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Fire with fire
an eye for an eye
the whole world burns
more men become blind

The earth became charred
man had lost his way
that choice of blindness
brought his last day

Fire with fire
an eye for an eye
while children are dying
governments don't seem to mind

It's from collateral damage
it's the price that you pay
it's part of war in today's world
at least that's what they say

Fire with fire
an eye for an eye
putting an end to this madness
is simply just being kind

Respecting our neighbors
this is the greatest gateway
if man could only learn
to put love on display
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
There's a place in life that we belong
some don't ever find it
they just plod on through
day after day
their lives stagnant as a dead pool
no drain for their depression
no fresh inlet for joy to enter
how they wish for an escape
a chance to run away
from the doldrums of life
but what is it that they would run to
to dart blindly into the unknown
that would surely be folly
without direction
they would have no place to turn to
how does one move on
when there is no place to go
377 · Feb 2016
brian mclaughlin Feb 2016
I don't care, so what
the arguments of a child
let them remain blind
376 · Jul 2015
Two Sides to Every Street
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
This world of ours in parallel
will only work its way to hell
their fond beliefs will never meet
and war their favorite meal to eat

The evil men they take their toll
always wanting more control
yet these words that they dismiss
will drive us to the great abyss

It's twisted people who find their gladness
by feeding off of another's sadness
how is it they don't know the score
when sending off their youths to war

And it's not only their politics
that seems to need to get in their licks
the religious crowd they want it too
control of the people, that means you

My hope is some day these folks will see
and maybe for a time they might agree
but I doubt the two sides will ever meet
when there are still two sides to every street
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
The black sheep of the family
the one that just doesn't fit in
appears to have faults
that can be seen on the surface
but these faults are really quite thin

Now the white sheep
well they're not always so pure
often setting judgment in stone
only see with their eyes with no feeling of heart
and in truth their fault goes clear to the bone

I guess I'd rather be the black sheep
with a spot maybe two
than to sit in judgment of others
as some of those white sheep like to do

You see hate of what's different
and it doesn't matter from who
is one of the ugliest things
men here on earth tend to do
371 · Feb 2015
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
We often disdain
that which gives us our gain
we just won't entertain
yes we'd rather abstain
holding fast in our brain
this lousy dark stain
while we're dragged by a train
on a chain we call pain

if this to you is arcane
and you think it inane
you might go talk to Sir Gawain
maybe he will explain
it won't be mundane
but will likely drive you insane
you see it's a whole new terrain
and even odder domain
but it's time to restrain
and no longer complain
about pain
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
Their voice went unheard
and their frustration grew
the wrongs still continued
what were they to do

It was change that was needed
in the treatment of all
what was seen, inequality
which only heightens ones gall

True, violence solves little
and riots are wrong
but when treated as dogs
some feel there's no other song

I don't condone yet I do understand
the way peoples react
to an establishment
with it's head in the sand

Will a cure ever come
will folks be treated as equals
will we ever wake up
or will we suffer more sequels
365 · Jan 2016
brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
such a special beauty arrives with her.
My cat and I sit quietly watching the feeder,
the one that's just outside the window.
I guess you could considerate this
one of natures most watched shows.

So many different types of birds are visiting this morning.
Flying in and out,
being nourished by our seed.
Well, it's really their seed.
A little help for their survival,
or is it for our entertainment?
Which ever, the cold days and nights
those that come with winter
do require a little more body heat than the other seasons.

Trying to tell the difference between different sparrows
now that's tough.
The finches, they're somewhat easier.
At first the chickadee and the nuthatch with their similar coloring
brought a little confusion.
It didn't take long to learn the difference though.
But when the red bird arrives we both pay special attention.
I've always understood them to be
well, quite territorial.
Yet here are two of the males and a female
all feeding together
without the males arguing.

Men, if they wanted to could learn a lesson from these birds.
Even when times provide the least
there can still be enough to share.
We can all to eat together in peace.

At least that's the case until the bully bird comes along.
Seems as when that blue jay comes in everybody scatters,
he takes what he wants when he wants it.

But you know something
those birds who prefer to feed on the ground.
They have a debt to pay to him.
He certainly does knock a lot of seed to the ground.

He was just here,
I guess it's time to refill the feeder.
360 · Mar 2015
If it Doesn't Kill Ya
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
They say what doesn't **** ya
is what makes ya stronger
and when it comes
to man's fighting spirit
that's a fact

But when that spirit is gone
men become weak
as a fawn
and to stand on your own
is no easy act

There's a defeatist attitude
which fosters
their failing interlude
beating them down
as if they've been severely whacked

So please don't criticize
when you see someone broken
help them to stand
and don't be a token
show them you care
with more than words
merely spoken
become the strength
that they've lacked
359 · Aug 2015
Trust Me, it Works
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
Alone in this crowded room
really not a bad thing today
the music in my ears
so lovely, so melodious
it begs me to remain secluded
right here, with it being my hold on sanity
away from a world that holds so little of the same

Not a care

Not a worry

How wonderful it can be
yes, to leave reality behind
even if it's just for moment or two
deep within a stress free groove

Yeah, I said groove

No, the groove still exists
and really
we need to spend more time there

How peaceful life can seem
the escape, it's so fulfilling, so satisfying

True happiness
a real inner joy can be found here so easily

Ain't music great!
I want to shout


It's good medicine for the soul
and truly lifts your spirit

You might even end up suggesting it to another as well

Find your groove and pass on the peace my friend
hopefully it can catch on
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
The arrogant *******
went ahead, said his peace
his ultimate end
was a soul to fleece

killing a spirit
breaking a heart
sowing discouragement
right from the start

knocking men down
from his great altitude
he was an egotist  
with a bad attitude

but to his dismay
what he didn't expect
that he never received
other peoples respect

his knowledge was great
why wouldn't they listen
with all of his schooling
he believed his opinion to glisten

eating at him
he'd continued his fight
hoping his words
would push others to flight

then with great disrespect
as his means to his ends
he found himself all alone
without any friends
357 · May 2015
They're Not Invisible
brian mclaughlin May 2015
They are in the alleys of our cities
in the parks of our small towns
and under bridges
even in many tiny villages

Their cries for help go unheard
as if they have no voice

More often than not
they are ignored
as if they are invisible

Yet they are there
and in need

Is there a point to life
when all that exists in the heart is despair
when basic human needs
are only delivered for a very short
and temporary moment
when any relief and happiness
is shallow enough
to be washed away in the next

What point is there when
is all you have

Life should be full
real and honest
delivering joy to the heart
encouragement to the spirit
peace to the soul
and a satisfaction to the stomach

The streets seldom provide for these needs

Governments attempt to criminalize people
for a homelessness
that is beyond the control
of these people who have lost all hope
and have been reduced to life in the streets
for the greed of the super rich
and an ever growing lack of care
for those we should be treating
as brothers and sisters

When did we cease as a nation
to be “for the people”

How did our government
get to the point of turning away from the people
to serve the rich above all others

regardless of their denominations
or religions
claim they are there to do Gods work

Since when has it been Gods work
to leave children hungry
cold, lonely and in the streets

Since when has it been Gods work
to treat other humans as vermin
because they have been dirtied on the surface
because of a life of hardship
have different beliefs, customs or life styles

So many do so little
they are the sayers

There are a few that do all they can
they are the doers

The doers
some are believers
others are not
the doers
have hearts
broken for those in need

Where governments and religions
now stand in the way
of help for these people
made of the same clay
giving a voice to the homeless
so they might have their say
the doers step in
and help as they may
357 · Apr 2015
My Time
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
The time is mine
to do with as I please
a time to relax
a time to dream
to drink in life
taking off the top
a heavy cream
smooth as silk
whipped and sweet
enhancing the flavor
of each moment
crowning my dessert
there are many more courses
appetizers and entrees
I find sustenance in the bowl
and the beverage
I will continue to drink from the cup
while I still have breath
for the meal is not yet over
the time is mine
355 · Apr 2015
There is a Silver Lining
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
The storm has passed to the east
there is thunder still rolling off in the distance
the rains have lightened now
and the birds once again grace us
with their songs
as I glance to the west
rays of sunlight break through the clouds
a great bow shows itself to the world
its magnificent colors hold me
as if in a spell

Here a reminder
I know so well

Though storms may come
they will also pass
and on the other side
a time of tranquility

There is a silver lining
all we need do is wait
355 · Mar 2015
My Own Little Private World
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
music playing

the peace within is extraordinary

alone in a crowded waiting room
isolated as I enter my own little private world

people are in too much of a rush today
way too much
slowing down brings so much joy
lets my mind wander

I sit
and travel
to places that have to be recorded in some way

but how do I paint all that I see
I haven't the words to describe
the places that have been shrouded
by a veil created through
today's rat race

there has always been a mist
blocking me from seeing reality
or was I just hoping that reality
was something else altogether

if I'm not given the words
how can I share these wonders
my inner most self has been attacked
by my own lack of belief in myself

my peace has become threatened
I feel the crowd
it seems as they are closing in around me

they demand that which I cannot deliver

how is it that I must continue to sit and wait
even the music has abandoned me

why must I be required to return
from my own little private world
348 · May 2015
Benghazi or Bush
brian mclaughlin May 2015
Embassy deaths
Benghazi claimed four
but when W. had charge
there were fifty-six more

It was the fault of that woman
was the chant of the congress
when cutting her budget
was their version of progress

Investigations ensued
they called for her head
it proved it their own fault
and the scandal was dead

But they tried once again
to prove it her fault
wasting taxpayer money
drawn from the vault

It became too late to quit
giving it many more tries
misleading the public
with congressional lies

When will they quit about Clinton
and investigate Bush
I know it's just politics
another ambush
346 · Dec 2015
My Kingdom For A Smile
brian mclaughlin Dec 2015
His rule was iron ******
his subjects lived in fear
his wife and children hated him
no-one dared draw near

His knights remained quite loyal
defending all his land
while living in the shadow
of the executioners hand

It was as he had no subjects
it was a feeling very strange
in all his land and not a single soul
with a smile to exchange

He traveled his kingdom and found no love
depression mounted with each mile
with one desire upon his heart
my kingdom for a smile
345 · Apr 2015
Thou Shalt Not Hate
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
It seems they're so filled up with hate
for those who are a little different
that they'll stand right there in the way
of rights and equal treatment

It's not just here at home
concerning minorities and the homeless
and to try and open their hearts
seems like something almost hopeless

They claim the moral high ground
while they practice all this hate
their goal is a theocracy
I hope it's not too late

Right now we're seeing congress
undermine affairs of state
they're posture calling for more war
for this I fear our fate

Yet they claim they're Christian
and these ways of theirs must cease
change their direction from this hatred
and for once, work toward real world peace
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
Arms crossed
hands nestled just below the armpits
so comforting
my eyes close
shutting out the world around me
I rest safe and secure within this self hug
this escape from a world filled with unrest
at least for these few moments

From here I can watch the gentle surf
the waves send the sea up along the beach
the it recedes washing the place where the sea meets the coast

Sometimes I am privileged to the company of the birds
they sing the tales of nature
and I am actually able to understand the lyrics

They call it a babbling brook
I hear the stories of the lands they have passed through
of the people that have sat on its bank
the brook seems to tell me of their conversations
conversations of peace, brotherhood and love for their fellow men

What a wonderful time this can be
sitting back
arms folded across my chest
hands nestled just below my armpits
within this self hug
in the silence of my temporary solitude
watching and listening
to all that should be
342 · Mar 2015
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
shadowed words
said behind backs
when said aloud
they are often

So much carelessness

These words unheard
leave behind insecurity
they breaks bonds
often forever
ruined lives
are left in their wake

Kindness has no need to be hidden
it is pain that resides in the shadows
339 · Feb 2015
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
we must look again
at the words PRO and CON
neither is is perfect
nor either all wrong

but if we as a people
wish to grow and move on
PRO is more needed
there's no movement in CON

when being PROgressive
we can attain great new heights
but if too CONservative
we'll find the pathway there bites

so PRO or Con
where do we stand
are we for or against
the many issues at hand

if we want move forward
and make real PROgress
we should never depend
on that group we call CONgress
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
justifying the war
because we're the good guy
and putting down evil
is our reason why
is ignoring the fact
that our enemy
believes they're the good guy
fighting the evil they see
brian mclaughlin May 2015
Bigotry, hatred
the road to discord
bringing terrible deeds
with the ugliest words

People are people
we all share this earth
we all have a purpose
we all have a worth

We never know when
we'll have need for another
some day we must wake up
and see that all men are brothers

Red, yellow,
black, white and brown
no matter their race
should not be put down

Gay, straight,
believers or not
whether they're male or female
not confined to a spot

We've no right to treat people
who are different from us
with our ways and words
that throw them under the bus

It says “all men are equal”
but that's not how folks are treated
and it's this lack of respect
that's caused peace to be defeated

Wake up my friends
and seal a new fate
learn to love one another
before it's too late

If you're afraid
you'd not know how to start
it's really quite easy
just open your heart
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
He wore his pants below his buttocks
I guess he musta had an itch
you wonder if he realizes
it's the sign of a prison *****
338 · Mar 2016
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
Narcissistic superiority
demanding respect
receiving none
as it has not been earned
335 · Apr 2015
Awakening to a Dream
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
I awoke to a serene setting
before me a picture of peace
that, among all the creatures of earth

The lion no longer sought
the meat of the lamb

The hawk and rabbit helped each other
raise each others young

The killer whale was nursing
a baby seal

The camel and the mouse
no longer had a question
of who led who
as they together crossed the river
in agreement

As I watched I began to notice
I was the only one of my kind
there were no other men

Those who were normally
at odds with each other
were nowhere to be seen
yet I felt at peace

Was I now the culmination
of all cultures
of all races
of all people

To dream
335 · Nov 2015
We are the Price
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
Their minds are closed
hearts grown cold
their killing continues
as they grow old

Fueled by their hate
what I find as odd
is that these terrorists ****
in the name of their god

Extremism *****
whether religion or bucks
as at the end of the day
it's the common people who pay
333 · May 2016
brian mclaughlin May 2016
This fear of the unknown,
unwarranted, yet it resides deep within me.
Why am I afraid to live in this moment?
I shrink at the thought of the next,
what tomorrow might bring me.
My future seen through this negative mindset
leaves my mind weak and spirit broken.
My emotions out of control.
Days wasted, worrying of things that haven't
and may never happen.
My life, empty of peace.
Every moment given away
waiting on the worst to present itself.
My negative thoughts
have brought a sickness to my heart
and death to my spirit.
332 · Jan 2016
brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
The beginning
this must be the root
The end
seems to be absolute
The philanthropist
does he help all he can find
The bigot
I know there's more than one kind
The sea
more than seven to see
The land
tell me which one would that be
The title
can enliven ones mind
The word the
often leaves options behind

This word often says
there is only one
definitive as hell
for the writer no fun
yet we use it because
it's better than none
and quite frankly it fits
like a dog in a bun
330 · Jan 2016
Cold Stones of Castle Walls
brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
I built my walls
dug my moat
they will not be breached
for if I were to open the doors
to trust any from outside them
the assult might prove more than I could handle
but I am safe here in my stone castle
at times I feel imprisoned
how could I again give my heart to another
330 · Jan 2015
Yesterday's Pain
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Let me be plain
yesterday's pain
which we often disdain
is not suffered in vain

we have this impression
our pain from this session
which seems never to lessen
is an un-needed lesson

now this ain't no blow
but when emotions do flow
they will help you to grow
in more ways than you know

I know it's no thrill
when your heart hits the grill
it's a most bitter pill
but you still gotta chill
329 · Apr 2016
The Garden, Gone
brian mclaughlin Apr 2016
There's no turning back as the garden is gone
the blue marble has had its day
***** of her resources
Trees and grasses, the rain forests disappearing

The ozone rent
carbon dioxide
not being converted into oxygen
not at a sufficient rate to support life as we knew it

The ice caps melting
the lands receding for the rising seas
weather patterns being disrupted
natural disasters bringing men to their knees

Man pit against neighbor for survival
and must now accept his fate
as he has waited too long to turn the tide
from his own extinction

It will arrive sooner than the hoped for later
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
He went away to save the world
at least that is what he thought
his government claimed that it was needed
a great lie that he had bought

But he went and served
then injured came home
where his government bailed
leaving him on his own

His body was broken
his mind had failed
no longer protecting him
he and his madness were jailed

Could no longer find work
losing his family and home
living now on the streets
he'd sit sadly alone

The days would pass by
one after another
till the day that he died
one more lost veteran brother
324 · Feb 2015
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
The problem with whiskey
I think it's been said
is that it's after effects
go straight to the head
and if one is not careful
his spirit will shred
and when control is all lost
likely wind up as dead

A little is good
a lot oh so bad
I learned that the hard way
which made me quite mad
yes when push came to shove
those times they were sad
only myself there to blame
losing the control that I had
322 · May 2015
brian mclaughlin May 2015
I wished to be free
Within me a war was raging
My feeling was that I had no control
over who I was
I was powerless to break free
from the chain my past had become
Had I been living a lie
for too long of a time
Was I even the same person
as when I was young
I never really did like
the direction and activities
of those who I had called my friends
Why was being like them
the direction I had chosen
for the way I wanted to see myself
Why was their acceptance
so ****** important
I have enslaved myself
to an image
Why had I not given the truth a chance
to set me free
322 · Sep 2015
Empty Eyes
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
Void of spirit
her remnants
wandered without purpose
the scars on her cheeks
were carved by tears
from empty eyes
that told of the absence of her soul
320 · Sep 2015
Our Masks
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
To wear a mask
an avatar
we're insecure
and it's quite bizarre
that we lie to folks
both near and far
in hopes they'll see
our rising star
while scared of that question
of who we are
320 · Jul 2015
It's All About Lust
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
Money, power
I gotta get some
if I ain't got the two
I just ain't the one

Week as a kitten
without any claws
what could I ever do
with two useless paws

Just give me the money
I'll buy me that power
I'll hit the ground running
and it won't take an hour

Don't get in my way
as I go on this run
I promise you now
you won't find it fun

I want what I want
I'll do whatever it takes
if it means burying you
it'll take less than two shakes

My lust is for power
you cannot deny me
how can you say that I'm evil
I'll have it, you'll see

The man used to care
his humanity meant all
but his lust for that power
had brought his great fall

There's more to life than power
success is not about money
those statements may seem strange
don't laugh, it ain't funny

Too much money and power
corrupt simple men
erasing their kindness
that they had back then

Often making them monsters
losing sight of who they were
and their pasts, they became
not much more than a blur

No love left in their heart
their humanity lost
not a show of any kindness
lust for power has a cost
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