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Aug 2011 · 941
Early Grave unfinished
You say the rate i'm going
I'll be laying in an early grave
But to bed and left to rest
with no accomplishments to my name
You say i better learn from my mistakes
It's now or never to behave
My mind is breaking
My insecurities are looming
Bringing me down way lower then i already am
A ****** ****** loser
Generation Why
A ******* child of Nixon's drunks
Born without talents or interests passed down upon
INternet and social networking the hell with it

The needle tears a hole
And the hole never heals
Because its always always scratched
Never given time to let the wound scab
And now their are scars on my arms
Like tracks on the farm

My mother she once said you better learn it right
Or the bad habits you'll take to your grave
I went away to rehab
and now i'm still not right
Your stare is now
Sending a surge down my spine
And beginning to
Render me motionless
You were gone
Many minutes, more hours and greater days ago

In the dead garden you frolic,
Atop the  pale white horse
Looking nothing but a corpse dressed in gown

A devil in a sunday hat
you sneak into our lives
Advancing behind our eyes
Sitting straight framed in our minds

You don't hear our shouts
Staring blankly as we pout
You left this world early
And it was your fault entirely
Your dead eyes show you've given up living
But that doesn't mean that your haunt our dreams daily
Jul 2011 · 721
Dear Mother’s gone off to see her psychiatrist
The one that’s bat **** crazy took a trip to the ****** bin
To get his degree in Psychology
Well you know I hope she pays off that shrink
Because she won’t be able to bear hearing
That I’m the source of her problems
Learning to engage with the audience
Is always the first step to understanding
How to make money in this music industry
So I better stop biting my nails
And introduce my band
Before I faint from hyperventilating
Just enjoy the fact that you’re playing such
A nice debut venue
With a crowd so vibrant
Because honest to God if the crowd wasn’t drunk
I’m sure they wouldn’t dance to this ******* at all
Police sirens sound as it races on by
Trying to catch crooks and thief’s
Burgling at night
But the kids are fast today
Especially when the box
Of donuts rests on the knees
Disrupting their speed
When they jump out
Trying to catch those crooks and thieves
While attempting to maneuver
The steering wheel
As the shrink stares passively
Spacing out in her head
As her patient begins to vent
Theirs venom in the words
That she spits out so viciously
I hope the psychiatrist doesn’t help
Her to reveal that I am the source
Of her problems
I hope she pays off that that dreadful shrink
She wouldn’t be able to bear hearing
That I’m the source of
Her problems
My mother’s gone to the local quack
To help analyze the problems of her past
Reminisce when the kids weren’t brats
And there were flowers in the grass
Everything was rosy
Well you know I hope she pays off that shrink
Because she won’t be able to bear
Hearing that I’m the source of her problems
Go ahead and try and take advantage
Of the situation that you’ve created
You’ve got an unhappy customer on your hands
A mad *******
That’s so impatient
Demanding his previous payment
No empty threats or bluffs
Just concrete threats,
That will be kept
And Carried out
If I don’t get the real deal
Or my previous payment
Tire slashes in your wheels
Heinous phone calls
Broken windows,
Mark your peril,
It’s only the beginning
It’ll only get worse,
If you keep me waiting,
You haven’t heard the last,
Perils and danger
Mark you every step
Go ahead and try and take advantage
Of the situation that you’ve created
You’ve got an unhappy customer on your hands
That’s so impatient
Demanding his previous payment
You better watch your back
And realize that this is a result
Of you attempting to take control
Of the situation you created
You got a crazy mad ******* on your hands
Demanding his previous payment
No empty bluffs all concrete threats
That will be kept
If I don’t receive the real deal or my previous payment
Jul 2011 · 1.5k
Stand alone
Someone take this crutch out from under me,
Iv been leaning on your support
For too long,
For too long
I rely on you for everything
Get up get out
Reach Out,
Learn more about the world
Around you,

Just Get up Get out
Reach Out,
Learn more about
The world
Around you,

The smell of new perfume
And the pile of receipts
A realization that
Mother has bought herself
Some new treats
Father has gone in the garage
To smoke his secret stash

Won’t you get out?
Find a job
Reach out
And mature more
Learn more about the world
Around You
Can’t you act your age
Stop complaining
About your world
When others are suffering around you
Someone take this crutch out from under me,
Iv been leaning on your support
For too long,
I rely on you for everything
Fortunate enough
To live in a town
So socially stunted
Unlike the City
Where people mature quickly
This town is white and wealthy
Showing no signs of diversity
Taking everything for granted,
Won’t youGet up, Get out Reach Out
Leave town,
Learn, more about the world Around You
Up until this point
I’ve relied on you for everything
I saw you standing there
As you were staring straight at me
You mustn’t have heard me calling
Because you carried on walking
As if you hadn’t heard a thing
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep blue sea
I am desperately trying to find someone to save me
From my dull reality
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep blue sea

I Don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I’m not here to hold your hand and
Whisper sweet nothings in your ear
The ****** fantasies flickered through my mind!
As you stood there unaware
Of the fire’s you were kindling up
Girl won’t you let me fan your flames!
Ohh fan your flames! Cmon!

Opportunity came a knockin for a few swift moments
Only for father time to whisk that chance away
Ohh Where have you gone?
I’ve been searching for so long
So SO long
Like an island on the verge of crumbling
Into the deep sea
I am desperately trying to find someone to save me
From my dull reality
Don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I don’t just want to hold your hand
I saw you walking over there
I’m no geographer but I know my basic geography
The world ain’t flat
So by walking down there
You should be coming back
My way sometime soon
I meant to tell you all my thoughts and feelings
But I swallowed them up in the boldness
That is my pride
Hands so clammy
I choked on my words
Forming incoherent blabber
I want to be more then friends
Please disregard what those scousers told you
I don’t want to come across as ***** or rude
But I don’t just want to hold your hand
Let me take hold of this opportunity
I don’t want to spurn this chance to say
My hormones are about to implode
And I must confess
I don’t just want hold your hand tonight
Jul 2011 · 913
Hall of Distorting Mirrors
A hall of distorted mirrors is what I gaze into
When I try to sort out my problems
A reflection that rings perceivably clean and clear
But theirs something I’m just not getting
The wishing well is all but dried up and theirs no hope left

With muscles taught its difficult to read her emotions
But her mind is made up and the statement is made
Like a weight lifting the pressure from her chest and shoulders
She will not retract her statement towards me
She just doesn’t want to see my face around this neighborhood anymore
And I’m gazing into hall of distorted mirrors
I can’t seem to realize what is happening
I think I’ve thrown these pebbles
Against her windowsill for long enough
And now their dents have become cracks
While the dogs bark into the moon
And the neighbors they turn on their lights
I should really realize when no means no
Thorns could pierce above my beloved head
Like Jesus and his suffering I’ve endured pain for long enough
No longer want the pain of your suffering
To dampen and worsen the already depressing sadness
Of my current mood
She just doesn’t want to see my face around this neighborhood anymore
No second chances or opportunities lurk around the corner
And I’m gazing into a hall of greatly distorted mirrors
Unable to pinpoint where my problems are
Wait any longer and she’ll call the cops
Or worse her older brother
To teach me a lesson
When she says she doesn’t want to see my
Around this neighborhood anymore

— The End —