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Brian Clampet Dec 2010
I know winter has
The nights
are now
frigid silent
As if the very
compressed soundwaves.

As if the very
cold that crept through to
my marrow,
by however many layers I was wearing
(it was two),
laughing and biting my nose,
burning my
throat and lungs with
each breath,
could actually
block out the noise!

As if the very
ice in the air had
magnified the moonlight
wiped away the
fog and smog
pollution and dust.
Cold Air Filtration.

...And that's why, with
weather cold enough,
from high enough,
looking hard enough
mortals may see the light
will probably
Brian Clampet Dec 2010
See, You and Me
exsisted on the same plane
but in two different worlds
something like a million miles apart

And I spent
trying to bridge the gap
but when I'd laid my last brick
and couldn't even lift my arms,
there was no one to meet me at
the halfway point.

And maybe hindsight is 20/20
but I know my eyes
were good enough the first time around
I caught everything. but
in an attempt to keep the peace,
to keep the wheels greased,
I drop ball after ball.
Until the floor was
so littered with marbles
I couldn't help but fall.

The crash awoke demons
even I hadn't met
Now they spend their days
lazily tugging at my thoughts
And their nights chasing sleep away

So when I say I'm tired
it goes well beyond
your god could
Because I carry 3 crosses
on each shoulder,
and I've wandered this desert a lot longer than
Mr. Heston

But you couldn't see any of that.
So I grabbed a torch and
made my way to the end
of my architecture,
only to remember:
There isn' even
a bridge to burn!

So I ate the flame
and extinguished my inner light.
Now I only shine at night
reflecting the moon
flowing like the tide.
Brian Clampet Dec 2010
...and when I looked inside myself
searching for a reason to live,
I met a tall child.

...and when I asked
his name?
He responded in rhythmic patterns
I had never heard
With elocution that left me standing
shocked and breathless
in the vacuum his
vocal inflections
had created.

...and he told me:
"All we know
we learned from Jun Fan,
like a finger pointing
a way to the moon. But
the stiff palm no longer
falls upon us,
we have learned
the methods of aversion
but what else have we learned?"

...and in the instance
of hesitation
the eternity in
the second I spent
searching for the words,
He vanished.

I shouted into the light
after him:
We have learned
to fall in love.
We have learned
to open our steel breastplate
and entrust our fragility
to another. and
We have been cut to bits for it
We have learned to heal
to gather
the pieces of ourselves
thrown to the floor by
those we cared for most
sewn together with twine
staind by the
red of our essence

A mark for all to see,
I Am
Scarred but not broken
Standing until the end
Brian Clampet Dec 2010
She is Divine
The kind of Divine
That inspires rhyme
Thoughts of her massage my mind
She is mine?
She is Divine
Brian Clampet Dec 2010
It's nights like these
that make me wish my hands were bigger.
These life-lines aren't long enough
to recite all these lines of life
that'll be running through my mind
even after time stops.
There aren't enough trees to cut down
for all the pages I need to pen these
soliloquies and sonnets.
No, I didn't ride in
on Haley's Comet
but the plan is to still go out in a blaze of glory.
And why do my friends
seem to only hear "Blaze" in that?
Hallucinogenics and Narcotics
Psychedelics and Hydroponics
These are our four fathers.
Oh but by all means
"Try the tonic"
Watch the ***** infect your seeds'
Pipe dreams!!
And so they gleam
sipping moonshine
And whisper shadows of yesterday
Onto memories of tomorrow
While you try and find the rhyme.
Brian Clampet Dec 2010
Shout at the glass doors!
Shatter them in their perfect frames
Grind bones to dust with your voice

Gather the sand in ziploc bags
Proposition the black hole souls of school children
Who smoke tailpipes in the night

Shine the light for those who are blinded

Minds melted by magnified microwaves
Bodies controlled by the corporate implants
Little colored pills whisper commanding sweet nothings in ears

Hearts hang heavy with deep-fried dreams
Lungs crack, blackened with street tar rolled in tire rubber
Muscles wither in front of the mind-numbing Tel-Lie-Vision

Eyes milky, cloudy, blinded by federally funded sludge
Distributed, rained onto the people; the end all, cure all
Shrouding sight so the frightful seems pleasant

So I write visions on pages they'll never read
Burn them alive
and send smoke signals they'll never see
but will always be able to smell

— The End —