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6.0k · Jan 2015
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
War kills
not just bodies
but souls
while in its wake
leaving hearts emptied
with holes

The spirit of men
ruined by trauma
it's clear
they look to tomorrow
and tremble
from fear

For what it will bring
these men
never know
often like Jekyll
and Hyde
which one will now show

is pure hell
for all that it touches
and there's no hiding it
with a million
2.9k · Jul 2015
Burgers and Fries
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
The simple life
of burgers and fries
maybe not the best for your health
but they're a feast for the eyes

The very thought of 'em
just makes ya feel good
whether you're on the road
or at home in the hood

Yep burgers and fries
your waist might despise
but who the hell cares
when you're out with the guys

Go get you some Wendy's
or Micky-D's down the road
Sonic or Five-Guys
let some fat now get stowed

Once you start eatin' some burgers and fries
you're doin' it right
when you let out your belt
and your pants are too tight
2.7k · Apr 2015
Keep Moving
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
Moving forward
as a river flows to the ocean  
we find a life of vitality  

To sit idle
as a pond which has no feed nor exit
the algae grows upon our spirit

we grow stagnant
life itself is choked away
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
Without acknowledgment
The warrior has no foe
His war remains within
The only casualty
His spirit
2.3k · Sep 2015
Come sit with me
brian mclaughlin Sep 2015
There is this stream
it carries the music of life through the forest
calming the soul and spirit
of any and all who spend time
listening to its song

As I sit by waters edge
my toes being kissed by its gentle current
I find an unexpected blessing
one that has always been there for me.
All that was needed
was for me to come and accept it

To get here I  left a world
ravaged by a rushed
and impatient society.
Its greed and lack of kindness
has taken its sad toll of far too many

That world would have owned me as well
had I not come to this place
far away from the mean streets
away from the get ahead at any cost attitude it has
free of the stress it imparts

It is a place of true comfort
more tranquil than one could ever imagine

The stream flows through me
its music feeds my spirit
its song fills my heart

The thoughts of that other place
now washed from my mind
it seems as though I have grown new ears
I have learned to listen in a whole new way
my eyes opened now to beauty
wherever they land
my heart, opened wider than ever
being filled with great joy

I have never known such peace

I think I'll stay awhile
2.0k · Apr 2015
I See said the Blind Man
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
Though his eyes were blind
he saw in ways that others did not

With ears he listened
and the truth of a man's hearts
became opened up to him

His nose would not deceive him
for the beauty of each flower
revealed themselves to him

Flavors upon his tongue
painted pictures for his mind
to relish and savor

As he placed his fingers upon a face
he would know a mans joy
or the troubles that beset him

Though many would claim him disabled
he never knew himself to be
1.8k · May 2015
An Eye For An Eye
brian mclaughlin May 2015
An eye for an eye
leaves everyone blind
vengeance is always
best left behind

To repay evil with evil
cannot balance a scale
it's just amplified evil
doling out one more fail

Things are only made worse
when you follow that course
why do men still believe
they're immune to this curse

Will man ever learn
or let his soul burn
while anger within him
continues to churn

It's time to wake up
repay evil with kind
your reward is within
as it brings peace of mind

Breaking the circle
preserving our sight
it may not be easy
but well worth the fight
1.7k · Jan 2015
The Maturing of Tree and Man
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The tree takes it's time
for to reach maturity
then blesses with shade

Men imitate trees
once they reach maturity
they bless with wisdom

A tree with deep roots
withstands the winds at their worst
to bend and not break

A mans deep beliefs
hold fast throughout his days and
cannot be broken

The tree and the man
bless the world and together
can be seen as one
1.6k · Jan 2015
Solitude, Underappreciated
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
It was a peaceful setting
one that had its own way
of taking people back
to a place and time
where they had experienced
peace of mind and spirit

Their minds eye awake
with eyes closed they returned
to the earlier and quieter
days and times
times free of stress
free of the rat race that fills today's world

For this moment
alone with their remembrance
their lives were once again changed
in their solitude
they were able to once again
find their hearts
1.5k · Jan 2015
Will Equality Ever Come
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Whether Martin, Malcolm
Jack or Bobby
there will never be but one.

These men were few
their dreams were great
their jobs did not get done.

Taken too soon
by bullets all
killed for their beliefs.

Equality would have to wait
will it ever come?

Will another arise
to carry the torch?

Will someone continue
to beat equalities drum?

If by chance it does one day
and all are viewed as equal,
brotherhood could finally come
we might start living peaceful.

As we look forward to that day
there's something we all can do,
treat each other equally
spend some time in another's shoes.
brian mclaughlin Jun 2015
From above
they held strong
their mineral drip
fed those beneath
their strength was shared
building both
they came together
a bond was made
they became one
now a pillar
that would withstand
the ages

Capitalism only works
when the rich
mimic the stalactite
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
How do we find peace,
is it not through making friends?

Tell me how friends are made
through exclusion.

To leave others out of the circle
sows fine seeds of distrust
distrust creates dissension
dissension then discord
discord leads to arguments
and arguments to anger
anger brings about violence
and from violence often death.

Peace becomes buried under
a blanket of bitterness and hate.

There must be a way
that there can come a day
to show respect to each man
throughout every land
where all men become brothers
instead of thought of as others.

Exclusion drives men to war!
1.2k · Mar 2015
An Honorable Movement
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
Who really wins
when you argue their folly
when it's your reaction
that gives them their jolly

It's your peace that is broken
personal harmony dies
shouting them down
is so seldom is wise

They seek to birth anger
with a message so sick
but living peaceful or angry
is your choice then to pick

But anger brings bitterness
and bitterness hate
that direction needs ending
before it's too late

A harmonious spirit
a peaceful heart
is an honorable movement
one we must start
1.1k · Oct 2015
an eye for an eye
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
An eye for an eye
leaves everyone blind
vengeance is always
best left behind

To repay evil with evil
cannot balance a scale
it's just amplified evil
doling out one more fail

Things are only made worse
when you follow that course
why do men still believe
they're immune to this curse

Will man ever learn
or let his soul burn
while anger within him
continues to churn

It's time to wake up
repay evil with kind
your reward is within
as it brings peace of mind

Breaking the circle
preserving our sight
it may not be easy
but well worth the fight
1.1k · Jun 2015
No Longer Estranged
brian mclaughlin Jun 2015
Birds bring me news of an approaching storm
thunder has announced its arrival
the refreshing droplets of liquid life grace the land
an orchestra begins a symphony of life
raindrops upon the roof offer comfort
the sound I hear as nature delivers its song
is like the plucking of the strings of a sanshin
the traditional music of Okinawa now remembered
I am taken back to the time I spent in Naha
I was young then
I had no appreciation for the cherry blossoms
their beauty meant little to me
I had no real understanding of life
nor of the importance of peace of mind
and spirit
now older
my heart is ready to accept the natural order of life
I revel in all that it has to offer
if it is true that we came from dirt
and unto dirt we shall return
then it is not news that I and the Earth are one
it is that we are no longer estranged
1.1k · Aug 2015
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
I once was rude
but then I learned
I got nowhere
with bridges burned

retracing steps
could not be done
the points I made
had reached no one

my intent was right
to help another
but I'd forgotten
each man my brother

to show respect
with all my words
not slay a spirit
as if with swords

to rebuild a bridge
to regain a trust
one thing I've learned
respect is a must
1.1k · Jun 2015
The Individual
brian mclaughlin Jun 2015
The individual
not the sheep
thinks for himself
with no lost sleep

Secure in himself
approval not needed
what an advantage
of a life that's well seeded

To be raised as a person
with a mind of their own
rather than sat in a pile
as just one more stone

for none are the same
all have different needs
and to be the best us
we must have individual seeds
1.1k · Nov 2015
The Seven Seas
brian mclaughlin Nov 2015
The seven seas
the human race
their waters are one
we share the same life giving blood
they have different names
we come in many colors
they are separated by continents
we are separated by religion
these differences
do nothing to change that fact
that they remain one water
and we are one human race
1.0k · Jan 2015
Who Upset the Apple Cart
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
They all stood watching
there in the shadows of the great forest

The lion and impala
looked at each other
concern in their eyes
the hawk and rabbit
viewed each other
their eyes had that same look
the mouse and the elephant
the wolf and the lamb
the mongoose and cobra
even the spider and the fly

All the creatures of the forest
the air and the sea
those of the great Serengeti
all of them



Gathered together to see
what man might do next
to further destroy their homes
1.0k · Jan 2015
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
When love comes along and touches a heart
It's stay there is permanent and will not depart
But if it appears and then leaves on the morrow
Infatuation has come with all of it's sorrow
962 · Oct 2015
The Killing Fields
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
The killing fields
right here at home
are somehow different
from those that we've known
no longer war
on foreign fields
but there's a body count
this new war yields
students and teachers
professors and preachers
murders committed
by horrible creatures
are there no answers
to the question why
these monsters keep killing
causing mothers to cry
life is not ours to take
nor a game that we play
when will this madness end
will there come such a day
a day of beautiful peace
love shared man to man
the tools of killing laid down
would be a wonderful plan
but I know it's a dream
one that can never come true
and that thought and the stress
leaves me ever so blue
949 · Mar 2015
No Justification Needed
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
They spewed words
meant to offend

Their beliefs were not mine

They tried to change me
to make me see through their eyes

They were insecure in their beliefs
and what they needed from me

Was my approval, a justification

The reaction they sought
never materialized

Their anger grew
into a childish tantrum

To be secure means
never having to argue
your beliefs
910 · Feb 2015
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
We've had enough
we want our boys home
there's no need for more dying
on battle fields all alone

These wars stealing lives
and not just of the soldiers
broken hearts of their families
dealing with new burdened shoulders

Dead, disabled
body and spirit
the families cry out ENOUGH
but our leaders don't hear it

Playing their politics
doing so for their profit
the war machine must continue
and reelection first on the docket

They've forgotten the people
the little guy no longer matters
since Citizens United
allowed these politicians new handlers

The ballot belongs to the rich
it's money stuffing the box
and one of these days
we'll find our country on blocks
905 · Oct 2015
Murder For Hire
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
Death and dismemberment
that's what they bring
while songs sung of heroes
are the tunes that we sing

Soldier on soldier
a body count is the score
but it's the folks who build weapons
who are winning the wars

It's all about money
satisfying their greed
the rich filling their storehouse
while they haven't the need

Today's wars they're for profit
of money, of land
and the worlds children keep dying
as we strike up the band

When will we stop
will it ever end
war, ****** for hire
was not meant as a friend
901 · Aug 2015
Broken Crayons
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
Crayons that are broken
still color just fine
injecting their beauty
within the drawn lines
of the book they were given
on the day of their birth
proof beyond measure
that the autistic have worth
yes they may seem quite different
but a problem it's not
so please all we ask
is you give them a shot
886 · Aug 2015
Who Do I Read
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
I was asked the question
“who do I read”
well, there's nobody special
that's not what I need

am I here to seek pointers
no, not at all
the way that I write
it's not been my call

I simply write down
the words that I'm given
then share them with others
you know, the folks who be livin'

so correct if you must
that's if it makes you feel better
punctuation and spelling
right down to the letter

but I won't be changin'
anytime soon
so I hope you don't mind
I'll keep singin' my tune
886 · Jan 2015
Winter Revival - Haiku
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The bear hibernates
The trees rest from feeding leaves
Winter is for rest
875 · Mar 2015
The Days of Limericks
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
The days of limericks
gone with the tide
thought as old fashioned
were they too hard to rhyme
or maybe thought childish
no longer taught in the schools
i hope we're not raising
a generation of fools
even old timers
seem to leave them alone
setting rhyme up with meter
is a skill that they hone
if we'd just write a few
and sharpen our mind
I think a lot of great poetry
is what we would find
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
He sought peace at the beach
the surf was thunderous
though the sea was calm

He looked to the rain forest
the morning mist was light
yet sounded as if he stood under a tin roof during a downpour

The mountain top proved no better
he could feel no breeze
but stayed disturbed by the howling of a winter wind

Wandering the Earth
the peace he searched for
could not be found
giving up his quest
he sat upon a rock
strangely he felt tranquil
851 · Jan 2015
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
The truth is there
it's on their face
the lies they tell
a total disgrace

The powerful
they couldn't care less
they've got theirs
they'll survive this mess

For the little guy
there's no help to be found
his shirt is gone
and he's losing more ground

It seems to me
no-one's counted the cost
we've gotta wake up
before it's all lost
850 · Feb 2015
Boss vs Leader
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
The boss is a pusher
just get it done
while the leader
takes part
and makes the job fun

when pushed
just like cattle
workers stray everywhere
but being led
by a shepherd
the job gets done with great care

you see
being in charge
is more than just having your say
and the respect
you'll receive
is different as night and day

be a boss
be a leader
go ahead take your pick
but you should
be forewarned
the result could make you sick
849 · Jan 2015
Fire and Eyes
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Fire with fire
an eye for an eye
the whole world burns
more men become blind

The earth became charred
man had lost his way
that choice of blindness
brought his last day
849 · Jan 2015
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
We have
some are unreasonable
that go beyond our normal means
setting goals that are unachievable
causing a great disappointment
killing self confidence
ruining what
we have

for lack of obtaining
those things we were not meant to have
things that would only bring disappointment
people need a satisfied heart
why do we choose to live

Of life
becoming hard
why look outside ourselves
the pain comes from wrongful desire
not being satisfied with what we have
wanting things we have no need of
always looking for more
is that the spice
of life

The spice
real happiness
does not come from our toys
yes they bring joy for the moment
but we tire of toys as they become old
yet we still look there for our joy
it is within our hearts
that we will find
the spice

Dive in
the waters fine
like the submariner
we must dive deep into ourselves
if we wish to find true and lasting joy
that which is outside of ourselves
can leave without warning
protect you joy
dive in
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015
******'s a word
that can be used as a sword
and once the pots stirred
our vision is blurred

They say it's so filthy it should never be said
and when it comes out folks go out of their head
said in hate by a white man he could end up dead
but if never discussed we'll not move ahead

Hiding it only gives it more power
a strength that keeps growing with each passing hour
but today our society shrinks back and cowers
with a political correctness that they view as a flower

Hid behind its first letter an N
some cannot even write it not even in pen
but the insult of ****** will ne'er see an end
if it's never discussed by mature adult men

See the racist gets taught when he's really small
by childish men who think they stand tall
harboring prejudice and hate that is always on call
and they practice that bigotry without ever a stall

When will we grow up
will we ever learn
if we keep hiding the issue
we will inevitably burn
832 · Apr 2015
Beware the Budget You Cut
brian mclaughlin Apr 2015
With each budget cut
the homeless have grown
more mental illness on the streets
it's an outcome we should have known

Then the next step
to prisons they're sent
for violations and crimes
never understanding the laws they have bent

Whose fault really is it
when this problem's ignored
the mentally disabled require care
rather than the state cutting the cord
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
Feet, they're wonderful things
to the body a purpose they bring
not very pretty at all
but when you are walking
or even standing and talking
thank them as they don't let you fall

that's right you can't win
they're as ugly as sin
go ahead paint the nails if you must
just be grateful they're there
you're not on your derriere
for your balance in them you can trust
817 · Feb 2016
Who are They
brian mclaughlin Feb 2016
The world is filled with those who would steal your joy
their hearts are cold
all of life, every facet of it
must be completely serious
there is no room for fun in their lives

I first saw them as having cheated themselves out of life
but in truth it is not their fault
it is the bitterness they were raised under
their being kept under anothers thumb their entire lives
that's made them this way

How can we actually blame them
for what they've been taught
for what their parents and schools
have instilled in their minds
they know nothing but the rules that must be followed

To watch another step outside of those rules
to see them live their lives differently
to view others experiencing joy and happiness
only offers them great irritation in their gut
but all they know of jealousy is the definition of the word

You see, definitions are within the rules
feelings are not
feelings and emotions are to them
a weakness
something they have been taught has no place in life

I'm sure that I will be asked who are they
and I will answer an entire colony of meerkats
but if they actually need to ask
if they really want to know
their answer will best be found in a mirror
808 · Aug 2015
Painters and Poets
brian mclaughlin Aug 2015
There's a problem that painters
and poets both have
living life full of feelings
requiring they have a strong salve

for their critics abound
claiming that they know all
providing discouragement
and causing a spirit to fall

these painters and poets
they bring us their art
there's no one way to see it
though an open mind is a start

we must learn to observe
finding what's there for us
instead of going off half cocked
and causing a fuss

a critique is opinion
we're all entitled to one
but to critique to be mean
ruins everyone's fun
793 · Jul 2015
brian mclaughlin Jul 2015

A terrible time for our country
The fear of what was called
the domino effect
Communism would be at our doorstep
if we did not stop the North Vietnamese

It was our own freedom
we were told that hung in the balance

We sent our young men
they fought
many died
others crippled and those who were fortunate enough
to simply make home
became the victims of a nation
that showed no support for the soldier

But the war was not about our freedom

It was about fear

Fear that traveled throughout our government
that we could be next

Of course history now shows
that was not the intent of the North
all they wanted was their country reunified

Our boys came home
the nation turned its back on them
many today still live in the streets
as do present day returnees from the middle east wars

It was the Vietnam veteran
who vowed
never to let another vet go unappreciated

The people have learned
but sadly
the government hasn't

The fear they have now
is the loss of profits
they continue to send
other peoples children
off to war that for these youg men
and now women
holds death and dismemberment
without giving those fortunate enough to return home
proper care and support

Today is so different from yesterday

the people spat upon the returning soldier

it is the spittle of the government that they wear
787 · Jun 2015
Needless Worry
brian mclaughlin Jun 2015
I'm worried, oh dear
now what will I do
my neighbor lost his house
next week it might be mine too

But I've paid all my bills
while he never paid his
but they could still come
my mind's all a friz

They could take it for taxes
but I know I paid those
yet here I sit and still worry
did my house properly close

Could it be that the realtor
had no right to sell
does it make my house stolen
am I going to hell

Why does this happen
I know I've done this before
worrying myself sick
of problems not at my door

I've got my own problems
and now they're ten fold
as I needlessly worry
over things I have no control
786 · Dec 2014
Challenged to a Rap
brian mclaughlin Dec 2014
I been challenged to a rap
but it just ain't gonna hap
that's a form that I don't tap
makin' me feel like I'm a sap

This I tell you so you's knowin'
that I don't think I'll be goin'
to that place of an *** mowin'
while my life season now is snowin'

That's right I'm getting' kinda old
to be writin' **** so bold
so even if my rhymin's gold
yeah I think this hand I'll fold

You can take that to da bank
776 · Mar 2015
A Horse With No Name
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
We've entered the desert
the horse has a name
we rode it to war
the day terrorists came
killing so many innocents
and today it's the same
because of that day 9/11

The lives lost
the mounting cost
how many did fall
who answered the call
to fight in a war
that can't even a score
delivered that day 9/11

For in the desert
our children still dying
families at home
left behind crying
so many because
of government lying
concerning that day 9/11

And the war still goes on
the region out of control
how many more
will we need to console
have we even considered
what will be the toll
of the horse we call 9/11
brian mclaughlin Oct 2015
The inadvertent excavation left a hole
it seemed large enough to swallow the world
people said not to worry
it can be filled in again later

with the loss of a child
later never comes
756 · Feb 2015
It's Gone On Way Too Long
brian mclaughlin Feb 2015
when will they end
they're killing our men
the wars in the east
have gone on way too long

they just keep sending our boys
treating them like plastic toys
while they sit back and profit
that's wrong

the dead and the dying
the maimed none of them lying
they're just numbers
in the countries archives

what's the hell's wrong with our leaders
it seems they've become bottom feeders
feeding their glutinous appetites
while the have-nots pay with their lives
744 · Mar 2016
Old Age
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
Old age
a state of mind
when to that which is new
a man becomes blind
a body may age
but one thing I find
if you're still young at heart
your life's really shined
713 · Mar 2015
Ogden Nash a limerick
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
What we know as a limerick were truly his swan
And over the poet we often did fawn
They were wrote in a flash
By the great Ogden Nash
But it seemed when he died they were gone
693 · Jan 2016
brian mclaughlin Jan 2016
The cloud entered
along with it rain
a time full of trouble
filled with sorrow and pain.

Heartache and tears
filling my days
stealing my joy
in so many ways.

The days became long
as if with no ends
it was an awful aloneness
as if without friends.

But true friends did exist
helping me make each tomorrow
till that cloud did move on
and ease this deep sorrow.

Well the new day brought hope
as the son warmed my soul
my heart finally was healed
and once again I felt whole.
689 · Mar 2015
More Than Evil
brian mclaughlin Mar 2015
These wars my friends
have gone on way too long
the deaths of the innocents
are so totally wrong

they call it collateral damage
there's no winner in war
and accepting those deaths
not just evil, much more
674 · Jan 2015
Will We Ever Know Peace
brian mclaughlin Jan 2015
Will we ever know peace
will we wait till too late
how many will be left
will man wait
until he has no neighbor
a world of loneliness
only brings horrid memories
of the devastation of wars
brought on by greed
of political power
and religious zealotry
I pray man gives himself a chance
to awaken to the reality
that we must share this planet
in harmony and peace.
671 · Apr 2016
The Lie
brian mclaughlin Apr 2016
Young men dead and dismembered
for control of oil fields
the lie of Iraq

More youth dead and disabled
protecting the poppy fields
the lie of Afghanistan

We are sacrificing our soldiers
to ensure the freedom of their people
the lie of the nation
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